The Man from Snowy River

The Man from Snowy River

  • Director: George Miller
  • Writer: A.B. 'Banjo' Paterson,John Dixon,Cul Cullen
  • Countries of origin: Australia
  • Language: English
  • Release date: November 5, 1982
  • Runtime: 1 hour 42 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Snowy River
  • The Man from Snowy River is an adventure film directed by George Miller and starring Kirk Douglas and Tom Burlingson.
    The film tells the story of a man from Xuehe who became a true hero in people's minds.


    • Release date November 5, 1982
    • Filming locations Mansfield, Victoria, Australia
    • Production companies Cambridge Productions, Michael Edgley International, Snowy River Investment Pty. Ltd.

    Box office


    $3,500,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 2 ) Add reviews

    • By Kayla 2022-10-24 23:26:05

      "The Man from the Snow River" movie script

      The Man from

      Snow Burrows fell in love with the mountains and grazing grasslands of southeastern Australia, where the climate is changing rapidly, and the horse herders are hard-working and brave. They felt that only the famous poem "The Man from the Snowy River" by Patterson, the great Australian folk songwriter and founder of the Australian Jungle Legend, could express their feelings, so they came up with this poem as the end of the film to conceive the previous story. The idea...

    • By Hugh 2022-10-24 18:21:57

      A Review of < The Man from Snowy River >

      The film recreates the life of Australia's pioneers, as well as the natural beauty of the Australian alpine jungle and the hero of the herdsmen. There is no doubt that this movie has its drawbacks as well as merits.
             There is one more point, one of my most memorable moments is when the leading riders looked in awe at the herds of wild horses descending the steep slopes. Any slip meant death, and everyone understood that. Clearly, the wild horse won again. Jim was the last to...

    User comments

      ( 17 ) Add comments

    • By Ellis 2023-08-04 15:56:06

      The magnificent west, the boundless mountains, the most unforgettable style of that kiss on horseback. After a short pause, one person and one horse jumped out of the cliff, and the adrenaline surged to the...

    • By Dianna 2023-07-11 21:37:04

      The people from Xuehe and the return to Xuehe later, the desolate and magnificent river, the galloping horse, the young dream and the beautiful love. Two somewhat old movies, if you still have some beautiful and pure pursuit in your heart, you might as well come and...

    • By Sophia 2023-06-02 15:32:31

      The scenery is magnificent, and the achievements obtained under the predicament are recognized by everyone, become a real man, and win back the house left by his father on the...

    • By Camryn 2023-06-01 16:33:20

      I'm a little confused because I'm watching raw meat, but the clip of the two getting along is very warm and the last scene where Jim pinches his hat to Jess and looks at each other is very warm and...

    • By Cullen 2023-04-11 18:24:11

      I like horses since I was a child, so I once copied Xu Beihong's galloping horse. When I saw the majestic galloping horse in the movie, I was still agitated in my heart. The male protagonist is handsome, the female protagonist. . . In comparison, there are still many beauties in...

    Movie plot

    In Australia at the end of the 19th century, in a mountainous area far from town, young Jim and his father lived by raising horses. Like other boys, Jim loved horses from a young age and fantasized about being a hero on a steed. At that time, a group of purebred wild horses often haunted the woods near Jim's house. Many horse lovers tried to bring them back to domestication, but all failed. One day, the wild horses attacked the forest...
    more about The Man from Snowy River Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Jessica Harrison: If I'd wanted your help, mate, I would've asked for it.

    • Frew: [rising in bed with his lever action rifle as Curly advances on Jim with a broken bottle] Curly - lose the bottle!

      Frew: [cocks the lever action rifle as Curly stops and stares] I did it before... and so help me, I'll do it again.

      [Curly drops the bottle]

    • Curly: [to Jim Craig] I heard you broke in more then the colt while we were away...Did you have to use your spurs boy!