Nazism is one of the best and most successful ways to escape oneself

Arturo 2022-04-20 09:01:44

The film presents an obsessive but successful experiment in how collectivism and Nazism can destroy a person's mind and heart. Of course, this experiment came at a price.
In the film, it seems that people who are keen on this experiment have a certain pain in their hearts. But it happened that this experiment with the nature of Nazism "saved" them, and their pain seemed to find an outlet. Because, they can freely project their pain through the Die Welle collective. In this collective, all individuals have an illusion of omnipotence. Because of this illusion, they feel that as long as they stay true to the collective, they can perfectly escape from themselves and completely escape the pain they don't want to face, whether it belongs to the past or the present. However, all suffering is unavoidable, because one must truly live in this world, and suffering is so real that this truth cannot be concealed by any illusory feeling. So the pain is bounced back, and the pain that bounces back will be more pain than what was already there. In the end, someone in this group couldn't face it and committed suicide.
Actually, I don't like the word ism because of its extreme nature. I think that if the word "ism" exists, there will be an illusion of extreme narcissism and omnipotence, and this illusion will destroy many beautiful things and make us live in an extremely unreal fantasy. Maybe, we need unity and cooperation, but in my opinion, unity and cooperation are just a way for us to achieve a win-win situation, and it can also be said to be a way for us to maximize the interests of all individuals. We love a group, not to escape self and to escape pain, but to better obtain the interests of individuals and at the same time serve the interests of others. If we unconditionally radicalize the love of the collective into collectivism or even Nazism, then, first of all, this is a way of putting the cart before the horse, and also, it is a practice that many people escape from their own insanity and even make various A breeding ground for dehumanization.
Fortunately, this film was shot by Germans. This is a reflection of Germans on Nazism to a certain extent, and it also sounded the alarm of Nazism for the world.

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The Wave quotes

  • Tim Stoltefuss: Run for your life, or I'll blow your brains out.

  • Bomber: If you ever have problems with those guys, call me right?