Extended Reading
  • Earl 2022-10-01 20:56:18

    just love math

    The episodes that I have been following since the first season
    like charlie, the cute math genius also likes his romantic love, hee hee,
    every episode is like a mathematical theorem that solves various problems in life.
    This drama is very suitable for people who like mathematics It is especially...

  • Giles 2022-10-01 21:21:21

    Bread or freedom? This is a false proposition

    Watching American TV drama No. 6 - "Numb3rs"

    was very hesitant before chasing this drama. Because I don't really believe that it is possible to make a crime drama for 5 consecutive seasons by relying on "math" gimmicks. It's just that although there are a lot of new and old dramas this season, the...

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Numb3rs quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Don Eppes: Three, two, one; execute!

  • Charlie Eppes: When we're working together, we talk and we laugh, and there's? an energy. And I don't understand why that doesn't work outside the office. Why don't we have anything else to talk about?

    Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: You know, you're making an underlying assumption here that I question.

    Charlie Eppes: What's that?

    Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: That there's something else you have to talk about. See, when you see two people unable to talk about politics or movies...

    Charlie Eppes: Hey, movies, I - I can - I can talk about - I just saw the penguin movie.

    Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: I see two extraordinary minds that can communicate on the purest level a man and woman can interface on.

    [pauses to think]

    Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: Okay, second purest.

    Charlie Eppes: Geek love.

    Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: Hey, no better kind.