Quantum of Solace Quotes

  • M: Find Bond!

  • James Bond: How long have I got?

    Felix Leiter: Thirty seconds.

    James Bond: That doesn't give us a lot of time...

  • James Bond: How much oil did the Americans promise you?

    M: This isn't about oil.

    James Bond: Well, that's good because there isn't any.

    M: It's about trust. You said you weren't motivated by revenge.

    James Bond: I'm motivated by my duty.

    M: No. I think you're so blinded by inconsolable rage that you don't care who you hurt. When you can't tell your friends from your enemies, it's time to go.

  • M: It'd be a pretty cold bastard who didn't want revenge for the death of someone he loved.

  • Felix Leiter: You know who Greene is and you want to put us in bed with him.

    Gregg Beam: Yeah, you're right. We should just deal with nice people.

  • James Bond: [Bond is holding Yusef and Corinne at gunpoint] Sit down!

    [they both sit]

    James Bond: [looking at Corinne] You're Canadian...? You work in Canadian intelligence?

    [Corinne doesn't answer]

    James Bond: That's all right... I know you do. And knowing this man, you likely have access to some very sensitive material that you're going to be forced to give up. His life will be threatened... and because you love him, you won't hesitate.

    [pause; Bond looks at Corinne's necklace]

    James Bond: That's a beautiful necklace. Did he give it to you?

    [Corinne still doesn't answer]

    James Bond: [showing her Vesper's necklace] I have one just like it. He gave it to a friend of mine... someone very close to me. Your name is...?

    Corinne: Corinne.

    James Bond: Corinne... Corinne, I suggest you leave now. You contact your people, and you tell them to check their seals. They have a leak. Do it now, please. This man and I have some unfinished business.

    Corinne: [softly, as she leaves] Thank you.

    [Bond turns back to Yusef]

    Yusef: Please. Make it quick.

  • James Bond: I'm sorry, Mr. Greene, but we have to go.

    Dominic Greene: Please. My friends call me Dominic.

    James Bond: I'm sure they do.

  • Dominic Greene: [regarding James Bond] Everything he touches withers and dies.

  • Camille: You lost somebody?

    James Bond: I did.

    Camille: You catch who ever did it?

    James Bond: No, not yet.

    Camille: Tell me when you do, I'd like to know how it feels...

  • James Bond: [Interrupting the opera house conversation] Can I offer an opinion? I really think you people should find a better place to meet.

  • Dominic Greene: [Speaks into the earpiece] This is the world's most precious resource, we need to control as much of it as we can.

  • Mathis: [to Bond] Vesper, she would give everything for you. Forgive her. Forgive yourself.

  • M: Who the hell is this organization, Bond? How can they be everywhere and we know nothing about them!

  • Mr. White: [after his associates have fled the opera house] I guess Tosca isn't for everyone.

  • James Bond: [to Camille] Have you ever killed someone? The training will tell you that when the adrenaline kicks in you should compensate. But part of you's not going to believe the training because this kill is personal. Take a deep breath. You only need one shot. Make it count.

  • James Bond: [at a dirty, small motel] What are we doing?

    Strawberry Fields: We're teachers on sabbatical. This fits our cover.

    James Bond: No it doesn't. I'd rather stay at a morgue. Come on.

    [they go to a nicer hotel]

    James Bond: [to the hotel receptionist] Hello. We're teachers on sabbatical and we've just won the lottery.

  • Camille: [Regarding Bond] There is something horribly efficient about you.

  • M: Ask him about Slate.

    Tanner: She wants to know about Slate.

    James Bond: Slate was a dead end.

    Tanner: He says it was a dead end.

    M: Damn it! He killed him.

  • James Bond: I don't think the dead care about vengeance.

  • M: Bond, if you could avoid killing every possible lead, it would be deeply appreciated.

    James Bond: Yes, Ma'am. I'll do my best.

    M: I've heard that before.

  • Mathis: [to James Bond] I was sorry to hear about Vesper. I think she loved you.

  • Strawberry Fields: Mr. Bond, my name is Fields. I'm from the consulate.

    James Bond: Of course you are. And what do you do at the consulate Fields?

    Strawberry Fields: That's not important. My orders are to turn you around and put you on the first plane to London.

    James Bond: [Walking past her] Do those orders include my friend Mathis?

    Strawberry Fields: [to Mathis] I'm sorry, I don't know who you are.

    James Bond: [to Mathis] You see? You've been gone for such a short time and you're already forgotten.

    Mathis: You're just saying that to hurt me.

    Strawberry Fields: [Following Bond out] Mr. Bond, these orders come from the highest possible authority.

    James Bond: Taxi! Fields, when is the next flight to London?

