The Pixar Story

The Pixar Story

  • Director: Leslie Iwerks
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: August 28, 2007
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Історія Pixar
  • The movie "The Pixar Story" is a documentary directed by Leslie Evoques. This documentary, which took 6 years to produce, focuses on the development history of the animation giant Pixar.


    • Release date August 28, 2007
    • Production companies Leslie Iwerks Productions

    Movie reviews

     ( 16 ) Add reviews

    • By Nannie 2022-12-19 17:46:54

      The Pixar Story

      The original description of the film began when Mr. Lassetre studied at the California University of the Arts, and founded Pixar under the support of Mr. Jobs. It was difficult to start a business and suffered continuous losses. Since "Toy Story" turned over in one fell swoop, this exciting story of seven consecutive best films. This film shows us how a career sprouted and flourished just because of the ambitions and long-term hard work of a few people.

      The first thing I admire is...

    • By Jacklyn 2022-12-10 12:49:57

      "Art challenges technology, technology inspires art": The United States can, why can't China?

      This is first of all a problem related to imagination, and
      for quite some time this is also the only problem in China.
      Closely related to this problem is our education.
      Can Chinese-style education transform these empty moral preaching
      into encouragement and support
      for students' confidence, courage and imagination ? Does it leave enough room for students to question and imagine their studies?
      In the face of different voices and the unconstrained imagination of the...

    • By Emma 2022-12-05 20:52:32

      That's what I wanna to do

             Last October, I went to Shanghai with Ben to watch the 25th Anniversary Exhibition of Pixar Animation. The small shop in front of the art museum, on both sides of the road leading to the exhibition hall, the tickets and the guide book are all Buzz Lightyear on the poster of this movie. As the first 3D digital animation feature film, Toy story is self-evident for Pixar and even the entire animation industry.
             And this documentary tells how a group of people created...

    • By Ibrahim 2022-12-04 10:56:07

      The growth of the legendary company

      WALT DISNEY: When planning a new
      picture, we don't think of grown-ups, and we don't think of children.

      But just of that fine,clean, unspoiled spot down deep in every one of us

      that maybe the world has made us forget, and that maybe our pictures
      can help recall.

      The film was completed in 2007. I checked the wiki. After that, Pixar shot

      "Ratatouille" (2007, the 80th Oscar King). Image Award Best Animated Feature Film Award, Best...

    • By Dereck 2022-11-11 05:06:26

      A story about dreams come true

      Pixar means animation, but also classic. The first Pixar film I saw was "Cars." At that time, I was still in a terrible senior year. The English teacher played this film in the self-study class without telling the head teacher. Most of the names in the play have been forgotten, but the humorous personality, cool scenes, and shocking chase scenes of the characters in the film are deeply imprinted in their minds. It was also from this movie that I saw 3D animation and fell in love with 3D...

    User comments

      ( 56 ) Add comments

    • By Blaze 2023-09-24 13:03:52

      I'll tell you if I'm crying as a Pixar nerd. ....

    • By Chet 2023-09-18 19:09:01

      I didn’t see this. I really don’t know that John Last has a Disney background after all, and the dark side can’t be explored. Otherwise, the story of Ruster’s turnaround from being expelled to the current chief executive would be too cheesy, that person. "The Head", which is not mentioned in the film, is definitely not an ordinary stuffy...

    • By Cleveland 2023-09-15 03:46:01

      The Pixar Chronicle, where each director is creating a myth that rivals or surpasses his...

    • By Brandi 2023-09-09 07:28:25

      Pixar was originally bought by Steve Jobs! Tim Burton and John Lasseter are classmates! Woody's voice is actually Tom Hanks! Well I don't know too much. ....

    • By Halle 2023-08-30 06:19:50

      Pixar spirit! All pains, failures, troubles, sorrows and difficulties are temporary, only the movie dream is...

    Movie quotes

    • John Lasseter: When I was in high school, it dawned on me: People make cartoons for a living. They actually get paid to make cartoons. That's what I wanna do!

    • [first lines]

      Narrator: For the last 20 years, a group of artists and scientists have transformed two-dimensional drawings into their own three-dimensional worlds.

      [clips from various movies]

      Thomas Porter: Art challenges technology. Technology inspires art.

      John Lasseter: The best scientists and engineers are just as creative as the best storytellers.

    • Tim Allen: [about his Buzz Lightyear character] I had no idea, visually, what this would look like. He let me stretch it a little bit, and really make it this really - kind of a closed-head injury kind of a guy.