"The Terrible Is the Unknown"

Justyn 2022-04-19 09:02:43

The Internet has changed life, and today's society is destined to be an information society. And the Internet as we know it may only be the tip of the iceberg of this huge network. Unfriend 2: The Dark Web is the story that lifts that veil. 1. How about letting you watch the computer desktop for more than an hour? Some people say it's so difficult, I play games every day, work and stare at the computer for hours. So, what about movies? How about watching an hour-and-a-half-long movie with all the screen on the computer desktop? "Unfriend 2: The Dark Web" is filmed in this way, I don't know if there is a film in the same format before it, at least this is the first one I have contacted, and "The Internet Lost" after that is also similar. Will this be boring? The truth is, there's a good chance it's going to be boring, but this movie doesn't! The bland narration at the beginning is actually not very boring, maybe I was attracted by the novel method, and then I continued to immerse myself in the climax of "fuck, f*ck" (without driving, really). For a suspenseful movie, the huge reversal of the ending makes me feel like watching "The Invisible Guest", you can feel something vaguely, and when the mystery is slowly revealed, you will be in an instant. I found that I figured it all out, and as a result, the next second, you found that you haven't even touched the threshold. Such a plot story, coupled with the mystery of the Internet itself, makes this movie undoubtedly a cool movie. You think what you see is the sky, but in fact you are just a frog at the bottom of the well. 2. In the information age, safety comes first. Security in the information age is really too important, and Cook may have to say, "You dare to hack our Apple?" Sorry, in the information age, you can only believe in yourself. I don't know what the hackers and the dark web did in the movie, but hackers can indeed invade computers and steal information. Even in today's information age, the leakage of personal information is really a problem. everywhere. In the American drama "You", the male protagonist even easily grasps all the movements of women through investigations on the dynamics of women's social networks, which is not without creeping. What about reality? The reality may be even scarier. Inadvertently, perhaps your information has already been stolen, and it is just theft. If it is used, the consequences will be disastrous. For this movie, the hackers set up a game almost perfectly, and the people who got into it don't know it. When your information is used, you are the fish and the others are the swords. 3. Don't try the "dark realm" lightly. Behind a lot of dark things is something we can't imagine, and when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you. Don't sacrifice your own curiosity, human beings always have an instinctive fear of the unknown but also have an instinct of curiosity. And a lot of times, curiosity often triumphs over fear. Not only for the "dark web" mentioned in the movie, to be honest, we may really know nothing about the "dark web", and there are many other fields, and we don't know anything. Curiosity can kill not only cats, but people as well. Of course, it is not necessary to walk on thin ice to pay attention to information security. When facing the sharp edge brought by information development, you also need to clearly enjoy the convenience of the information age.

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Extended Reading

Unfriended: Dark Web quotes

  • [first lines]

    Matias: [when noticing the webcam is on] Hey, no. Go away. No way.

  • [last lines]

    Erica Dunne: Help me! I'm Erica Dunne! Can you hear me?