A movie where girls can learn a lot

Douglas 2022-04-20 09:01:41

It's a film I stumbled upon while studying at a language center. At that time, I watched it in the special screening room of the school, and when I watched it, I found that the tears could not help but stay. It is indeed a very classic film about feminism, and it also involves the status of black women in the United States, so it is generally a very difficult film to shoot, but director Spielberg completed the shooting perfectly. It is said that the baby boy born by Xi Li at the beginning of the film (who was raped by his father, it is distressing to see) is Spielberg's newborn son, so it is also a very memorable film for the director himself~ You can take a look when you have time~

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The Color Purple quotes

  • Miss Millie: You kids are so clean. You wanna come work for me, be my maid?

    Sofia: Hell no.

  • Celie: [to herself, after Shug shouts Albert's first name when she throws the burned food out of the bedroom] Albert?