The Christmas Invasion

The Christmas Invasion

  • Director: James Hawes
  • Writer: Russell T. Davies,Steven Moffat,Sydney Newman
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • Release date: September 29, 2006
  • Runtime: 1 hour
  • Aspect ratio: 1.78 : 1
  • "The Christmas Invasion" is a science fiction film directed by James Hawes and starring David Tennant. The film is the first Christmas special of the British drama "Doctor Who" and was released on December 25, 2005.


    • Release date September 29, 2006
    • Filming locations Tredegar House, Pencarn Way, Newport, Wales, UK
    • Production companies BBC Wales, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

    Movie reviews

     ( 2 ) Add reviews

    • By Benny 2022-10-24 22:31:29

      The doctor is really different to ROSE

      In the past, when the drama was supplemented, the Christmas special chapter was directly skipped, and it was like this a few times. After watching the first season yesterday, I was intrigued to see Christmas Invasion, and found a small detail. The reborn doctor was still in a coma. When the alien Christmas tree went mad at Rose's house, Rose put the sonic screwdriver into the doctor's hand and whispered help me in his ear, and the doctor woke up instantly and killed the Christmas tree. I...

    • By Ericka 2022-10-24 18:45:09

      He is out of time - to my favorite Doctor (Christmas Invasion)

      Baidu Doctor Who synchronously posted that he was out of time - wrote to his favorite Doctor

      S2E00-Christmas Invation
      once heard this sentence: "You look at his elegance, you will become more and more like him."

      And in this episode , in the Doctor's absence, she tries to defend the Earth in the face of a strange race. Following the Doctor, she was immersed in her eyes and ears, and she also learned how the Doctor should come forward, because the...

    User comments

      ( 16 ) Add comments

    • By Abdullah 2023-09-11 12:52:40

      DT's first appearance! Savin' the world like Arthur Dent and being all badass about it. How can I...

    • By Madyson 2023-09-08 06:10:05

      Dr. Pajamas is so...

    • By Lupe 2023-08-08 06:15:24

      Every Christmas London has been unsafe since this one,...

    • By Burley 2023-08-04 21:40:15

      Speaking of which, one of my impressions of DW seems to be because of this poster, I don't like it very much, I think it's very weird. But the show itself turned out to be so...

    • By Shanon 2023-06-21 05:18:54

      DT appeared in the first episode of DOCTOR and must have five points! ! ! ! I don't know how excited I am! !...

    Movie quotes

    • Sycorax Leader: I can summon the armada and take this world by force!

      The Doctor: Well, yeah, you *could*, you could do that, course you could, but *why*? Look at these people, these human beings, consider their potential. From the day they arrive on this planet and blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do... no, hold on... sorry, that's the Lion King... but the point still stands! Leave them alone!

      Sycorax Leader: Or what?

      The Doctor: Or...

      [grabs Sycorax broadsword]

      The Doctor: ...I challenge you!

      [the Sycorax roar and shout]

      The Doctor: Ooh, that struck a chord...

    • [first lines]

      The Doctor: Jackie, Mickey, blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on. Wait there! I've got something to say. I've got something I had to tell you. Something important, what was it? No, no, no, hold on. Tch tch tch tch... Oh, I know! Merry Christmas!

    • Jackie Tyler: Well, I reckon you're mad, the pair of you. It's like you go looking for trouble.

      The Doctor: Trouble's just the bits in-between! It's all waiting out there, Jackie. And it's brand new to me - all those planets and creatures and horizons! I haven't seen them yet, not with these eyes. And it is gonna be... fantastic!