Extended Reading
  • Asha 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    Bresson's Adaptation Strategies for Literature

    One, a unique voice-over. The film makes full use of the voice-over as the main means of retelling the original text of the novel. However, it is not used to explain events or inner monologues, but to retell the original text in the original way, as if the complete marble brought directly from the...

  • Garnet 2022-01-20 08:01:30

    Viewing the Image Noumenon from "The Diary of a Country Pastor"

    1. Literary adaptation and the film "Diary of a Country Priest" (1951) will be discussed in many film theory works. Bazin’s high praise is the most widely known. Without reading the original work, I still dare not express my other opinions, so I will re-organize Bazin's thoughts with my own...

  • Roselyn 2022-03-27 09:01:19

    The clips on youtube are still in English. I only watched three paragraphs, and it is not easy to rate. All the panoramas are cutscenes, and then stand still and start a long conversation. The faces of the characters are stiff and there is almost no expression. .

  • Herbert 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    1. But I can assure you that heaven does not exist. God's world is the world in which we exist. However, God is also love itself. 2. Sontag defines Bresson’s austere restraint in this way: to resist feelings to produce feelings. 3. The framed composition of the house is used to create a sense of loneliness and depression of the protagonist, while the outside of the filming is expressively lyrical, forming a nightmare contrast between the thin figure of the priest and the huge suffering and ignorance. 4. The beginning of Bresson's use of non-professional actors. The male is mainly playing Kafka, which is probably suitable.

Diary of a Country Priest quotes

  • Curé d'Ambricourt: Blessed be the sin that teaches us shame.

  • Curé d'Ambricourt: You don't bargain with God. You yield to Him unconditionally. But I assure you, there aren't separate realms for the living and the dead, just the Kingdom of God and we are in it.