The Day of the Doctor Comments

  • Agustina 2023-05-18 17:12:56

    I've been saving DW for a while without looking at the results, and I've left it to decompress + heal before the exam -...

  • Garrick 2023-01-23 01:28:46

    There are too many slots, can you stand it with three doctors acting cute together? ! From laughing to scum at the beginning, it slowly changed to crying at the back. When the eleven doctors appeared at the same time, I couldn't help crying out loud! It's great, thank you to each of you, it's an honor for us to be able to see this fantastic scene, and it's my honor to catch up on the 50th anniversary. Thank you Magic for making Doctor not alone, at least we know. thank you all. We will meet...

  • Demarcus 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Little 11 shook hands with 4th master, when DT said don't want to go, even the ninth uncle appeared with everyone in the end~~~ I have to live another 50...

  • Spencer 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    I don't know the plot, but I...

  • Vincent 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Doctor's past and present. ....

  • Jamir 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    True love, I give six...

  • Leopold 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Watching it on iPlayer, I was very smart and didn't go to the cinema, and now I regret it....

  • Aaliyah 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    To be honest, the plot is a bit convoluted, but seeing the three doctors preparing to press the red button together and the plot of all the 13 characters appearing after that, I was so moved that I wanted to swear %>_<%, then sauce...

  • Horacio 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Once again I saw DTT put on a long trench coat and picked up a sonic screwdriver and ran into tears. Even after almost the entire 11 era, I still feel that only DTT is the only doctor...

  • Fern 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Filled in some holes, detoured some timelines, and jumped some spaces. Annual Super 5 Star Science Fiction...

Extended Reading
  • Loyce 2022-04-03 08:01:01

    Save the Day!

    This comment should be regarded as my own muttering for the first time after watching the movie. There are too many slots to list, and there are many that may not be found. I only say what I like here, and the order is also messed up.
    Then this 50th anniversary special edition is really only...

  • Carmela 2022-04-03 08:01:01

    If you haven't seen the 7-8 seasons, then don't watch this movie.

    In 2013, the sci-fi film " The Day of the Doctor | The Day Of The Doctor "

The Day of the Doctor quotes

  • Clara: Someday you could just walk past a fez.

    Eleventh Doctor: Never gonna happen.

  • The Moment: Go on, ask them. Ask them what you need to know.

    War Doctor: Did you ever count?

    Eleventh Doctor: Count what?

    War Doctor: How many children there were on Gallifrey that day.

    Eleventh Doctor: [pause] I've absolutely no idea.

    War Doctor: How old are you now?

    Eleventh Doctor: Uh, I dunno. I lose track. 1200 and something, I think, unless I'm lying. I can't remember if I'm lying about my age, that's how old I am.

    War Doctor: Four hundred years older than me, and in all that time you never even wondered how many there were? Never once counted?

    Eleventh Doctor: Tell me: What would be the point?

    Tenth Doctor: [enraged at the 11th Doctor] 2.47 billion!

    War Doctor: You did count!

    Tenth Doctor: [to the 11th Doctor] You forgot! Four hundred years, is that all it takes?

    Eleventh Doctor: I moved on!

    Tenth Doctor: Where? Where can you be now that you could forget something like that?

    Eleventh Doctor: Spoilers.

    Tenth Doctor: No, no no no, for once, I would like to know where I'm going.

    Eleventh Doctor: No, you really wouldn't!

    War Doctor: I don't know who you are. Either of you. I haven't got the faintest idea.

    The Moment: They're you. They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey. A man who regrets. And the man who forgets. The Moment is coming. The Moment is me. You have to decide.