

  • Director: Nancy Savoca
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: October 4, 1991
  • Runtime: 1 hour 34 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Vadet
  • "Dogfight" is a comedy film directed by Nancy Savoca and starring River Phoenix and Lily Taylor.
    The film tells the story of soldier Eddie and the "ugliest girl" waiter Rose.


    • Release date October 4, 1991
    • Filming locations Nitelite Lounge - 1920 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington, USA
    • Production companies Warner Bros.

    Box office

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 11 ) Add reviews

    • By Erwin 2022-12-31 12:04:53

      meet in good times

      The soldier who is about to go to the front line meets a girl who loves to sing in the cafe. Eddie, who doesn't know if he will die on the battlefield tomorrow, treats the last night before departure as a hunting night to pick up girls and indulge in carnivals. Ross, full of novelty, wants to break free from the constraints of traditional family life and his mother's teaching, and is eager to try. So, when the truth came out, the date went terribly bad and broke up. Rose...

    • By Burley 2022-12-15 07:35:06

      baskets of spring

      The rules of "dog bites dog" couldn't be simpler: fifty dollars per person, and the winner brings the ugliest girl.

      In 1990, independent film director Nancy Savoca recruited 19-year-old River Phoenix and 23-year-old Lili Taylor to complete a tender anti-war film with her.

      The story takes place in San Francisco in the 1960s. Four Marines (Richard Panebianco as Berzine; Mitchell Whitfield as Benjamin; Anthony Clark as Orchi; River Phoenix as Eddie) are about to leave...

    • By Carli 2022-12-11 07:00:06

      small flat headed him

      After I got all the movies on River, I started to pick the ones I wanted to watch first. Coincidentally, I picked the Soviet-American Spy War, Mosquito Coast and Unlimited Wanted, all of which have similar characters and styles. I don't think there is much room for him to play. Part of the reason why the director chose him to play this series of similar scenes is probably related to River's family background. He follows his parents all the year round. So the directors will always have this...

    • By Lina 2022-12-03 12:50:10

      The years of their bullshit

    • By Wayne 2022-10-22 00:30:35

      cute bird legs

      If you read the first half, you will mistakenly think it is a love story between a sweet soldier and a good girl. With the support of the lovely Xiaohe and the heroine, the two people's rebellious adventure in a high-end hotel and a dream of spring night are very charming. But it's a Vietnam War movie, so it doesn't stop there.


    User comments

      ( 23 ) Add comments

    • By Antonina 2023-09-15 06:22:01

      This should be the best movie I've seen this year. It seems to tell the story with a serious face, but it will amuse you from time to time. It's not a prince and a princess, it's not a bitch and a dog, it's just diaosi. Boys and unremarkable girls, they met and met, dated and played. It was an unexpected story, but it was very moving. We are all so ordinary, but we often can't accept our ordinary, so we are used to pretending to be picky about others. Why can't I let go of my self-deceiving...

    • By Sam 2023-09-05 06:13:59

      Some really out-fucking-standing...

    • By Mckenna 2023-08-09 23:38:03

      Not exaggerated, not false, I give full marks to this love, and the sense of substitution given to me by the heroine's character is really strong. *Lily's voice is so nice. **River...can't help but love him...***The tentative kiss at the musical instrument is so expressive, comparable to Ai's dodging eyes in the video store in the first...

    • By Devon 2023-06-24 07:59:37

      Nice story, nice...

    • By Alysha 2023-04-24 04:05:55

      After River said goodbye to the girl, he walked alone on the deserted street and drifted further away. (dogfight is a match like a fool's...

    Movie plot

    In order to win the prize of the "Ugliest Girl Contest", soldier Eddie (River Phoenix) finds the waiter Rose (Lili Taylor), whom he met at a restaurant by chance, to tell him what he is about to experience. , Rose knew nothing. In the end, not only did Eddie fail to get the bonus, but Rose also left angrily because of everyone's ridicule and exclusion.
    Eddie, whose conscience is condemned, finds Rose, and the two reunite after an...
    more about Dogfight Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Eddie Birdlace: Why do we bullshit each other like this?

      Berzin: Are you kidding me? Look, I bullshit you, you bullshit me. We take our bullshit from the military, who takes their bullshit from President Kennedy, who takes bullshit from everyone else. And that's what makes us Americans, Birdlace.

    • Eddie Birdlace: Where's our FUCKING drinks?

      Rose: You boys sure like to swear.

      Eddie Birdlace: No, we just like to drink.

    • Rose: [after learning the marines are shipping out] Where are you going?

      Eddie Birdlace: Okinawa. But I'm aiming for this other place. It's a little country near India called Vietnam.

      Rose: Yeah, I think I read about it. Aren't they fighting there or something?

      Eddie Birdlace: No, not really. We'll just be there as advisors to teach them how to take care of the Commies.

      Rose: That could be dangerous.

      Eddie Birdlace: Nah. We'll kick a little ass, take a few names. Be back in a couple of months.