I miss you only with a glimpse of the depths of time

Darius 2022-04-23 07:03:41

The film is adapted from the novel "The Moment of Return" written by American writer Chad Matheson. It tells the story of Richard going back in time 70 years ago through a dream, and discovering that he has a beautiful love story with a female star.

At the beginning of the film, the male protagonist Richard is celebrating the successful rehearsal of the stage play he created, and then an old woman handed a golden pocket watch to Richard and said to him affectionately, "Come back to me"

Everyone felt inexplicable, only Li looked at his pocket watch and wondered what he was thinking.

Eight years later, Richard hit a wall in writing the script, so he packed his bags and traveled in search of inspiration. Passing by GRAND HOTEL on the way, he had already passed by, maybe because of divine providence, he backed up and decided to live in this hotel temporarily.

In the hotel's history room, Richard saw a super beautiful old photo, and instantly fell in love with the smiling beauty in the photo (on the possibility of love at first sight). The aging doorman Arthur told Richard that it was Alice McCannah, the smash hit actor. Richard immediately went to the library to check the records related to her, only to find that the old woman who gave the gold watch that day was Alice.

After questioning, Richard learned that Alice was the most famous American actress in 1912, and the old woman who gave him the pocket watch that night, and that night Alice passed away peacefully.

Richard tea is not thinking, sleepless nights, constantly exploring the footprints of Alice in those days.

Richard went back to school to ask the professor about the way to go back in time. To sum up, the professor's method is to create an atmosphere of the era you want to go to, such as carrying the currency of the year, wearing the fashionable clothes of the year... and then connecting yourself with the current one. The age at which he lives is isolated, constantly implying that he is in another age. By hypnotizing himself, he returned to the hotel in 1912 in a dream state.

After some twists and turns he really went back to 1912 and managed to meet Alice.

When Alice saw Richard, they looked at each other for a moment, and said calmly:

"Is it you? Isn't it?"


The feeling of deja vu burst out at this moment, and there is such a subtle induction between people. Richard now understands why Alice's quiet and elegant smile in the photo attracts him so much, because it is for him.

Despite the manager's obstruction, Alice bravely fell in love with Richard of unknown origin, and changed her lines without authorization during the performance, saying all her inner words.

"I met the person of my dreams, he has always been the person I have been thinking about, he always appears in the deepest part of my dreams, a hidden part, I can almost see him now, if he Really here, what would I say to him? Forgive me, I've never felt this way, I've never felt this way in my life, and then didn't recognize him, it was the first time you gave me With this feeling, is there any way for me to tell you how my life has changed, is there any way for me to tell you the sweetness you brought me, I have a lot to say to you, but I can't find the right words, but except this one - I love you."

The two of them were also repeatedly thwarted by Alice's manager, William, who was constantly worried about what Richard might have done with Alice. When Richard and Alice were kissing together, he ran into the room in a huff and quarreled with Alice. Later, he found a thug and knocked Richard unconscious.

However, the time and space travel is a dream after all. Once you wake up from the dream, you will never go back. If you miss it, you will miss it. There are only good memories and regrets that you can't stay together.

Richard was forced to leave Alice in 1912 after he found a 1979 coin in his pocket. Being forced to wake up and returning to reality, only Alice's desperate and helpless cry was left.

"Richard, Richard, Richard!"

Richard returned to reality, no matter how he tried, he would not be able to return to that year. Unhappy, not eating or drinking, not sleeping, sitting in front of the window stupidly, staring at the sky in a daze. His health deteriorated day by day, and finally he died alone in the room they knew each other.

As he was dying, he saw the woman who made him think about it day and night. He finally leaves with a smile, and falls in love with Alice in heaven.

Love doesn't know where to start, it goes deep. The living can die and the dead can live.

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Somewhere in Time quotes

  • Elise McKenna: I am an actress, Mr. Robinson, not a doormat. Do not attempt to wipe your boots on me.

  • Richard Collier: I owe you an apology. I understand you now. You have nothing but the best motives in mind for her, but so do I.