Sorry, it's warm, but I only give 3 stars

Willow 2022-04-19 09:01:51

This afternoon, I went to see this highly rated movie with my wife. To be honest, I personally think that the rating of this movie is inflated. Maybe it's because of some differences in the recent mobile phone push Get, so I have some personal opinions.
This movie, by and large, is nothing more than a rich man's whitewash.
However, this movie is very flesh and blood.

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The school the protagonist goes to should be a private school. The fees are probably higher than that of a large part of the aristocratic primary schools in our country, and public schools, sorry, there is no such reasonable principal, there is no one A black kid who can't see a dirty whip, a science class without so many experimental equipment.
And a private school in a colonial country has always aimed to strengthen elite education for middle- and high-productivity families, so that the elite will always be ahead of the common people. So, no matter how bad the child you see, it's just a picture, draw a picture, and those who exist in reality chase you and laugh at you, take off your pants and strip your clothes, you can't see it. After all, what elite education needs is to make most middle- and high-yield families feel the atmosphere of elite cultivation, rather than worrying about whether their children will be bullied by bad kids in school.
Basically, the principal and teachers and students create a deliberate whitewashed peace for you.
And the bad boy who bullies, no matter how bad, is only as bad as Julianne. Going back to the scene where Julianne's prank was discovered, his mother's first reaction when she saw the attitude of the principal was that my child would be expelled (by a private school) because of this. Expulsion means that other private schools can't recruit you at all, you can only go to a public school with a bunch of poor kids), so she was scared, because she knew that what her kids did, can bully ours today Xiao August, you can bully other children tomorrow. This is not tolerated by the school, and it will bring panic to other parents. So she took care of everything, and when the principal came up with more evidence, she hysterically told the principal that I had someone in the school board, and told the principal that I was the big moneymaker. When she heard that the child was just not allowed to participate in this camp, her attitude changed drastically, and she suddenly stiffened in front of the principal.

Besides, Jack Will, the good engine oil of Little August, the name of Jack Will is probably similar to Zhang Wei in China, the surname of Bad Street and the name of Bad Street. The character he portrayed also confirms his identity. He entered a private school on scholarship (he couldn’t afford it), and was forced by the principal to receive Xiao August (his mother said 4 reasons, probably the most important one is that he I have to do something I don’t like for the scholarship), I was afraid that I would not be able to integrate into the social circle, so I spoke ill of Xiao August to please Julianne, and found that the classmates began to accept Xiao August, and then decisively abandoned the wave of Julianne, trying to integrate Small August this big circle. This is very real and very helpless. This is the so-called child of the poor, let's go home early.

Back to Xiao August, when he was laughed at, he was in pain, but when the person who bullied him in the scientific experiment was pranked, he became a person who laughed at others. Of course, this is very American spirit, his father taught him that, if someone bullies you, you have to fight back fiercely. Moreover, this is also very true. When the person who bullies you falls into a low ebb, even adults will fall into the trap. No matter how bad it is, they will just sit on the sidelines. If you really want to laugh at the grievances, there are too few people who repay their grievances with virtue.

From another point of view, if this movie were to be filmed in a public school with an ugly child from a poor family, what would be the process? You can probably make up the plot. It is estimated that the finale will be that the child grows into a psychopath and then does all the bad things. (Suddenly I think of Wuji here, it's you who deprived me of the right to be a good person, I really can't bear to look directly)
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So, this movie is really just a whitewash by rich people.
Giving it three stars is just to see that its characters are very full, everyone has advantages and disadvantages, as if they are people around you, not movie characters in film and television dramas.

Digression: One of the scenes I admired the most in this movie is that when Xiao August went to school on the first day, every child carried a heavy backpack with books, and the bag was not small at all, it was very real. So don't think that our country's exam-oriented education is too heavy for children. If foreign children receive elite education in private schools instead of ignorant education in public schools, there will be no less homework than domestic ones, only more.

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Extended Reading
  • Reid 2022-03-22 09:01:44

    The theme does not portray bitterness, but starts from the point of view of innocence and different characters, because the misfortunes in reality are mutual, and adversity is just a different perspective on things. All moving points can be hit, because the world has its own truth, goodness and beauty, routine but sincere. It is similar to last year's independent film "Brisby Bear", but it is obviously not as good as "Cloth".

  • Collin 2022-03-23 09:01:51

    I've watched the trailer many times, and I'm worried that it will be a cliché that is purely inspirational and sensational. However, although the overall style of the film is similar, it is rare to be able to change the perspective and pay attention to the psychological process and changes of supporting characters such as sisters, classmates, and girlfriends, which greatly enriches the story and characters. It is a real miracle that a little boy grows up in an environment and country where he has no worries about food and clothing, his parents and sisters are kind and gentle, and his teachers and principals are friendly! Samsung and a half

Wonder quotes

  • Auggie: Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. And if you really wanna see what people are, all you have to do is look.

  • Summer: Given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.