Nice nostalgic time

Magnus 2021-12-08 08:01:47

I finally watched an old version of Star trek completely. This movie can actually help the audience who are now fans of TBBT very well, and understand what kind of movie the American otaku are crazy about. .

Does Star trek count as one of the movies that combines entertainment and science well? The scientific terms of the characters in the film, the very sci-fi props and events that promote the development of the plot, these things can really impact the hearts of children who love science very well. That's right, it's a child, not an otaku in his 20s or 30s. In the film, the cast that is too aging, and the scientific terms are too patchwork, these things will also attract children, and normal young men in their 20s and 30s should like hot and bloody scenes and bloody scenes. Beauty. So, now understand what kind of movie Star trek is?

However, the original intention of Star trek itself is suitable for all ages. Environmental protection and teamwork will always be welcomed by mankind. However, as an older otaku's hobby, it seems a bit outdated.

ps, why does the captain on the poster look like Joey!

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Extended Reading
  • Ernest 2022-04-22 07:01:28

    Although I've never liked crossing memes, this episode was really fun. Everyone was so cute and funny. The captain and the first officer finally got down to having a good relationship (flirting), so warm. So that probe is a god horse, is it safe for the whales to detect their own kind in aliens? I have long said that many creatures may come from aliens, um~ PS: This episode is Sheldon’s favorite in this series of movies, and he hates the first episode the most~

  • Daphney 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    It is only through this theme that the good sci-fi classics become full of joy

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home quotes

  • McCoy: [McCoy, masked and in surgical garb, passes an elderly woman groaning on a gurney in the hallway] What's the matter with you?

    Elderly patient: [weakly] Kidney


    Elderly patient: dialysis.

    McCoy: [geniunely surprised] Dialysis?

    [musing to himself]

    McCoy: What is this, the Dark Ages?

    [He turns back to the patient and hands her a large white pill]

    McCoy: Here,


    McCoy: you swallow that, and if you have any more problems, just call me!

    [He pats her cheek and leaves]

  • Elderly patient: [the dialysis patient is being wheeled down the hall after being given the pill by McCoy]


    Elderly patient: The doctor gave me a pill, and I grew a new kidney! The doctor gave me a pill, and I grew a new kidney!

    Intern #1: [in disbelief, walking ahead of the patient] Fully functional?

    Intern #2: [incredulous] Fully functional!