Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  • Director: Chris Columbus
  • Writer: J.K. Rowling,Steve Kloves
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom, United States
  • Language: English, Latin
  • Release date: November 15, 2002
  • Runtime: 2h 41min
  • Sound mix: DTS-ES, Dolby Digital EX, IMAX 6-Track, 12-Track Digital Sound
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Harry Potter và Phòng Chứa Bí Mật
  • The film "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) is based on JK Rowling ’s novel of the same name, directed by Chris Columbus , Daniel Redcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint and others co-starred, and the film was released in the UK on November 15, 2002.
    The film tells that Harry Potter was just about to embark on his second year of surprise journey in the wizarding world, when he ran into a speeding car, assaulting trees and fighting willows, and warnings from the mysterious family elf Dobby. This year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there were not only talking spiders and screaming growling letters, but Harry was also questioned by everyone because of his ability to talk to snakes   .


    • Release date November 15, 2002
    • Filming locations Glenfinnan Viaduct, Fort William, Highland, Scotland, UK
    • Production companies Warner Bros., Heyday Films, 1492 Pictures

    Box office


    $100,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 95 ) Add reviews

    • By Carmine 2022-04-23 07:01:02

      a little disappointed

      As someone who hasn't read the original book, after reading the first one, read the second one. I just feel that there is nothing new in the second part compared to the first one, it's a little homogeneous, there is a desire to fast-forward, and I'm a little disappointed.

      Sometimes I think about it, if I were Harry Potter, I was considered a bad person by everyone, and I was ostracized by everyone, scared, I would be very disappointed, I would cry and look for a teacher to rely on,...

    • By Rebeka 2022-04-23 07:01:02

      magic scene summary

      Although the red-haired Wesley family is not a magical family and has no noble blood, the family is warm and loving. They are brothers and sisters who help and love each other a lot. Although the home is small, the items are neatly arranged, and there are many strange little objects that are not cluttered. At first glance, a family is living a lively life. Just like Ron said: Although the place is not big, it is a home.

      Legends about the Chamber of Secrets. In the earliest days, the...

    • By Evert 2022-04-23 07:01:02

      increasingly tense pace

      From the very beginning, Dobby's death prompt has created a tense atmosphere of suspense, and each obstacle clearly indicates that this time Horwarts College will face a life-threatening problem. The adventure of the three of Harry is no longer as easy as the previous one just reported as a freshman. They are all surrounded by the secret room full of suspense, the terrifying petrified sculpture, the strange sound Harry heard, and the spiders walking side by side. Shocked, the...

    • By Kaitlyn 2022-04-23 07:01:02

      The worst Harry Potter ever

      I hate this movie, I think he's probably the worst Harry Potter movie ever, Harry Potter's performance in this movie is so bad, everything is very obvious, the very beginning Dobby broke into Harry Potter's house, hesitating, and telling Harry Potter not to go to wizarding school. I hate this kind of people who keep making decisions for others. They think they are good for others, but She keeps making trouble for others, and others have to keep cleaning up one mess after another for her...

    • By Desmond 2022-04-23 07:01:02

      some thoughts

      Voldemort worked hard to introduce Harry Potter into the Chamber of Secrets, and Harry Potter inexplicably got two powerful tools to deal with the giant snake: the Sorting Hat and Phoenix Fox. Who is Voldemort talking to?

      Looking directly into the eyes of the giant snake will hang up, why no one hangs up? Because no one has ever looked directly, either through Nick without a head, through a camera, or a mirror, or a puddle of water, it's impossible for...

    User comments

      ( 90 ) Add comments

    • By Jonatan 2023-09-21 01:29:06

      When I was young, I just felt that it was a little more mysterious and darker than the first one. It was still a belief in courage and...

    • By Herta 2023-09-18 16:37:06

      I don't know why I don't like this~Maybe it's because I don't like the original...

    • By Nakia 2023-08-30 09:49:15

      11/10/25 2nd, the rhythm is too slow, the restoration is...

    • By Adolfo 2023-07-04 12:34:24

      Very happy, especially the beginning and end, all exams are canceled! ! There is so much love... But the plot in the middle is more general, and the final fight can only be said to be...

    • By Archibald 2023-06-22 07:09:25

      It's a pity that a movie that I should have watched at the age of 9 was delayed until I was almost 30. The appearance of Hermione running all the way at the end reminded me of the time in Oxford, where everyone ate at that long table, and it was very ceremonial. If I had watched this movie earlier, I should have been better at that time. Make a conscious effort to enjoy that time. Also, love the bookshelves in Dumbledore's...

    Movie plot

    Harry has entered his second year of study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Just when he was about to return to Hogwarts to continue the magic course, a house elf named Dobby advised him not to return to Hogwarts, which would put him in great danger. And Harry, who wanted to go back to school to be with his friends again, ignored advice and went back to the school where he missed a vacation. He was still so famous in...
    more about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    The number one male protagonist Daniel Radcliffe suddenly changed his voice in the middle of the second episode, and later it was resolved through some technical processing, and it would not have to be dubbed again.
    Most of the indoor scenes in the film were completed in a studio converted from an abandoned airport on the outskirts of London. It is said that there are 22 studios in this hidden hangar, and the crew of "Harry Potter" was...
    more about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Behind the scenes gags

    Shooting process

    The film’s visual effects directors Jim Mitchell and Nick Davis and their team are responsible for producing 950 special effects images. I hope to completely rely on CGI technology to create the house elf Dobby in the film.
    The crew revisited the location of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Most of the scenes were shot at the Leavesden Studios. The set of the secret room with a length of 250 feet and a width of 120 feet is the...
    more about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Shooting process

    Positive review

    The film is full of whimsical inventions and new ideas. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry expands and deepens the unknown world before the audience. ( "Chicago Sun Times" review )
    The magnificent magical world and charming Potter in the film make the audience seem to have entered the real Hogwarts. ( "Dallas Observer" review )
    The film director perfectly presented Rowling’s subtle and wonderful ideas on the big screen. (...o
    more about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Positive review

    Movie quotes

    • Moaning Myrtle: Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me.

      Ron: But, it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it would just go right through you.

      Moaning Myrtle: [swooping down towards Ron] Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you get it through her stomach!

      [punches Ron in stomach]

      Moaning Myrtle: Fifty points if it goes through her head!

      [punches Ron in head]

    • Oliver Wood: We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker and smarter.

      Fred Weasley: And not to mention they're dead scared that Harry'll petrify them if they fly anywhere near him.

      Oliver Wood: Well, that too.

    • Harry: [writing inside Tom Riddle's diary] My name is Harry Potter.

      [the words disappear, then other words appear in the diary]

      Tom Marvolo Riddle: Hello, Harry Potter, my name is Tom Riddle.

      Harry: [writing] Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?

      Tom Marvolo Riddle: [word appears] Yes...

      Harry: Can you tell me?

      Tom Marvolo Riddle: No...

      [Harry sighs in frustration, but then sees the next words, and get excited]

      Tom Marvolo Riddle: But I can show you... Let me take you back 50 years ago... 13th June.

      [the pages turn to this date, then Harry is swept inside the diary]

    Movies Directed by Chris Columbus

    Movies Starring Daniel Radcliffe