That's why I say the world is coming to end

Ruthie 2022-04-21 09:02:16

Let me talk about a little thing that happened today. A Ling said that Zhanjiang has not had a better day since the end of last year. Indeed, in my impression, Zhanjiang has been wet and cold recently. Occasionally, when a cold air arrives, a strong cold wind blows and dries the clothes that cannot be dried for a few days. A Ling finally added a sentence, it seems that the world is coming to perish. After returning to school from Foshan at the end of March, the weather has been like this, plus the news of the severe drought in the southwest, earthquakes, and coal mine incidents, although not all of them are related to the climate, but there is always a thought that the world will perish, and we will not live long. , the difference is a matter of time.
After watching this documentary in a damp house, I felt very sad. After a few years in college, there was not much left of the geography I learned in high school. Looking at the charts and charts and relying on the remaining geographic knowledge to look at the ever-warming earth, I feel very lost. Maybe without this knowledge of geography, without the understanding of all aspects of the earth that geography students have, I may not have the discomfort in my heart now. Pull one hair and move the whole body.
Through the speech of Gore, the former president who lost the election and now the environmental protection expert, although Gore has described and directed some similar political suspects, the effect of Gore's speech documentary is indeed shocking. Warm and cold currents, drowned polar bears, glacial snails, Arctic, Antarctic, Greenland, coastlines, ice ages.
I know the relationship between the formation of the Great Lakes and the arrival of the Ice Age, which was only 10 years away. In ten years, maybe you and I have just started a family and just had our own family. Although Gore said that now the Great Lakes have been formed, the ice age will not come like this again, but how do we all know that the new ice age will come in another way?
We all know about global warming, and we all know that it will raise sea levels and flood coastal cities. West Antarctica melts, and the global sea level rises by 20 feet (1 foot foot = 0.3048 meters, which is 6.096 meters); Greenland glaciers melt, and a huge mixture of ice and water penetrates the ice, causing the phenomenon of glacier snails (understandable? It is termites This scourge caused similar tragedies), and global sea levels rose by 20 feet. WOW~it' s so terrible , right? Don't think this is something far away from us, many frequent disaster events have warned us.
The era of procrastination of half-measures, of soothing and baffing expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. in
its place we are entering a period of consequances.
Near the end. Instead, we will start living with its consequences.
Provoking the wrath of the earth has serious consequences. If you don't change, the world will end soon.

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An Inconvenient Truth quotes

  • Al Gore: We have the ability to do this. Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each of us can make choices to change that. With the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive, we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The solutions are in our hands. We just have to have the determination to make them happen. Are we gonna be left behind as the rest of the world moves forward?

    [on the screen behind him, a list of countries appears]

    Al Gore: All of these nations have ratified Kyoto. There are only two advanced nations in the world that have not ratified Kyoto, and we are one of them. The other is Australia.

    [on the screen, a map of the United States is shown]

    Al Gore: Luckily, several states are taking the initiative. The nine northeastern states have banded together on reducing CO2. Uh, California and Oregon are taking the initiative. Pennsylvania is exercising leadership on solar power and wind power. And U.S. cities are stepping up to the plate.

    [on the screen, a list of cities appears, to applause]

    Al Gore: One after the other, we have seen all of these cities pledge to take on global warming.

  • Al Gore: Ultimately, this question comes down to this. Are we, as Americans, capable of doing great things even though they are difficult? Are we capable of rising above ourselves and above history? Well, the record indicates that we do have that capacity. We formed a nation, we fought a revolution, and brought something new to this earth, a free nation guaranteeing individual liberty. America made a moral decision that slavery was wrong, and that we could not be half free and half slave. We, as Americans, decided that of course women should have the right to vote. We defeated totalitarianism and won a war in the Pacific and the Atlantic simultaneously. We desegregated our schools. And we cured fearsome diseases like polio. We landed on the moon! The very example of what's possible when we are at our best. We worked together in a completely bipartisan way to bring down communism. We have even solved a global environmental crisis before, the hole in the stratospheric ozone layer. This was said to be an impossible problem to solve, because it's a global environmental challenge requiring cooperation from every nation in the world. But we took it on. And the United States took the lead in phasing out the chemicals that caused that problem. So now we have to use our political processes in our democracy, and then decide to act together to solve those problems. But we have to have a different perspective on this one. It's different from any problem we have ever faced before.