The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

  • Director: Peter Jackson
  • Writer: Fran Walsh,Philippa Boyens,Peter Jackson
  • Countries of origin: New Zealand, United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: December 13, 2013
  • Runtime: 2h 41min
  • Sound mix: Dolby Atmos, Datasat, Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: The Hobbit Part 2
  • "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is adapted from the novel " The Hobbit " of the same name published by British writer JR Tolkien in 1937. The film is directed by Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman , Ian McKellen , Richard Armitage , Orli , Luke Evans , Evangeline Lilly , Lee Pace and Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch co-starred. The film was released in the United States on December 02, 2013.
    The film tells that after the protagonists successfully reach the Mist Mountain, Gandalf and the Dwarf Expedition team part ways and go to the south to perform a mysterious mission. Thorin and his party face the dangers brought by the forest alone, where they will encounter a family of elves who hate the dwarves. When they successfully crossed the forest and came to Long Lake Town at the foot of the Lone Mountain, Bilbo had to fulfill the agreement signed with the dwarf-escape the surveillance of the dragon Smaug and find the secret door to the Lone Mountain   .


    • Release date December 13, 2013
    • Filming locations Paradise, Glenorchy, Otago, New Zealand
    • Production companies Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), New Line Cinema, WingNut Films

    Box office


    $225,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 108 ) Add reviews

    • By Jessika 2022-04-24 07:01:01

      Seeing Human Nature from "The Hobbit 2: The Battle of Smaug" (3)

      When the dwarves finally escaped from the elf kingdom and temporarily avoided the pursuit of the orcs, they were fortunate to meet the "revolutionary" Bard of Longhu Town, who helped them cross the Long Lake and came to the last road to the Lonely Mountain. stand.

      Bud is very worth mentioning. From him we can see a person's struggle against evil forces, his deep love for his family, and his fear of the ultimate evil force - Smaug. This man fuses the desires and contradictions of the...

    • By Alford 2022-04-24 07:01:01

      Welcome to World of Warcraft

      The Hobbit 2 is a sinkhole again. It has been running and never stopping. It was hard to kill the big fire dragon. It was over without being hacked. ! Curly Fu Nima turns into a dragon and doesn't show her face, she loves Sang. If Nima is like this, she will molest Peanuts. What do you want to do with Dousen! ~In other words, the Hobbit returned to World of Warcraft when I saw it. I won't mention the first one that gave away both weapons and mounts. This one is even worse. It's just a...

    • By Virgil 2022-04-24 07:01:01

      Turn and turn in the ruins

      The real desolation is in the pocket that bilbo turned over and over. In the section of the most porridge rapids warrior drifting, the swift and agile little leaves are replaced by the RPG, and the daddy Semei is cool and noble, and he turns his head, turns his body, and swings his sword. I can hold it. Thorin is still bitter and affectionate, Kili has both sides, one hand is close to brotherhood, one hand crosses the world and the world, smaug has changed from a fire dragon to a golden dragon,...

    • By Mallory 2022-04-24 07:01:01

      The Last Middle-earth Comes to Reality

      Fourteen years later, this is the last film from Peter Jackson's Middle-earth.

      I once wrote that a particularly good-looking movie usually has two effects, one is to make people keep moving Star Wars from the screen to the mind and continue to shoot Mars, and the other is to make people very quiet, in the calm, you can dark tide surging for a long time. Today, from walking out of the cinema until late at night, it seems that there is not much to say, and there is not much to think...

    • By Sydnie 2022-04-23 07:01:04

      Not as good as the first one, not as good as the original

      I'm not a very good whistleblower, and I'll be a little weirder in my grooves.

      I like the first one very much, because the first one restores the original work as a whole, and I am deeply impressed by Lao Tuo's easy and playful way of telling stories to his son. Especially in the part where the dwarves visited Bilbo, the dwarves came one after another, and Bilbo's hospitality and cleanliness produced a good joke. In fact, this scene also appeared in the Bichon family in the second...

    User comments

      ( 84 ) Add comments

    • By Jessie 2023-09-27 15:16:36

      I can only use amazing to describe this film, it is much more exciting than "Unexpected...

    • By Bianka 2023-09-17 07:17:04

      The spider part is so scary! ! Completely disregarding the feelings of a person with spider fear symptoms like me!...

    • By Herta 2023-09-13 03:01:45

      It's long and long...and there's no small ending. The eyes are also sore from the bacteria from the 3D...

