The answer is in the wind

Marcel 2022-04-22 07:01:47

The classic lines of this book (basically the original words of Socrates)

1 What am I doing, I know very well, I don't need you to tell me, the question is what are you doing?
----Have you been in a hurry for the rest of your life? Or really live and die awake? Sobriety means knowing exactly what you're doing at every moment. Do everything meditate.
2 I am a warrior, and beyond that, who I am depends on who you want me to be
—everyone has images and fantasies within everyone, and the reality is behind, maybe even further.
3 It doesn’t matter what my name is, neither does yours, what matters is the question and the thing beyond the name—
the name is the name, the self is the self, the relationship is the relationship, the reality is the reality, the natural is natural. The name can represent oneself, but the name does not equal oneself. A yard is a yard.
4 How do you know that you are not sleeping all the time? How do you know you're not sleeping at the moment?
---- Live clearly, most people can't distinguish between the dream self and the real self, so they are numb, so they have been sleepwalking during the day.
5 Life is the only true teacher. If experience alone can bring wisdom and satisfaction, then all old people are masters who are both happy and instructive, but the lessons learned from experience are always obscure. I can teach you how to see the world clearly from experience, and it is this kind of clarity that you need most urgently right now, you know I'm right, but your reason is still fighting back, you haven't turned knowledge into wisdom.
----Life is the source of all reality. Recognize the truth and live a better life.
---- Experience, knowledge, and memory are all in the past, outdated, these are mental garbage, learn to cut and discard garbage.
----Become the master of experience, knowledge and memory, not to be bound, not to be limited, not to be the slave of the mind.
----- To see oneself is to see the present moment.
-----With the example of Forrest Gump or 007 or a baby, and then know nothing by yourself, arouse a long-lost vision, have no prejudice and prejudice, remain curious about everything, do not judge or evaluate, and judge every Things are full of curiosity, there is no past and no future, and curiosity is pulsing every minute and every second.
6 You are like a fuel tank, full of too many preconceived notions and useless knowledge, you have a lot of facts and opinions, but you don’t know much about yourself, you have to empty yourself before you start learning 's fuel tank.
---- Empty
---- Be aware of your every reaction and thought.
----Understand your own growth environment, come into contact with people, things, things, and some reactions and ideas at that time.
----Understand your own mode of thinking and see your limitations.
7 The point is not the facts, but the wisdom of the body. Everything you need to know is in your body, the mysteries of the universe are engraved in your body cells, but you haven't learned how to read body intelligence, so you can only read books, listen to experts, and pray that they say is correct.
----The process of peeing, hunger, stomach pain, etc. Instinct + physiology + nerve + mind are all manifestations of body wisdom.
----Skin tissue, hand lines, fine hair, etc. can perceive everything around
----Leaves, branches, tree trunks can perceive everything around them, such as rain, wind, sun, air, etc.
----Instinct + mind + physiology = complete self, the brain does not care about other factors.
8 Although you know a lot of things, but you have not comprehended

9 Understanding is the understanding in one direction of the intellect, it brings knowledge; comprehension is the three directions of the mind, heart and instinct can understand at the same time, only direct experience can make people understand. comprehension.
----Intelligence can only create a mechanical person, that is, repeating, without creativity, unable to enjoy the joy of life. That's a creature, not a human.
----The direct experience will be unforgettable, penetrate deep into the hair, penetrate into the cells, penetrate into the bone marrow, can be integrated into the blood, and will definitely inject energy into life.
---- You can only have direct experience by doing it yourself.
----When your body + mind + soul = 1, you are a healthy self.
10 Remember when you first learned to drive? Before that, you were just a passenger who only knew what it was to drive. But when you drive your own hands for the first time, you immediately understand what that is

