Extended Reading
  • Briana 2022-07-16 16:44:29

    11 cute points. puff hahaha

    There are really a lot of cute points -

    1 When Master Mantis was still a little bug...

    2 The speed of the world's operation is too slow for Master Mantis! !

    3 The mantis master was caught by the crocodile gang master trap: there is a kind of let me out! See how quickly I can settle you!

  • Antonia 2022-07-16 22:12:37

    Face yourself and improve yourself towards the future

    This 25-minute animation briefly introduces the growth process of the Five Heroes of the World through the method of Panda Apo teaching martial arts to children, and proposes five basic elements for becoming a martial arts master. Of course, these are not limited to practicing martial arts, but...

Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five quotes

  • Po: I guess it's easier to laugh at someone than to have someone laugh at you, right?

  • Young Monkey: You saved me, why?

    Oogway: Mmm, Monkey. You have shown me great skills. But I also sense in you great pain.