    • By Anibal 2023-08-17 00:46:11

      All kinds of big characters have appeared, and the scene is much better than the boring first one. Dragons talk too much, and their IQ is slightly lower. If you have to suffer without subtitles, let’s talk about the accents of various races. The hobbits, elves, and Gandalf are easier to understand, while dwarves, orcs, humans from the fishing village, and dragons have heavier...

    • By Nakia 2023-06-28 04:39:33

      The reason for liking The Hobbit is not only the visual effects, but also the spirit of exploration of this magnificent but dangerous world. "The hometown is behind, and Guanshan is in front". It is impossible to do it, and embark on a journey for ideals and missions. In this episode, Gandalf is left behind, and you don't have to act in front of the dwarf photos. When Smaug saw his friend, he turned on the chat mode, and he stopped playing before he could use his housekeeping...

    Movie plot

    "The Hobbit: The Battle of Smaug" continues to tell the adventure of the protagonist Bilbo Baggins. Together with the wizard Gandalf and the thirteen dwarves, he embarks on a journey, under the leadership of Thorin Oak Shield for an epic mission-recovery Lonely Mountain and the lost kingdom of Elbor Middle-earth dwarves.
    Surviving in the early stages of the unexpected journey, the Dwarf Expedition continued to move east, encountering...
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    Director Peter Jackson maintained his tradition of guest appearances in "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy". Soon after the film opened, the drunk man who gnawed carrots was played by himself. Jackson's daughter Katie also appeared in the film as a waitress serving Thorin and Gandalf in the Prancing Horse Bar.
    Benedict Cumberbatch not only voiced the dragon Smaug, he also performed in person, which is the prototype of Smaug's motion...
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Behind the scenes gags

    The scene is magnificent and the 3D effect is obvious

    In "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", you have already experienced the magnificent scenery of Middle-earth under the lens of Peter Jackson. In "The Hobbit: The Battle of Smaug", the audience will experience more scene changes as they continue this journey, sometimes in the gloomy and dark forest, sometimes visiting the towering castles of the elves, and sometimes feeling life and death. Great rafting in the valley, sometimes...
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug The scene is magnificent and the 3D effect is obvious

    Very shocking

    For a sequel movie, to be honest, the "The Hobbit" series relies on the extensive viewing foundation laid by the "Lord of the Rings" series. big. After "The Hobbit 1" came out, although it was also evaluated as dull and too long, the plot of the dragon opening its eyes at the end of the film still makes people have to go into the theater to watch the plot in the second part. Trend. In fact, the rhythm in "The Hobbit 2" has accelerated...
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Very shocking

    "True Dragon" visits the IMAX theater

    In "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," the hobbit and the wizard Gandalf have been discussing the dragon Smaug, who has occupied countless treasures. In "The Hobbit: The Battle of Smaug", this notorious dragon finally appeared, allowing the audience to see its true face. In the production of the special, director Peter Jackson stated that Smaug was extremely large. IMAX's indomitable screen shows the dragon's figure to the fullest....
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug "True Dragon" visits the IMAX theater

    "The Two Towers" reappears

    This "The Hobbit" puts away the faces of children's dramas that play riddles, just like the "Twin Towers" in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. "The Battle of Smaug" completes "Ho The beginnings, successes and transitions of the "Bitman" trilogy, the multi-line narrative unfolds, explaining the antecedents of each army joining the final battle. The whole movie is like a reappearance of "The Two Towers", and the magnificent Middle-earth...
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug "The Two Towers" reappears

    The Hobbit: Negative Comments on the Battle of Smaug

    The result is the most important. The result of the film is: as a story, as an adventure, as the direction of a work of art, as a visual spectacle, it is as desolate and failing as the title in almost every aspect. ( " San Francisco Chronicle " review
    The biggest problem focusing on "The Hobbit 2" is still too long. The 166-minute movie length and the 3D version still make people's eyes a little uncomfortable. Although the second...
    more about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug The Hobbit: Negative Comments on the Battle of Smaug

    Movie quotes

    • Gandalf: A spell of concealment lies over this place, which means our enemy is not yet ready to reveal himself. He has not regained his full strength.

    • Gandalf: The evil that is hidden here - I command it come forth! I command it reveal itself!

    • Smaug: It is the gold! They are drawn to treasure like flies to dead flesh.