The Young Girls of Rochefort

The Young Girls of Rochefort

  • Director: Jacques Demy
  • Countries of origin: France
  • Language: French, English
  • Release date: April 11, 1968
  • Runtime: 2 hours 5 minutes
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Devojke iz Rošfora
  • "Les Demoiselles de Rochefort" is a 1967 comedy film directed by Jacques Demy and starring Catherine Deneuve, François Dorie, Jacques Behan, Gene Kelly, and Georges Chaggins Released in France on March 8, 2008.
    The film tells the story of a pair of twin sisters who dream of the early appearance of Prince Charming, and then the "true son" arrives, a story of an extremely artistic sailor and a professional pianist   .


    • Release date April 11, 1968
    • Filming locations Rochefort, Charente-Maritime, France
    • Production companies Parc Film, Madeleine Films

    Box office

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    Movie reviews

     ( 10 ) Add reviews

    • By Wiley 2022-11-10 13:03:32

      Liu Mei Hua Jiao

      Diffin (Catherine Deneuve) and Su Lan (Françoise Dorléac) are two sisters who depend on each other. One is red-haired, the other is blonde, the other is good at dancing, and the other has the sound of nature. 's voice. The summer carnival is approaching, and in the gradually warm atmosphere, Difen and Su Lan also have their own tasks in the carnival.
      Art dealer Gilliam (Jacques Riberrolles) admires Diffin's beauty, but Diffin has already secretly promised to the young painter Mai Sansi...

    • By Jacinto 2022-10-04 02:54:36

      Just love, every day is a summer

      When summer is gone, when the seasons change, when the leaves wither, we just sigh for it all.
      When the cold stays, but brings summer, and your heart is dull, all you have to do is love—
      love your life, love the flowers, love the laughter, love the cheers; love the day, love the night, love Sunshine and rain;
      love the cold, love the breeze, love the city and the field; love the ocean, love the fire, love the world and be happy again.

      When love leaves or dies, there...

    • By Mireya 2022-10-01 15:40:16

      The Romantic March to the Death of a Spoiled Child

      Blue is not only the warmest color, not only the color of freedom, but also represents a kind of extreme romance; from the realistic care of Abu D'Akshish's North African immigrant, to Chier's elevation of the French national spirit to the paradigm of philosophical thinking, Going back all the way, this colorful "Liu Mei Hua Jiao" is still a pure light blue in the bones.

             Jacques Demy's French musical, the iron-clad Catherine Deneuve, who competes with François Dorie, and the...

    • By Tremaine 2022-09-15 21:58:36

      1967 Les Demoiselles de Rochefort - Willows (France) (colour)

      1967 Les Demoiselles de Rochefort - Liu Mei Hua Jiao (France) (Colour)

      Today I would like to share the above nostalgic musical.

      When watching this movie, it reminds me of Singing In The Rain. Between the two, I still prefer Singing In The Rain.
      But I also like "Liu Mei Hua Jiao", which is a very typical nostalgic musical.
      Each action is clearly carefully crafted.
      Looking at the popular dance styles of the 1960s in France, I think of Hong Kong, the dancers...

    • By Karson 2022-08-19 04:21:25

      Feel free to watch movies

      I just watched a few of the director's musicals, the most famous "The Umbrella of Cherbourg", which made Catherine Deneuve popular. I watched this film because there were comments that many scenes in "La La Land" paid tribute to the film "Liu Mei Hua Jiao", and for a while I was very interested in the early acting career of the documentary director Jacques Behan , just found this film to watch. The whole film has the distinctive characteristics of the director. Colors are bright, clean...

    User comments

      ( 24 ) Add comments

    • By Arely 2023-09-10 23:46:07

      The same musical, the European aura is completely different from that of the United States. In 1960, American musicals had not yet left the set in the studio, and the openness of natural scenes and the bright light used by Varda were even more moving. The flexible long shots and scene scheduling are completely different from the song and dance segments of the Broadway group dance style, and the use of fresh, bright and fashionable colors and fashion design. The gentle and delicate plot...

    • By Asa 2023-08-19 21:04:32

      The pinnacle of Jacques Demy's film aesthetics, the popular story of "No Coincidence is a Book" and "A Lover Becomes a Families" with beautiful color schemes, soundtracks, dances, and scene scheduling, as well as the blooming Deneuve sisters, young Jacques Behan and Kim Kelly, who speaks and sings in French, have their lines from time to time citing classics and naughty...

    • By Maximillian 2023-07-25 09:59:14

      The ends of the earth can meet each other. It's like eating a box of mixed fruit hard candies. The plug-in subtitles below were translated by Huang...

    • By Ines 2023-05-23 21:31:24

      Fate is fate, and lack is fate. The beautiful Shuangshu, the beautiful singing and dancing, the beautiful Jacques Demi, everything is beautiful, and of course the handsome young man Lang Jacques Behan and Gene...

    • By Diego 2023-05-17 14:40:08

      At the end, the two spare tires connected the rival to the car... For someone like me who is always dumped, it is definitely not a happy ending. Jacques Demi's use of colors is great, and the clothing design is also excellent. Every piece I want to buy it for my girlfriend, but I don't have a girlfriend. It seems that being single for a long time will indeed cause...

    Movie plot

    The blonde Diffin dances gracefully, and the red-haired Sulange sings sweetly. The two sisters are choreographing and directing songs for the upcoming summer carnival in Roport, France. The art dealer Ji Rong has been pursuing Difen, but Difen already has a crush on him - he painted a young painter and sailor Mai Sans just like her, but she has never been able to meet him. Su Lanzhi wrote a concerto by herself, and wanted to ask Simon,...
    more about The Young Girls of Rochefort Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Etienne: To liven up our stand at the fair, we thought - - Well, it was Bill's idea. We thought that maybe you could do a number - - something lively.

      Solange: A number?

      Delphine: They think we're strippers.

      Solange: Obviously.

    • Solange: [singing] Would you like Mozart?

      Delphine: Would you like Stravinsky?

      Solange: Johann Sebastian Bach?

      Delphine: Or maybe Boguslawski?

      Solange: Louis Armstrong? Ellington? Count Basie or Hampton?

      Delphine: Or maybe you'd prefer Michel Legrand?

    • Etienne: [singing] Sing of love

      Bill: Or even hate

      BillEtienne: Just make it bright

      Solange: Sing today

      Delphine: Dance tonight

      DelphineSolange: Sing of light

      Etienne: Dance for joy

      Bill: Sing of wind

      BillEtienne: Sing of sun and rain. Fire us!

      DelphineSolange: Inspire us!

      BillEtienne: Enchant and astonish us...