Reflections on Time Travel, Choice and Destiny

Zita 2022-12-14 01:04:01

Recently, I watched a Japanese animation "SteinsGate" recommended by a friend. It is about a middle-2nd teenager who claims to be a mad scientist who accidentally invented a time machine and then saved the world. The entire animation is about time travel and parallel worlds, as well as the choice of fate. The protagonist of the play, Rintaro Gobe, came to the parallel world of the beta line because he sent a text message foreshadowing the murder, causing the timeline to be chaotic. Later, due to the abuse of the time machine, the male protagonist's childhood sweetheart Shiina Mayuri must die at a certain moment as the end of this world line. In the end, in order to save her, the male protagonist had to change the past again and again, and let the past return to its original state. But if the past is returned to its original state, Makase Kurisu, the assistant of the male protagonist, must die again. The ending is beautiful, the male protagonist not only saves the world but also saves the female protagonist. This raises one question: if time travel is possible, will the real fate be rewritten?

Most time travel film and television works time travel is to change some things in the past, it is definitely not a simple trip to see the scenery of the past. For example, in the famous time travel movie "Back to the Future" trilogy, the three plots are interlocking, and their actions in the past have had a huge impact on the future. And there is no regret medicine in this world. People have a strong desire to go back to the past: if I did not choose A and choose B, I should be fine now. The time machine has become an excellent "regret medicine". But this raises a question: If we had made another option, would the reality be as good as we expected? The answer is not necessarily. The complexity of the real society is far beyond our imagination. The development direction of anything is driven by various objective factors. This is something that our brain cannot simulate. We can only deceive ourselves and think That's it.

The time machine is a powerful "regret drug", and humans are very addicted to using it. "The Butterfly Effect" is a good example. The male protagonist has his own time travel ability. If you want to change one thing, it is very simple to go back to the past and make different choices. But every time the past is changed, it brings a good side and a bad side, and the male protagonist makes the direction of life perfect as he imagined. Just staying with this desire, traveling through time again and again will bring the past to change the future, until finally you find that things are getting worse and worse, and finally kill yourself in the belly. While time travel has solved some regrets for us, new ones have been born, old ones have gone and new ones have come, endlessly.

After so long, I finally came to a choice. We make choices all the time in our lives, whether to watch a movie or read a book or play a game tonight, what school to choose for the college entrance examination, what major to choose, who to fall in love with and who to marry. Every choice makes our lives different. Our choices have the potential to bring us regret. The choice always has to give up what to get. We may give up the comfortable life now and work hard to be happier in the future. We may give up the current lover for money to choose others. We may choose dignity instead of money. Any choice has a price, and when you choose one, you cannot experience another life. In economics, people are always assumed to be rational, and then people make choices. You can't measure the choices in life with the digital benefits of economics, because we can't see the future. For example, you married a boy who thought he was born poor because of your love and vowed to be with him. You don't know what his future will be like. He may be rich or poor all his life. But we made a choice, and we have to bear all the costs ourselves, because the path is chosen by ourselves, and everyone forces you. Since we don't have Doraemon's time machine, we can't go back to the past, and we don't have regret medicine, so all of this has to be accepted.

Some people say that with the time machine, the fate will change because of this. Destiny is so vague that we usually don't notice it, but it bubbles up at critical moments. The encounter between people may really be arranged by God. If God does not let two people meet, there will be no romance that will leave traces in each other's lives, but don't forget that we meet a lot of people, who do we want to be with? The final choice of falling in love is in our hands. Fate only creates opportunities for us, and we are still the masters of our own lives. In the end, I advise everyone not to think about how to change the past. The past has become a foregone conclusion. Your current choice may not be the best, and your life may not be the best. If you do it wrong, you do it wrong, and you do something stupid in the first place. Mention a more time-related movie "People with No Surname". This movie is about an eight-year-old child who can't make a choice between his father or his mother after his parents divorce, and fantasizes in his mind that he makes a different choice. life. He fell in love with different girls, died in different places, and the boy didn't choose between his father and mother at the end of the movie. In the end, he ran away alone, giving up all the life he had imagined in his mind, and ran towards unknown. We can't move forward if we can't make a choice, stagnation is not a good thing for life, so let's make a choice, don't regret it, because regret is useless, because we don't know what the future will be like.

End with a sentence. Thank you for watching me rambling here. O(∩_∩)O~~

Youth should have many regrets. - Takehiko Inoue

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Steins;Gate quotes

  • Rintarou Okabe: I'm the great mad scientist, Hououin Kyoma!

  • Rintarou Okabe: No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite.

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