    Strawberry Fields: Tomorrow morning.

    James Bond: Well then, we have all night.

    Strawberry Fields: If you attempt to flee I will arrest you, drop you off at the jail and take you to the plane in chains, understand?

    James Bond: [Opening the taxi door] Perfectly. After you.

    Mathis: I think she has handcuffs.

    James Bond: I hope so.

  • M: When someone says "We've got people everywhere", you expect it to be hyperbole! Lots of people say that. Florists use that expression. It doesn't mean that they've got somebody working for them inside the bloody room!

  • Camille: [notices they are being followed] Friend of yours?

    James Bond: I don't have any friends.

  • Felix Leiter: James, move your ass!

  • Camille: You sent someone to kill me?

    Dominic Greene: Please don't talk to me like I'm stupid! It's unattractive.

  • Dominic Greene: There is nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than friends talking behind my back. Feels like... ants under my skin.

  • M: You killed a man in Bregenz.

    James Bond: I did my best not to.

    M: You shot him at point blank and threw him off a roof. I would hardly call that showing restraint!

  • James Bond: Are you going to tell us who you work for?

    Mr. White: I was always very interested to meet you. I heard so much about you from Vesper. The real shame is, if she hadn't killed herself we would've had you too.

  • M: The Americans are gonna be none too pleased.

    James Bond: I promised them Le Chiffre and they got Le Chiffre.

    M: They got his body.

    James Bond: Well, if they wanted his soul, they should have made a deal with a priest.

  • [drags Mr. White onto an interrogation chair]

    James Bond: Don't bleed to death.

  • Camille: So, what's your interest in Greene?

    James Bond: Among other things, he tried to kill a friend of mine.

    Camille: A woman?

    James Bond: Yes. But it's not what you think.

    Camille: Your mother?

    James Bond: She likes to think so.

  • Mr. White: The first thing you should know about us is that we have people everywhere.

    [looks at Mitchell]

    Mr. White: Am I right?

  • James Bond: You know I was just wondering what South America would look like if nobody gave a damn about coke or communism. It always impressed me the way you boys would carve this place up.

    Felix Leiter: I'll take that as a compliment coming from a Brit.

  • Mathis: I have pills for everything. Some make you taller... some make you forget.

  • [Bond shows up for his rendezvous with Camille having just survived a knife-fight]

    Camille: You're late!

    James Bond: Got pulled into a meeting.

  • James Bond: They say you're judged by the strength of your enemies.

  • Dominic Greene: You should know something about me and the people I work with. We deal with the left or the right, with dictators or liberators. If the current President had been more agreeable, I wouldn't be talking to you. So, if you decide not to sign, you will wake up with your balls in your mouth and your willing replacement standing over you. If you doubt that, then shoot me, take that money and have a good night's sleep.

  • James Bond: [chucks a can of motor oil at Greene's feet] I bet you make it 20 miles before you consider drinking that.

    [Bond gets in the car and drives away, leaving Greene stranded in the middle of the desert]

    James Bond: Goodbye, Mr. Greene.

  • Camille: How much did he want?

    James Bond: He wanted you but I left the car as collateral. He'll get much more when he sells us out.

  • Dominic Greene: How much do you know about Bond, Camille? Because he's rather a tragic case. As MI6 says, he's difficult to control. Nice way of saying that everything he touches seems to wither and die.

  • Mathis: [to Bond] What do you want? Have you come to apologise?

  • Mathis: You can't sleep?

    Bartender on Virgin Flight: May I fix you a drink, Sir?

    Mathis: What are you drinking?

    James Bond: I don't know. What am I drinking?

    Bartender on Virgin Flight: Three measures of Gordon's Gin, One of Vodka, Half a measure of Kina...

    Mathis: Kina Lillet.

    Bartender on Virgin Flight: Kina Lillet, which is not Vermouth. Shaken well until it is ice cold and served with a large, thin slice of lemon peel. Six of them.

    Mathis: That's impressive.

    James Bond: They're good. You should have one.

  • [last lines]

    M: Bond, I need you back.

    James Bond: I never left.

  • James Bond: [Bond's first line] Its time to get out.

  • M: We never really know anyone, do we?

  • M: I do need to know, Bond. I need to know that I can trust you.

  • Camille: We didn't settle on a price.

    James Bond: Make me an offer.

    Camille: We can work it out later over drinks.

  • Dominic Greene: Camille, how nice to see you.

    Camille: Alive, you mean.

    Dominic Greene: I knew we shouldn't have slept together. I think I'm starting to like you.

    Camille: So you did just try and have me killed.

    Dominic Greene: And that made me very sad.

