Un Chien Andalou

Un Chien Andalou

  • Director: Luis Buñuel
  • Writer: Salvador Dalí,Luis Buñuel
  • Countries of origin: France
  • Language: None, French
  • Release date: June 6, 1929
  • Sound mix: Silent
  • Aspect ratio: 1.33 : 1
  • Also known as: An Andalusian Dog
  • "An Andalusian Dog" is a short fantasy film directed by Luis Buñuel with performances by Luis Buñuel, Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech , Simone Mareuil and others.
    The film mainly tells the quarrel between a pair of lovers, but there are only a group of illogical and irrational shots in the film, as well as the inharmonious combination of peculiar and weird images.


    • Release date June 6, 1929
    • Filming locations Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, France

    Movie reviews

     ( 98 ) Add reviews

    • By Rahul 2022-07-29 16:20:12

      Un Chien Andalou--Abstract Interest

      1. A world of reasonable order In 1928, French directors Buuel (1900–1983) and Dal (1904–1989) made a satire of their friend, the poet Lorca, in the "Student Apartment" art group in their early years. Why Andalus? No dog? In the "college" of wealthy children, the southerners are called "Andalusian dogs," mocking them for being stupid and not growing up like their...

    • By Jess 2022-04-23 07:02:32

      This guy looks like a dog

      The joys and sorrows in the movie are the most moving, because the movie has to produce good results in a short period of time, and the power of love is also great.

      The framing of the film is excellent, especially its close-up shots, which bring out the inner world of everyone vividly.
      This movie is full of betrayal and pain, but in front of love, these are all insignificant. Only love is great, and love can help us overcome everything.
      This movie made me feel a lot,...

    • By Bailee 2022-04-23 07:02:32

      An Andalusian dog gossip (*´﹃`*) may have a follow-up

      It's really annoying to see some people explain and explain! All boring! (TдT)
      The ultimate purpose of an Andalusian dog is to make people feel sick!
      (Boob and Dali's masochistic bad taste)

      _(_^_)_Then start driving now~

      The movie originated from the dream of Boob and Dali. Bubu dreamed that a man had his eyes cut off, and Dali dreamed that ants were crawling all over his hands. Then the two of them yyed each other with the rest of the picture, and...

    • By Jaylan 2022-04-23 07:02:32

      On the Symbolism of "An Andalusian Dog"

      "An Andalusian Dog" "An Andalusian Dog" is hailed as the originator of surrealism. This film by Bunurai is only 16 minutes long, but it has a great influence on later generations. The film doesn't seem to have any logic at all. The last shot is still a cut eye, and the next shot, the eye is intact again; the man's hand is clearly locked out of the door, but in a blink of an eye, he is lying down again wearing a childish baby clothes. in bed. From the analysis of the actual plot, there is no...

    • By Tatum 2022-04-23 07:02:32

      Three characteristics of dreams

      I often think about what would happen if a dream was completely restored with imaging technology. It turns out that I haven't seen this awesome short film from 1929. Later primary school students Jodorowsky's "Holy Blood" and Kurosawa's "Dream" only used the imagery of dreams. And this Andalus dog, which Buñue and Dali cooperated with, is the real restoration dream.

      The three hallmarks of dreams: anxiety, grotesque, illogical (and thus fruitless), are literally reenactments. This is...

    User comments

      ( 86 ) Add comments

    • By Idell 2023-09-22 03:52:20

      The 15-minute film used the most impossible montage method at the time. It was amazing. The two dead bodies in the film were actually Dali and director...

    • By Vincent 2023-09-10 03:26:25

      Really like a nuclear bomb. Whether it's surreal pictures, soundtracks, camera movements, acting and editing, they're all so awesome, really...

    • By Makayla 2023-06-10 07:07:23

      French Surrealism. The restoration of dreams, the depiction of films beyond...

    • By Evangeline 2023-06-06 09:24:00

      If there is no teacher's explanation, I can't understand it very well. I think of a sentence, a person who only reads essays is definitely not a good artist. In addition to the cross-generational significance, this film will not be rewatched for...

    • By Mortimer 2023-04-15 13:55:46

      Pioneering means experimentation. Surrealist truth is inner truth. Focusing on the heart from the outside, the innovation and practice of the film language form, the significance of film history is far greater than the film...

    Evaluation action

    "An Andalusian Dog" is the first and masterpiece of surrealist movies. Bruel used the disorganized audiovisual language to create a blurry and peculiar effect. There are many scenes in the film that are meaningless in terms of images and narratives but are worthy of interpretation and in-depth study. These scenes have also become classics ("Empire" review)  .
    The image of "An Andalusian Dog" is very obscure, but it is still classified...
    more about Un Chien Andalou Evaluation action