Extended Reading
  • Alayna 2022-10-03 22:56:51

    It's all overdone, it's all crazy

    Another way for an ugly woman to live in the world is to become a writer. Because she will never be the lover of any man. Men hate her. What a man needs is always one kind of woman: a vase. beautiful. As a woman in a vase, there is only one ending in the end: broken, because of heart death. Because...

On the Town quotes

  • GabeyChipOzzie: [singing] New York, New York, a wonderful town / The Bronx is up and the Battery down / The people ride in a hole in the ground / New York, New York, it's a wonderful town!

  • Ozzie: [after Claire took photo of him beside prehistoric man statue] Er, what are you doing tonight?

    Claire Huddesen: Now just a minute! I want you to know that my interest in you is purely scientific. I'm just a cold-blooded scientist. And I'm writing an anthropological study for this musuem. It's called : "The Modern Man... And What It Is"