Extended Reading
  • America 2022-02-24 08:02:25

    Z - wonderful political satire

    In the latter part of the film, after one of the opposition representatives escaped a thrilling drive-by, he recounted the attack on Mr. Z to the judge. The tricycle galloped past, Mr. Z was hit in the head, surrounded by the crowd in pain, and finally fell to the ground with his head on his head,...

  • August 2022-02-24 08:02:25

    A small comment on "Focus News" is purely verbal. Extremely watery.

    The main reason for talking about this film today is because Parasite won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Foreign Language Film before, so I followed similar themes and awards to find business cards of film history with the same topic. , so I accidentally discovered this masterpiece from 50...

  • Eldora 2022-03-23 09:03:15

    [Exhibition at the China Film Archive] Restored version. Political thriller. Adapted from real events, the director's courage is commendable. The Greek government reversed black and white and killed people, and prosecutors explored the facts step by step to reveal the truth. Breathless from start to finish, occasionally comedic, and quickly run over by the plot. The neat and abrupt ending is even more terrifying. Such upright prosecutors, witnesses and journalists are still unimaginable in China

  • Idell 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    strength. Especially in crowded scenes! Very shocking and awe-inspiring. Trintignant was handsome when he was young! arrive! burst!

Z quotes

  • Le photojournaliste: The magistrate believed you. He started digging and found that Vago and Yago belong to a secret group.

    Nick: Secret group?

    Le photojournaliste: Yes, CROC.

    Nick: Everybody knows 'em. The cops use 'em to keep order during state visits.

  • Le procureur: You must settle this quickly. The city, the country, even the world is watching and waiting. Our country's honor is at stake. Forget about these lowlifes. Your future lies before you. This case can take you very far or break your career. Take it from someone who knows.