  • M: What happened to Slate?

    James Bond: I'm not dwelling on the past. I don't think you should either.

    M: You killed him.

  • M: Get me the Americans.

  • M: Get Bond.

  • M: [On the phone] Bond, are you missing the fact that you killed a member of the Special Branch. I need you to come in.

    James Bond: And I would, but, right now I need to find the man who tried to kill you. Go back to sleep.

  • M: Restrict Bond's movement. Cancel his cards. Put an alert on his passports. All of them.

  • Mathis: This man had me imprisoned and tortured and you want to serve him fine wine?

    Gemma: You only buy cheap wine. And since you were innocent, they bought you this villa. So really, you owe him, don't you?

    Mathis: Gemma, go work on your tan.

  • Mathis: When one's young, it seems very easy to distinguish between right and wrong. But, as one gets older, it becomes more difficult. The villains and the heroes get all mixed up.

  • James Bond: I need some information.

    [Gives Mathis a stack of photographs]

    Mathis: Oh, you have some hard friends. This man is some kind of facilitator. Fingers in many pies and they don't leave any prints.

  • Strawberry Fields: [Sitting naked in bed] Do you know how angry I am at myself?

    James Bond: I can't imagine.

    [Kisses her back]

    James Bond: You must be furious.

  • Dominic Greene: Mr. Bond, what a pleasure. Be careful with this one. She won't go to bed with you unless you give her something she really wants. It's a shame because she's really quite stunning once you get her on her back.

    Camille: I wish I could say the feeling was mutual.

  • Dominic Greene: [Talking to Bond and Camille] You two do make a charming couple, though. You're both, what's the expression? Damaged goods.

  • Camille: So, its British Intelligence now. What the hell do you want from me?

    James Bond: You're going to show me Dominic Greene's Tierra Project. Are you up to it?

    Camille: Do I have a choice?

    James Bond: Do you want one?

  • Perla de las Dunas Receptionist: I was told you needed something. How can I help you?

    General Medrano: What a lovely question.

  • James Bond: My sources tell me you're Bolivian Secret Service. Or, used to be. I thought you'd infiltrated Greene's organization by having sex with him.

    Camille: That offends you?

    James Bond: No. Not the slightest.

  • Camille: Get in.

    James Bond: You gonna try and shoot me?

    Camille: I said, get in.

  • Foreign Secretary: Bond is running wild. Who's to say he hasn't been turned. Pull him in. Or, the Americans will put him down.

  • M: I assume you have no regrets.

    James Bond: I don't! What about you?

    M: Of course not. It would be unprofessional.

  • James Bond: Now, you and I need to see this through.

    M: There's no where to go. There's a capture or kill order out on you.

    James Bond: Who would have done that?

  • James Bond: [to Colonel Cuervo, who had killed Rene Mathis] You and I had a mutual friend!

  • [first lines]

    Carabinieri on Radio: Station from Patrol 48 - grey Aston Martin followed by a black Alfa Romeo driving towards the quarries. Gunshot fire.

  • Dominic Greene: You want your country back. My organization can give it to you within - a week.

  • Dominic Greene: Be careful what you wish for, my dear.

  • Gregg Beam: I need to know you're on the team, Felix. I need to know you value your career.

  • Gemma: Love, I want your hands on my skin.

  • Dominic Greene: Tell me, you didn't drop by tonight just to piss on my parade?

  • Foreign Secretary: If we refuse to do business with villains, we'd have almost no one to trade with.

  • Foreign Secretary: The world's running out of oil, M. The Russians aren't playing pool. The Americans and Chinese are dividing up what's left. Right or wrong doesn't come into it. We're acting out of necessity.

  • James Bond: I think I found a way out.

  • M: Look how well your charm works, James. They'll do anything for you, won't they?

  • M: I don't give a shit about the CIA or their trumped up evidence. He's my agent - and I trust him.

  • James Bond: Are you sure you're playing with the right side?

    Felix Leiter: Regimes change once a week down here.

  • James Bond: [sarcastically] That's what I like about US intelligence. You'll lie down with anybody.

    Felix Leiter: Including you, brother. Including you.

  • James Bond: Do you know you're being played?

Extended Reading
  • Selina 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    First, I really don’t remember what Casino Royale said; second, I watched it while having fun. Thoughts after reading: the male protagonist with neurological impairment, the villain with facial neurological impairment, and the female protagonist with impairment of facial features. In addition, if the next episode is still more related to the previous plot, I will not watch it anyway. Who bothers to remember what was said after two years, damn!

  • Elsie 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    The title is better called Yu Wenzhilian. It’s so beautiful in a suit to fight. I hope I’ll be willing someday.