Don't be picky, don't trample on other people's works if you don't like them.

Jaron 2022-10-23 15:34:25

This movie is my dish, and I like movies that feel absurd, helpless, grotesque, lonely, and non-ideal. Although such films are few and far between. Most of the protagonists' inner worlds are portrayed more in the film, or they have special physical or psychological diseases. This kind of film gives me a very subtle feeling, which I can't describe. It always makes me feel the cruelty and indifference of the world, the fragility and insignificance of the individual, the softness and complexity of the heart, the indescribable loneliness and the patience that is about to collapse... …In most cases of such films, the themes expressed are uncertain, multi-dimensional, full of tension and allegory, and the plot jumps rather than coherent, just like a drama, with fantasy elements in the absurd.

It's hard to talk about it, and this kind of movie is destined to not be praised by everyone. This is also what the director expected before making this movie. This is just an artist's inner catharsis, which has nothing to do with the box office or comments.

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Synecdoche, New York quotes

  • Claire Keen: I got an offer to do Needleman in a Haystack. And I'm gonna take it. I want you out of the apartment. The real one. You can keep this one.

  • Adult Olive: How I love Maria. She is so much more of a father than Caden ever was...... with his drinking and unfortunate body odor and rotting teeth. I could only loathe him, and perhaps pity him.