I carry your heart with me

Joesph 2022-04-19 09:02:18

Every girl has an angel in her heart.
She is rebellious, she is a headache because she has lost confidence in herself.
A girl without confidence is so disappointed in herself that she indulges herself even more and indulges herself.
This is not a love drama, but a family drama about awakening the angel in your heart.
The unfamiliar grandmother, the unfamiliar old professor, the lost sister, slowly and slowly, Maggie's affection for her grandmother was slowly awakened, her phobia was slowly cured, she began to think about her own life, began to The change, the guilt towards my sister, turned into action, so that my sister finally entered a happy marriage hall.
It was only later that we found out that the bad girl gradually turned into a sweetheart.
It makes people happy, from the heart.

American poet ee Cummings' poem "I carry your heart with me"~~

I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart
I am never without it
Anywhere I go,you go,my dear
And whatever is done by only me...
is your doing,my darling
I fear no fate...
for you are my fate,my sweet
I want no world,for,beautiful...
you are my world, my true.
Here is the deepest secret
no one knows.
Here is the root of the root...
and the bud of the bud...
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life...
which grows higher
than the soul can hope...
or mind can hide.
It is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart...
I carry it in my heart...

I carry your heart
Put it in my heart and
never leave
no matter where I am, where you are my darling
, everything I do
is you my darling
I am not afraid of disasters
because you are my destiny my darling
I don't want the whole world
you are me The whole of my true love
No one knows this secret deep in the heart The
root in the root
is the tenderness in the tenderness
is the sky The tree of life
grows higher and higher than the soul's expectations
Or the cover up of missing
let the stars shine
I take your heart and
put it in my heart

Maggie's gift to rose at my sister's wedding.
But why does ``I feel like a love poem?

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Extended Reading
  • Edna 2022-01-04 08:01:40

    Very in line with the current mood

  • Bailee 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    This sister is so generous

In Her Shoes quotes

  • Rose Feller: I don't know what's wrong with your girls. My Marcia never uses the word vagina!

    Maggie Feller: My Marcia doesn't even have a vagina!

    Rose Feller: Oh, My Marcia has a vagina alright, but My Marcia's vagina is made of solid 24 karat gold!

    Maggie Feller: My Marcia's vagina is so perfect, it's in a museum!

  • [Rose has just caught her sister and her boyfriend in bed together]

    Rose Feller: I liked you... I really liked you. She won't even remember your name. Probably can't even spell it.

    [to her sister]

    Rose Feller: Can you, Maggie? Come on, sound it out. Juh-imm. Jim. Oh, she's pretty, this one... but real stupid.

    Maggie Feller: Shut up, you fat pig!

    Rose Feller: [beat] Did you honestly just say, "Fat pig"? You're my sister... and the best you can do is "fat pig"?

    [slams Maggie against the wall]

    Rose Feller: [shouts] Get out of my life!