Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels

  • Director: Charles Sturridge
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom, United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: February 4, 1996
  • Runtime: 3 hours 6 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3
  • Also known as: Мандри Ґулівера
  • Gulliver's Travels is an adventure miniseries directed by Charles Stritch, starring Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. 
    The film is adapted from the British writer Swift's novel of the same name, and tells the adventures of Gulliver in Lilliput, Adult, Flying Island and Horse Country.


    • Release date February 4, 1996
    • Filming locations Monserrate Palace, Sintra, Portugal
    • Production companies Hallmark Entertainment, Channel 4 Television Corporation, Jim Henson Productions

    Movie reviews

     ( 6 ) Add reviews

    • By Jaylen 2022-09-03 11:04:45

      96 version. It's the best I've seen

      In those days, I watched it when it was on TV, and I just borrowed the original book to read it. Under the guidance of one of my university liberal arts textbooks [Appreciation of World Famous Books] (it seems to be the name), it left me with a lot of Deep impression and thinking. This is one of the most important books in my life. This version can be said to be a new
      Gulliver's Travels. Some new perspectives of modern times are added to the film.
      It is this great book Satirical...

    • By Liam 2022-07-08 23:55:48

      good story, bad shot

      Gulliver's Travels is a good novel. In those days (early 18th century), British novelists liked to tell their stories as real as possible, but many of them were fictional, imaginative fantasy stories - for example, the famous Robinson Crusoe This is the case with Gulliver's Travels.

      "Gulliver's Travels" uses a linear plot evolution, through the tone of Gulliver's personal narration, to tell the book in the first person, which makes it look like a fairy...

    • By Ron 2022-07-08 20:58:50

      Gulliver's Travels, film review

      The film remake of "Gulliver's Travels" is Swift's masterpiece, an excellent children's book, which tells the story of Gulliver's experiences in four countries full of fantasy features. Gulliver's Travels began to tell about his adventures in Lilliput and Adults. Gulliver encountered a big storm after going out to sea, and when he was looking for fresh water, he stumbled into the kingdom of adults. The sharp and hard wheat awns, the giants like church spires, and the straws as thick as...

    • By Roger 2022-07-08 20:56:41

      Entering a strange city to meet strangers

      Entering an unfamiliar city to meet strangers
                           - a true warrior who dares to face the unfamiliar self
      "Read ten thousand volumes of books, travel ten thousand miles, and read ten thousand discs." Taiwan advertiser Li Xinpin's book "Fourteen Life Creativity Lessons" "The adapted sentence in the preface is an old saying that every scholar would recite sourly, with a bit of seriousness and a bit of ridicule. The world allows us to look forward to our own life with...

    • By Chris 2022-07-08 20:04:26

      Drunk life dream death ask life

                                                   Drunken Life and Dreams Ask Life
      This movie has been looked forward to for a long time, because it is derived from a world famous book, and "Gulliver's Travels" itself is a profound and critically sharp masterpiece. What would it be like to make a movie?
      I thought it was very good, and I showed it to the students. But looking at the comments, I don't think it's particularly good. I feel that the picture is rather dark, some scenes...

    User comments

      ( 26 ) Add comments

    • By Brennan 2023-09-09 18:05:46

      When I was a kid, I watched it at the Zhengda Theater and I will always remember the father who was ridiculed by everyone at the end. He insisted on telling his absurd story. Little finger big...

    • By Rosario 2023-08-30 23:11:22

      The "Gulliver's Travels" that we remembered when we were young is full of fantasy; but this one is hard to be happy. The main line of the film is the psychiatric trial of John Gielgud. No one believed all of his knowledge. Originally, he only needed to say that everything he said was non-existent and fabricated to avoid prison. He has to stand by himself. Fortunately, his son finally found the miniature...

    • By Rico 2023-08-07 00:56:27

      Let it go at the Zhengda Theater, divided into two...

    • By Shanie 2023-08-04 23:26:13

      KST looks very fairy...

    • By Alexys 2023-07-31 16:06:56

      I watched it when I was a kid, and I remember him running to an island, a country where horses are kings and people are...

    Movie plot

    Gulliver (Ted Danson) was caught in a storm during a voyage and drifted in the vast sea for several days and eventually fell into a coma. After waking up, Gulliver found that his hands and feet were tied with thin wires. It turned out that he had drifted into the country of the little people and became a prisoner of the little people.
    Over time, the citizens of Lilliput discovered that Gulliver, the seemingly dangerous "behemoth", was...
    more about Gulliver's Travels Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Mary Gulliver: You're a Doctor. Why are you taking something when you don't know what it is?

      Lemuel Gulliver: I do know what it is. Laudanum.

    • [Gulliver has just explained in great detail the nature of 18th Century Britain]

      Queen of Brobdingnag: The history of you country seems to consist of nothing more than a squalid string of conspiracies, rebellions, revolutions, murders and massacres. Every judgment seems to be motivated by greed, by malice, hypocrisy, hatred, envy, lust and madness!

      Lemuel Gulliver: Perhaps I explained badly.

      Queen of Brobdingnag: You have proved that ignorance, idleness and vice are the only qualifications for public office and that your laws are made by those whose only interest is in perverting them. I can only conclude that your people are the most pernicious race of odious little vermin that ever nature suffered to crawl upon the face of the Earth!

    • [Gulliver has come before the immortal Struldbruggs]

      Immortal Gatekeeper: Welcome to the immortal world.

      [leads Gulliver to a font in the middle of their chamber]

      Immortal Gatekeeper: This is the source of the life everlasting. Drink from this water and you will never fear death. Never.

      [offers Gulliver a dish of the water]

      Lemuel Gulliver: But I have to get home. There's a ship in the harbor. I only have minutes before it sails.

      Immortal Gatekeeper: Minutes? What are minutes? You have no need for such petty considerations here.

      Lemuel Gulliver: [narrating] I was offered immortality... man's dream. With the fear of death removed, I could learn the truths of existence. I could get riches in wisdom. I could read every book ever written. Study the movements of the planets and the stars. I could watch the rise and falls of republics and kings and from the great depths of my knowledge, offer advice to all. I could do anything.

      Immortal Gatekeeper: Drink. Taste immortality.

      Lemuel Gulliver: Why is your hand shaking so badly?

      [he sees a Struldbrugg in the corner coughing up blood]

      Lemuel Gulliver: What's wrong with her?

      Immortal Gatekeeper: Nothing.

      Lemuel Gulliver: What's wrong with everyone?

      Immortal Gatekeeper: Drink the water. You will defy nature.

      [Gulliver notices that she is not looking directly at him]

      Immortal Gatekeeper: You will outlive the stars themselves. You'll be like a god.

      Lemuel Gulliver: You can't see me, can you?

      Immortal Gatekeeper: I'm alive! The water keeps us alive.

      Lemuel Gulliver: You're blind.

      [looks around the room]

      Lemuel Gulliver: You're all blind!

      Immortal Gatekeeper: No, some of us can still make out shape and movement. We'll never die, that's what matters. We'll never die.

      Struldbruggs: [chanting] Never die. Never die.

      Immortal Gatekeeper: That's all that matters... cheating death!

      Lemuel Gulliver: No... no!

      [runs from the chamber]