Of Human Bondage

Of Human Bondage

  • Director: John Cromwell
  • Writer: Lester Cohen,W. Somerset Maugham,Ann Coleman
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: July 20, 1934
  • Runtime: 1 hour 23 minutes
  • Aspect ratio: 1.37 : 1
  • Also known as: Ljudski okovi
  • Of Human Bondage is a romance film directed by John Cromwell starring Leslie Howard and Bette Davis .
    The film tells the story of the emotional entanglement between Philip and Dred.


    • Release date July 20, 1934
    • Filming locations RKO Studios - 780 N. Gower Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Production companies RKO Radio Pictures

    Box office


    $403,000 (estimated)

    Movie reviews

     ( 5 ) Add reviews

    • By Sylvan 2022-07-04 22:29:53

      What a celebrity lover scum

      The original novel for this movie is one of my favorites. The original novel is nearly 700 pages long, and this 82-minute film actually cuts most of the original content, especially (I think) the essence of the book: the male protagonist's exploration of the meaning of life and trying to understand why life can be so tortured, aka the meaning of life and why life is such a torment. Almost all of the major life changes of the male protagonist in the book occurred at the moment of...

    • By Maud 2022-07-04 20:58:15

      The discussion of money in the book "The Shackles of Life"

      1. There is nothing in the world more humiliating than worrying about your livelihood all the time. I despise the people who see money as dung. They are either hypocrites or fools. Money is a sixth sense, without which the other five senses cannot function fully. Without enough income, half of the possibilities in life will be blocked. Doing anything is worried that it will outweigh the losses, and will never pay two shillings for a shilling. Some people say that poverty is the best...

    • By Roman 2022-07-04 19:15:28

      poor person must have something mean

      Of Human Bondage The language was witty, and there was laughter from time to time in the theater. Davis plays an unlikable waitress who turns to the medical student who was obsessed with her in the first place whenever she has a problem. The medical doctor played by Leslie Howard (that is, Ashley in Piao Li) has some problems with his feet. Although he knows that Davis has no intention of him, he can't ignore her every time she comes to the door, even if he has a good girlfriend at the time....

    • By Fay 2022-07-04 18:04:57

      In honor of an unacceptable woman

      Having studied Mildred for hundreds of times in the papers. Literally Mildred should not be depicted as hideous as what Bette Davis had illustrated. Bette Davis is adept at turning all the novel characters into her own image, which is rather incredible but sensible to some extent . Honestly, Mildred exhibited the other facet of females, which may be filled with the new feminism during the post Victorian age and the independence in females' spirits. Mildred, unlike the other female characters...

    • By Itzel 2022-07-04 17:47:22


      Rating only for the heroine's performance: 5 stars - film history classic, passed down through the ages

      "An evil heroine such as Mildred was really unheard of in that day. JL could not possibly understand any actress who would want to play such a part", Davis said (JL refers to Jack L. Warner, Davis's then-owner of Warner Bros. Pictures.)

      In the 1930s, the on-screen image of wickedly unsympathetic women was unheard of, as both actresses and their bosses Worried that such...

    User comments

      ( 23 ) Add comments

    • By Rickey 2023-09-28 15:03:31

      B+, at the time, only Bette Davis desperately wanted to play such a shocking...

    • By Xzavier 2023-09-20 15:30:20

      3.5 stars. The performances of the two protagonists are remarkable, the plot is a little weak, but the rhythm is right, there is no deliberate...

    • By Geraldine 2023-07-22 00:35:14

      The script is weak. Davis' eyes are the bright spot, sometimes charming and sometimes sharp, always so erratic. Mildred's selfishness, vulgarity, and superficiality are portrayed by her to be annoying but cute, making philip fans...

    • By Rhea 2023-06-19 00:16:31

      I don't really like Betty's performance in the first half of the show, but it's not bad for being mad or sick. I really like the last part of crossing the road, I wonder if this film is the first to do...

    • By Kallie 2023-05-26 12:39:02

      Sure enough, Hollywood can make everything into a Qiong Yao drama. . . Incomplete restoration novel, only the second half of the filming, life is not only love. ....

    Movie plot

    Philip (Leslie Howard Leslie Howard) has always wanted to be an artist, but eventually, he understands the gap between the ideal and the reality, he abandons the ideal and enters a drug school instead. There, Philip met a girl named Dred (Bette Davis Bette Davis). Although Dred did not read any books, her beauty touched Philip and made him fall in love deeply.
    However, Dred did not choose Philip, who was poor and white, but eloped with...
    more about Of Human Bondage Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Mildred Rogers: [after having her baby] Funny looking little thing, isn't it? I can't believe it's mine.

    • Thorpe Athelny: Well, I suppose youth must be served, but I must say, I'm sick and tired of serving it!

    • Thorpe Athelny: Don't stand by my chair in order to make eyes at him.