Shanghai Express

Shanghai Express

  • Director: Josef von Sternberg
  • Writer: Jules Furthman,Harry Hervey
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English, French, Cantonese, German
  • Release date: February 12, 1932
  • Runtime: 1 hour 22 minutes
  • Aspect ratio: 1.37 : 1
  • Also known as: Shanghai-Express
  • "Shanghai Express" (Shanghai Express) is a romantic film directed by Josef von Sternberg and starring Marlene Dietrich , Clive Brook , Anna May Wong and others. The film was released in the United States on February 2, 1932. 
    The film tells a story that takes place on a train that travels across the land of China, in the context of the Chinese Civil War. Dietrich plays a woman nicknamed "Shanghai Lily" who meets her old lover on the train, which sparks some stories. 
    "Shanghai Express" won awards such as Best Picture (Nominated) at the 5th Academy Awards in 1932.


    • Release date February 12, 1932
    • Filming locations Santa Fe Railroad Depot - 1170 W. 3rd Street, San Bernardino, California, USA
    • Production companies Paramount Pictures

    Box office

    Gross US & Canada


    Movie reviews

     ( 5 ) Add reviews

    • By Fidel 2022-07-10 23:30:32

      About accents


      Before the 1980s, there were basically two ways for foreign companies to shoot films related to Chinese themes in Hollywood studios or in the colonies of capitalist allies at that time (for example, a 007 film related to China was shot in Hong Kong, the Commonwealth of Nations). , and since the Opium War, residents in the Pearl River Delta have moved to Hong Kong one after another, and most of them are near Foshan and Panyu. Those people in the play speak the Shunde accent,...

    • By Providenci 2022-07-10 23:13:19

      ruthless bitch

            The prostitute Shanghai Lily in the film does not hesitate to dedicate herself to a small warlord for her old lover. In reality, countless women dedicate themselves to many men for their men. Don't you mean bitches are ruthless?
           Mr. Liang Yuchun said: The most lovely women are the infatuated people in this group of people, such as salesmen, actresses, and singers; Yes, but if they really fall in love with a lover, their love is ten thousand times stronger than that of...

    • By Lowell 2022-07-10 23:12:28

      On Anna May Wong and Marlene Dietrich in "Shanghai Express"

      Out of interest in Anna May Huang, I chose one night to finish watching "Shanghai Express" without fast-forwarding. Filmed in 1931, the film stars Clive Brook and Marlene Dietrich as the film's male and female protagonists, with Anna May Wong as the film's third character. The background of the story is China during the civil war in 1931. In the film, photographer Huang Zongzhan used many of the shots he shot during his trip to China in 1928 to make the film more...

    • By Jean 2022-07-10 22:11:41

      There is really no good or bad in every movie

      If I had watched this film before translating Jack Smith, I would have thought it was very ordinary, just an ordinary Hollywood film of the 1930s, but what Jack Smith saw was different from what I saw. He admired this director because this director The storyline can be sacrificed to achieve the beauty of a woman. In his films, women are jewels, shining with the charm of other people. The whole film is used to show the beauty of women. The price is very high. In that era, it was true It's a...

    • By Jerrell 2022-07-10 16:58:24

      looks beautiful

      Marlene Dietrich under Steinberg's lens is the most beautiful. There is no lack of sexy and glamorous in classics. Even at the moment when love blooms, she is proud. This film seems to have become Dietrich's personal show, with different costumes and different accessories, taking turns in battle, so mysterious, arrogant, wronged, sad, playful, stubborn... It
      seems that Dietrich is placed in a photographic scene . The shed changes the scene, the shape, and the character, but in the end,...

    User comments

      ( 27 ) Add comments

    • By Earl 2023-09-30 00:30:03

      Marlene Dietrich is a diamond and Anna May Wong is a pearl. Others become irrelevant at...

    • By Theron 2023-09-26 11:17:20

      If you want to talk about it, it's too long to be separated for five years. The train shook so violently that the cigarette could hardly be caught between the fingers. Shanghai Lily, why don't we start...

    • By Abel 2023-07-10 05:11:31

      There are still traces of the transition from silent films to sound films (audio-visual means, dialogue rhythm, etc.), and the photography is soft and beautiful, but this story is indeed relatively small, especially compared with Sternberg's works in his early...

    • By Gail 2023-06-28 03:49:47

      Too ugly to provoke, the plot is ridiculous. The story takes place in the north, but the Chinese people in it all have an accent similar to Cantonese on the west bank of the Pearl River. The image of the warlord villain played by Oland (I don't know if there is a yellow face) is like a fat version of Fu Manchu. It seems that the two-stroked beard is standard for the stereotyped image of "Chinaman". It's probably as uncomfortable to watch as an Arab is to see Anthony Quinn as an Arab, the...

    • By Leora 2023-06-15 19:49:50

      How did she manage to change into N evening dresses with so little luggage on the train? If the plot was set in a completely fictional country, it would still be quite an "exotic" romance. As for the appearance of camels transporting goods at Beijing Railway Station, the whole of China speaks Cantonese with a strange accent... It fits the setting of a fictional...

    Movie plot

    On the express train from Beijing to Shanghai, the background is the period of the Chinese Civil War. Nicknamed "Shanghai Lily", she works as a Camellia woman. She meets her old lover, a British officer, on a train, which sparks some stories. The British officer she had always been obsessed with, she showed affection and teasing in every possible way, but he was full of jealousy and hatred and refused to regain his old love. When he...
    more about Shanghai Express Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Sam Salt: I don't know what you're sayin', brother, but don't say it again.

    • Hui Fei: What do you want?

      Mr. Henry Chang: It's a long journey, and a lonely one.

    • Major Lenard: Bonne nuit, monsieur, et dormez bien.

      Sam Salt: Someday, that sardine inspector's gonna go too far.

      Eric Baum: [Chang is blocking the door] Pardon me.

      [He pokes Chang in the arm]

      Eric Baum: Pardon me.

      [Chang shoves Baum. Baum speaks to him in German and leaves]

      Sam Salt: What did he say to you?

      Mr. Henry Chang: Something he'll probably have occasion to regret.