Why are the poor so poor. . .

Ericka 2022-04-20 09:01:43

The experiment itself is designed for the poor and the unemployed, because not to mention how much the reward is, the poor will never come to suffer and suffer.
Then since it is a poor group, we have to say two kinds of poor methods: one is due to the general environment, and the other is self-problem.
The experiments in this film are obviously prepared for the second kind of poor people. These people living at the bottom of urban society often have one thing in common: self-righteous and low emotional intelligence, and everything they do is unclear and confused. The chimpanzee police officer in the film is a typical example of such a character. When wearing a lab coat, he really thinks he is a police officer. come. The protagonist is also such a person, just kind, and his mistakes are the same: since he was chosen to be a prisoner, he must be a real prisoner honestly, and the money will belong to you. No wonder the company fired you.
In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still a question of being smart or not. At the beginning of the movie, it is extremely ironic for the protagonist to say that the chimpanzee police officer is a smart person. This movie should be highly recommended to those who can’t make money or are just out of school. It is still helpful to change a person, as the protagonist finally answered: We are better than monkeys because we still have the power to change.

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The Experiment quotes

  • [first lines]

    Tarek Fahd, Häftling Nr. 77: [voiceover, reading newspaper ad] Test subjects wanted. Earn 4000 marks for a 14-day experiment in a simulated prison.

  • [last lines]

    Nachrichtensprecher: [voiceover - spoiler] The tragic outcome: two dead, three injured, among them project leader Professor Klaus Thon. Clearly, the experiment went out of control after two days. The district attorney is investigating two possible manslaughter charges and several charges of abuse and negligence. One of the test participants has been arrested. The project direction will probably have to answer to a court. According to statements by one of the scientists, the escalation might have been prevented by aborting the experiment earlier.