Peter Pan & Neverland

Santino 2022-04-21 09:02:40

I first knew Peter Pan because of the famous stage play of the same name. I like him not just because of his strange appearance in search of shadows, nor because of his insistence that Wendy help him sew shadows to the soles of his feet. Like him just because he will never grow up, and, he can fly.

I think he is a willful child. Because he is unwilling to admit that every child will grow up, and the world after growing up is no longer familiar to him. Maybe this is the reason why he lives in Neverland, or maybe it is because he really Found a place that adulthood will never reach? I prefer to believe the latter. why? Because, I believe it is happier...

Wendy is an ordinary little girl, she thinks that the child will grow up after all, whether you like it or not. She finally left Peter Pan, leaving the beautiful home that Peter Pan gave her, surrounded by green vines. Sometimes, we have to admit that, like Wendy, despite longing for eternal childhood, we still stubbornly believe that we should return to reality, to return to the ranks of adulthood. However, when our hearts are scarred by growth, maybe, for a moment, we strongly hope that Peter Pan will suddenly appear, and then ask us to help him sew the shadow to the heel, in exchange, he will bring We go to Neverland where the age never grows.

Maybe it's not the fear of growing older that we get to the bottom of, it's the complex adult world that we fear and reject. When we feel that we don't want to grow up, maybe, just at that moment, we really have grown up. Because a real child is eager to grow up. Humans are a paradoxical species, always in constant pursuit of what they once wanted to give up. If Peter Pan really appeared in front of you, would you go with him to that beautiful Neverland? At that time you will remember that I have to grow up, I want to go to college, find a job that pays well and that I like... You will explain to Peter Pan, in fact, growing up is inevitable, we Shouldn't escape... Who is the one who really escapes? Is it Peter Pan?

I think, no. Those who really escape are those who dare not pursue their true dreams. The things around us are like chains one after another, which makes us bear heavy worries when we pursue what we really want. In the end, we stop our pursuit of these chains and move towards the one that has already been paved for us. Walk on the road, from now on, stay away from dreams... Some people say that people who think about the things around them are really mature people. If the price of maturity is to give up dreams, then, I hope, I will never meet maturity...

Maybe, one day, a little boy who can fly will rush into your window and beg you Help him find his shadow, will you say to him: "Please take me to Neverland!"?

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Peter Pan quotes

  • [Hook asked Tiger Lily if she had seen Peter Pan, and she replies with a foreign language, and then spits at him]

    Smee: She says sorry, but no.

  • Mrs. Darling: There are many different kinds of bravery. There's the bravery of thinking of others before one's self. Now, your father has never brandished a sword nor fired a pistol, thank heavens. But he has made many sacrifices for his family, and put away many dreams.

    Michael: Where did he put them?

    Mrs. Darling: He put them in a drawer. And sometimes, late at night, we take them out and admire them. But it gets harder and harder to close the drawer... He does. And that is why he is brave.