Fight Club

Fight Club

  • Director: David Fincher
  • Writer: Chuck Palahniuk,Jim Uhls
  • Countries of origin: Germany, United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: October 15, 1999
  • Runtime: 2h 19min
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital, DTS, SDDS
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Sàn Đấu Sinh Tử
  • "Fight Club" is a suspense thriller released by 20th Century Fox Film Company in 1999. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Charles Michael Palahniuk , directed by Davey, Finch, starring Brad Pitt , Edward Harrison Norton , Helena Bonham Carter, etc. .
    The film tells the story of Taylor, who lives in a distressed life, forms a "Fight Club" with his friend Jack in order to find excitement, where they can vent all unpleasant emotions and get a moment of pleasure through free fighting   .


    • Release date October 15, 1999
    • Filming locations 240 North Neptune Avenue, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Production companies Fox 2000 Pictures, New Regency Productions, Linson Films

    Box office


    $63,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 100 ) Add reviews

    • By Santino 2022-06-28 22:31:47

      Fight Club--Abandoning all hope is freedom

      Fight Club

      Abandoning all hope is freedom. Freedom comes from confidence, and confidence comes from self-discipline.

      So far, among the nearly 1,000 movies I've watched, I'm the only one who can memorize most of the lines and the details of the movie. There is only "Fight...

    • By Dusty 2022-04-23 07:01:01

      Abandon everything to be free

      A few days ago, many friends have been recommending this movie, "Fight club" (Fight club), last night I finally got my wish and finished watching it. This is one of the most shocking films of the year so far for me, with the theme of self-destruction and self-growth.

      The story is great. It tells the story of a young office worker who grows into the leader of an underground organization whose name is Fight Club. When the organization was first established, there were only two people,...

    • By Britney 2022-04-23 07:01:01

      You are not free because you do not give up

      Watched it again after so many years. The feeling of not being free is stronger. . . Your clothes don't represent you, the house you live in doesn't represent you, the car you drive doesn't represent you, and your job doesn't represent you. . . Matter does not represent you. . But these things I have always believed in have drifted away from me. . I am represented by matter. . . then. . The more unfree we feel, the less we can give up everything. . .
      Tofu often said that he believed that...

    • By Frank 2022-04-23 07:01:01

      Happiness may be shallow, but it is the only thing that matters in a fulfilling life

      It turns out that movies can be so highly smooth, that movies can be so cruel and surly, that movies can be so calm, that movies can be so thorough and free. After watching the movie, I feel that this year's Oscar films are unwatchable, the delicacy and division of "Black Swan", the level and philosophy of "Inception", the reflection and dullness of "Autism", the darkness in "Winter's Bones" And depression and so on and so forth, a Fight Club has it all.
      The meaning expressed in fight club...

    • By Kareem 2022-04-23 07:01:01

      Something more about Fight Club

      This short article is about Fukuyama's "The End of History and the Last Man", and it is recommended to read the last part of the book: "The Last Historical Man".

      The concept mentioned by Fukuyama is the "first person" in history, that is, the person who fought the battle of spirit for the "desire of superiority". This battle of spirit has nothing to do with the issue of food and clothing.
      When the first man in history disappears, so does the "desire for superiority"; that is, the...

    User comments

      ( 78 ) Add comments

    • By Kay 2023-09-10 15:55:13

      We live in this world, whether we consume material or be consumed by material, whether we live according to social norms or live according to ourselves. Everyone has a Taylor in their hearts. want to watch it many...

    • By Ellen 2023-07-14 19:47:01

      Happy Birthday. Fight Club has become a franchise. "I am Jack's Missing Sense of...

    • By Reynold 2023-07-01 18:40:22

      There's an innate neuroticism in Edward Norton's performance that makes the whole film wonderful. This kind of mental madness and entanglement makes people feel resonant. Many things and ideas have always been contradictory. No matter how "real" you are, you may still live in your present world like a butterfly. Most touching sentence: You've got to give up all the hopes to get...

    • By Katrine 2023-06-26 11:40:32

      If I hadn't stumbled across Pete and Helena, this movie would have been sitting on my hard drive for the rest of my life. But fortunately, I watched him tonight, the gloomy first half of the evening, so I didn't miss this good film. Norton's interpretation could not have been more appropriate. However, the transition of the protagonist from good to crazy is not very...

    • By Levi 2023-06-18 06:02:35

      Pete is so handsome in...

    Movie plot

    Jack is a clerk of a big automobile company and a man full of middle-aged crisis consciousness. He hates his life and everything around him very much. In addition, he suffers from severe insomnia, so he has a whim to treat himself. , Decided to participate in the group consultation meeting. Jack first participated in a mutual comfort group for terminally ill patients. He came into contact with a group composed entirely of people...
    more about Fight Club Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    Director David Fincher shot more than 1,500 rolls of film for the film, more than three times the normal number.
    Brad Pitt’s role was originally intended to read a real homemade explosives recipe. Out of consideration for public safety, the filmmaker replaced this recipe with a fictitious and unusable recipe.
    Although Edward Norton refused to smoke in the 1998 movie "The King of Gambling", he did indeed smoke in this....
    more about Fight Club Behind the scenes gags

    Unique film narrative

    The story of "Fight Club" is not necessarily better than "Mind Game" and "Rejuvenation", but David Fincher turned the preaching hidden in the movie into a naked rebellion, especially the protagonist of the movie has a typical personality split. This makes the film seem to be shooting at social issues on the one hand, and probing into the individual's heart on the other, as if it suddenly rises up on the spiritual level ( Song Taoping...
    more about Fight Club Unique film narrative

    Has a social warning effect

    "Fight Club" is a sports film style movie. The exciting storyline and powerful social warning are comparable to the 90s movie "A Clockwork Orange". "Fight Club" is not only very impressive, but also aroused people's thinking. Unlike many horror films, it leaves a lot of questions for the audience to think about and argue. The thought-provoking, multi-layered stories shown in Fight Club provide people with enough material for...
    more about Fight Club Has a social warning effect

    Movie quotes

    • Narrator: [1:55:55] Deja vu - all over again.

    • Tyler Durden: I'll bring us through this. As always. I'll carry you - kicking and screaming - and in the end you'll thank me.

    • Narrator: He was full of pep. Must've had his grande-latte enema.