Extended Reading
  • Norval 2022-03-25 08:01:01

    Anyone who has a dream is amazing

    CBS's new drama [Flashpoint] has an episode about a father who lives with his daughter. Later, her daughter fell ill and needed a heart transplant. Because there is a queue for organ transplants in the hospital, my daughter was always the first in the queue, and when she finally got a heart, it was...

  • Herta 2022-03-25 08:01:01

    Write to the warmest second episode in my heart

    After watching it for a few minutes and clarifying the cause of the incident, I thought that the Americans also made such a story of power and humanity, power and civilians.
    Family-like father and daughter, the father gave up waiting for the heart with his daughter in the hospital, and finally...

  • Freida 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Favorite drama +1. From every character, to every episode, to every soundtrack, from the beginning to the end, it has been poked.

  • Elsa 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    After watching three episodes, I felt that I was not sullen, so I gave up.

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