Extended Reading
  • Filomena 2022-10-09 14:44:35

    Pervert's Ideology Guide

    A fundamental insight of psychoanalysis is the distinction between enjoyment and pleasure. The pact between the Catholic Church and nuns plagued by sexual desires: to pretend abstinence - in fact, to embrace all desires. Psychologist friend: Now people are guilty because they are not enjoying...

  • Scotty 2022-10-15 19:15:02


    Postmodern ideology means changing from forcing people to take on obligations to enjoying them. But the people in it became Truman who refused to leave, as if they were very aware of their situation but refused to wear ideological glasses. They must be forced to have the courage to gain freedom....

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The Pervert's Guide to Ideology quotes

  • Slavoj Zizek: Freedom hurts.

  • Slavoj Zizek: I already am eating from the trashcan all the time. The name of this trashcan is ideology. The material force of ideology - makes me not see what I'm effectively eating. It's not only our reality which enslaves us. The tragedy of our predicament - when we are within ideology, is that - when we think that we escape it into our dreams - at that point we are within ideology.