Extended Reading
  • Daniella 2022-03-24 09:02:31

    Choose to take risks and be a brave practitioner

    You have to be a dreamer who sits and watches the sky, dreaming of the sky all day long, but can never jump out of the circles you set for yourself; or a theoretician who sticks to the rules, full of poetry and books, but always on paper; or a brave practitioner , adventurer, dare to risk the...

  • Jaylan 2021-12-26 08:01:16

    Don Quixote

    Probably people have such weaknesses. Once they believe that one of their opinions is correct, they will selectively block different voices.

    On the same day, he heard the story told by the old man and his girlfriend, plus "common sense"-when ancient people could only sail down the wind, he felt that...

  • Anastasia 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    The idealism and adventurous spirit of "chasing the sunset with the rest of my life" always makes people extremely moved, but the filming is soft and sensational, "still half-covered with music", and it is nondescript. On the contrary, the real documentary that won the best documentary in the 70 years of the voyage is really worth seeing. As a whole, this film basically exceeded expectations by being nominated for the best foreign language film.

  • Sasha 2021-12-26 08:01:16

    Tiki is not Tahiti, at first I thought it would be ~ not bad, for the ideal film is given five stars, and this is only worth three stars. .

Kon-Tiki quotes

  • Thor Heyerdahl: [Meeting all in the bay] This is Herman Watzinger, my second in command. For the simple reason that without him no one could have been first in command. Herman these are my two fantastic radio operators: Torstein. War Hero, nerves of asbestos. As far as we know, he has only two weaknesses: whiskey and women - Knut Haugland, also a war hero, and I know Knut hates me for saying it, but I must be allowed to call him a legend. That is what you are, Knut - Erik Hesselberg...

    Erik Hesselberg: [ironic] No legend.

    Thor Heyerdahl: ...but you have saved my life. Erik and I grew up together in Larvik. Erik has one unique skill that we are going to appreciate. Erik has been at sea before. I'm sure you have some questions...

    Erik Hesselberg: [Walking toward Thor] Maybe I should introduce you first. This is Thor. A pompous, self-centered weirdo, but a very good leader. And because he is, we are about to do what Tiki did 1500 years ago. We are going to...

    Thor Heyerdahl: We will build a raft.

    Erik Hesselberg: And...

    Thor Heyerdahl: [laughling] And drift into the sunset.

    Torstein Raaby: [curious] Where is the raft?

    Thor Heyerdahl: [ironic] You're sitting on it.

  • Thor Heyerdahl: [Radiotyping to mainland] Early man did not see the oceans as a barrier but rather as a means of communication. This is science that can not be done behind a desk or by a committee. That a 1500 year old civilization. Possessed maritime and navigational skills to successfully maneuver a balsa wood raft over 5,000 miles. We are using the same stars as they did.