If it were not for being too left to forcibly reflect on the capital entry and market operation in the civilized world, it is the same evil as the barbaric gangster who directly killed the Americans. Seeing the low-star "too western" on Douban, Wo would h

Price 2021-12-18 08:01:11

But for too left forced reflect the civilized world and entered the capital market operation is a kind of brutal rogue with direct stabbed Americans are the same evil, see stars play low on watercress "too Western" Wo just want to play a five-star

authoritarian In the world’s half-market economy, wealth is monopolized by power and evil is concentrated. The bottom people who are accustomed to living in a society that is incompatible and insurmountable between the rich and the poor can form the perception that wealth is equal to evil. This is in all authoritarian and authoritarian countries. (All socialist countries are like this in the first place) There are no exceptions. Therefore, when the wealth of the capitalist world floods in, the completely normal trading behaviors that occur from the perspective of civilization will also be regarded by these bottom layers as evil they are accustomed to. What is even more sinister is that an evil regime can easily use nationalism to instigate the hatred of the lower class towards foreign capital and pass on the hatred of the lower class towards its own government.

Of course, with Wo’s harsh standards, Wo does not completely forgive these civilized world’s purely profit-seeking capital. They choose to trade with the evil regime, which is also a blood transfusion and continuation of the evil regime’s life. It may not be the cause, but it is against the evil power. Turning a blind eye is shameless enough.

It is simply impossible for the U.S. government not to rescue American citizens (Benghazi fights face! Hillary for prison!). The fact that Red Vietnam has become the last refuge is also like swallowing flies.

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No Escape quotes

  • Hammond: [serving them dog meat] You mean to tell me you haven't had Kan Chow Chicken yet? You're gonna love this. They feed the chickens raisins.

    Lucy Dwyer: Really?

    Annie Dwyer: Really...

    Hammond: Makes the chickens taste sweet.

    Jack Dwyer: That's interesting.

    Lucy Dwyer: What do they feed the chickens in the US?

    Hammond: In the US? Usually other chickens, I think.

  • Jack Dwyer: I killed someone.

    Hammond: You're alive, Jack. Your family's alive.