The Game Changers Comments

  • Tristin 2022-12-27 12:29:02

    Wow not shocked. Now that I think about my good body, good energy, and good function in the past two years, it may be because I was basically a vegetarian in the school cafeteria. I have always attributed it to low and refined carbohydrates and exercise. Thinking about it now is not...

  • Eliezer 2022-12-17 15:36:49

    A bit too marketing brainwashed only to see the benefits of vegetarian food but I agree that the earth pollution and animal husbandry does contribute a lot to human beings should reduce the amount of...

  • Lenna 2022-12-12 05:04:08

    Not the person who eats Amway and most admires going out and running this week. Everything else is fine....

  • Clark 2022-12-10 05:25:35

    Yazi, which sounds very reasonable, has been too cloudy recently, so I decided to give it a try~ (but the whole MLM is too heavy in form...

  • Crystel 2022-12-03 20:07:52

    Patrik Baboumian is the strongest vegetarian man on the surface~ Nimai Delgado is handsome and sexy~ Tennessee Titans linebacker player Derrick Morgan is also very good~ For recipes and other resources please visit:...

  • Christopher 2022-11-24 17:44:34

    Eating vegetarian food is not opposite to eating meat. The human body is a very complex system. Humans have been omnivores since ancient times. Therefore, we should neither reject pure meat nor try pure vegetarianism. You can choose how much to eat according to your own physical condition, so as to achieve the best ratio, instead of blindly...

  • Lucinda 2022-11-23 06:53:10

    I clearly feel their promiscuity and a bit of the pretence of documentaries, but I am still moved by their intentions. Although not a vegan, but from personal experience, it would be really refreshing to have a good meal of plant based, and the body knows...

  • Rodger 2022-11-19 19:17:54

    The Youku homepage was launched. After reading it, it was very convincing. After reading it, I could not wait to start vegetarian food immediately. Schwarzenegger's transition from meat to vegetarianism, the comparison of sexual function of three college students after eating meat, the choice of ancient Roman gladiators, cholesterol and blood sugar testing, etc., are all very convincing. But considering that the film's blow to the meat-eating business giants may also be sponsored by the...

  • Deon 2022-11-17 22:58:28

    Shocked and changed my eating...

  • River 2022-10-31 15:52:31

    Muyuan will cry when he sees it, Zhengbang will be silent when he sees...

Extended Reading
  • Lela 2022-08-14 20:30:24

    Not very convincing...

    This documentary only wants to talk about one thing from beginning to end: learn to be a vegetarian, stupid human beings! I spent a lot of space demonstrating the benefits of being a vegetarian and the disadvantages of eating meat.

    In terms of structure, this argument consists of three parts:...

  • Rowan 2022-08-14 22:53:48

    Approaching pseudoscience

    After watching "The Game Changers", it was really messy, let's approach pseudoscience together...

    An injured fighter performed a dietary study during the recovery process and found that eating vegan is great. Then he ate for two months. Before his injury, his record of rope exercise was 8 minutes,...

The Game Changers quotes

  • Patrik Baboumian: It's not about being the strongest and the biggest. It's really about 'what are you going to do with your strength?' and 'what are you going to do with the power that you have?'

  • Damien Mander: This whole thing that you need meat to get protein is bullshit. I mean look at a gorilla, a gorilla will fuck you up in two seconds. What does a gorilla eat?

The Game Changers

Director: Louie Psihoyos

Language: English Release date: September 16, 2019