about Serious Fool

12 You can choose whether to listen to the secret. And I, decide what's the secret

13 Try to use whatever knowledge you have, but see their limitations. Knowledge alone is not enough, knowledge has no heart, and no amount of knowledge can nourish or support your heart, it can never bring you ultimate happiness or peace. Life requires not only knowledge, but also a warm feeling and a constant flow of energy. Life must take the right action for knowledge to come alive.
----Love, freedom, joy, happiness, and harmony are the boundless sources of energy.
14 Your problem is here, you know, but don't take action. You are not a warrior. You might occasionally experience the state of mind of a warrior, determined, resilient, clear-headed, without the slightest doubt. You can develop a warrior body that is soft, flexible, sensitive and full of energy. When you encounter rare moments, you can even feel the spirit of a warrior and be compassionate to everything around you. But you only have fragments of these qualities, and you lack integration—
fragments of life, which cannot last. But people need persistence.
15 I poke you and you get angry; I insult you and you react with pride and anger; your feelings and reactions are mechanical and predictable, and I am not. I create my life spontaneously and on a whim, and your life depends on your thinking, your emotions, and your past.
----Advantages do make people dull.
----Old people can't adapt to the changes of life, let alone have no fun.
----The limitation of preconceived ideas is that they weaken our hearts all the time. Our lives are like looking for answers in a labyrinth, which allows us to show the most terrible side of human nature.
16 You must let go of the tension in your body, let go of the stale thoughts in your head, and open your heart to loving kindness.
----The cells are tight, the nerves are tight, the brain is tight, the psychology is tight, so the soul is tight, so life is tight, and destiny is tight.
17 I need to understand your personal phantoms in order to grasp your condition, we have to purify your mind before the door to the warrior's way will open
- the mind can affect the brain, but the brain cannot talk to the mind.
18 You are better off taking responsibility for the life you are now than blaming other people and circumstances for the hardships you are in, and when you open your eyes you will see your health, happiness and all the hardships in your life , most of them are caused by you--whether it is intentional or unintentional
--to sincerely accept all of your own conditions, only to know that everything is only for you to know yourself and the world .
---- Face yourself, be brave and firm to be yourself.
----Be your own master.
19 Only the superior wisdom and the inferior fool are invariable
----the wise man cannot be changed
----the foolish man cannot be changed ----
the average man can be changed

21 I became the wind, experiencing every emotion, hearing every cry of pain and every roar of laughter. Every human situation is open to me, and I feel it all and know it all.
----Forrest Gump's feathers are floating in the air, floating and floating...
22 The world is the dwelling place of the mind. The mind spins faster than any wind. The mind seeks liberation, to escape from the dilemma that accompanies change and the dilemma between life and death. Therefore, the mind seeks purpose, a sense of security. and joy, trying to understand the mystery. Everywhere, in every body, dwells a deluded mind, doing a painful search.
---- The root of binary opposition.
----The mind controls itself.
23 Reality can never match their dreams. Happiness is just around the corner, but they have never come to that corner. And these initiators are people's minds.
----Mind is an Illusion
24 Maybe so, but you still have an amazing ability to deceive yourself, so that's why you need to dream about your life, when you can't help but want to run away, go after your fantasies Please don't forget your dreams.
---- Movie Life Remote Control.
----The mind is stealing the bell.
25 You are a prisoner of your own fantasies, you have hallucinations about yourself and the world. You need more courage and strength than any hero in the movie to break free from the illusion.
----Mind is Confinement
26 You can't see your cage because the fence is invisible
----Mind draws circles.
27 To be disillusioned is to be free from the illusion, but you hold on to the illusion. You are suffering and you are not actually enjoying your life at all. Your entertainment, romantic affairs, even gymnastics, are just a palliative, not a cure, to hide from the fears that hide in your heart.
----Mind is fear
----Mind is escape ----Mind is
That mass of regrets, longings, and fantasies you call the mind. Your habits are hard to change, and you are constantly seeking achievement and entertainment to avoid the main source of your suffering.
----mind is inner chaos
----mind is stale
----mind is memory
----mind is preconceived idea
----mind is past
----mind is future
---- Mind is not now
29 Your mind is your predicament. The mind wants to be free from change, free from suffering, free from the inevitability of life and death. However, change is a law, and no amount of pretense can change this fact. Life is not suffering, you will suffer because of it, not because of it - unless you break free of the obsession in your heart, no matter what happens, just be free and go on the wind.
----Mind is Dilemma
----Mind is Tired
Mind The brain, which directs the body, stores information, and acts upon that information, we call these abstract brain programs intelligence. The brain and the mind are not the same, the brain is real but the mind is not.

31 The mind is a floating phantom projection of the brain, containing all the random, unknown-controlled thoughts that murmur from the subconscious into the conscious state. Consciousness is not mind, perception is not mind, concentration is not mind. The mind is the handicap, the thing that makes the situation worse, an evolutionary mistake of human beings, the mind is of no use to us.
----Minds are thoughts
----The mind affects the brain, which in turn affects our perception.
32 The brain is a tool for remembering numbers, solving problems or writing poems. That's how it works for the rest of the body, like a tractor. But if you can't stop thinking about math problems or phone numbers, or if you keep thinking about annoying thoughts or memories, it's not your brain that's working, it's your mind that's wandering, and then the mind takes control You, the tractor won't do it
-- the mind is an intelligent machine, we can't stop, we can't help but do things.
33 You must observe yourself to truly understand the mind. You have an angry thought that pops up like a bubble, and you get angry. All your emotions are like this, they are firing actions against thoughts that you have no control over. Your mind is like a wild monkey stung by a scorpion.
----The mind is a mechanical reaction
34 You are happy to change clothes, hairstyles, jobs, women, houses, you are simply too happy to change anything. But you just don't want to change yourself.
---- The homeless is also a kind of escape.
35 Rain is completely in accordance with the laws of nature, you are unhappy when your picnic is ruined, you are happy when the sun comes up again, both are products of your thoughts, neither your anger nor your disappointment. It's caused by the rain, so it's clear that it's your mind, not someone else, or your environment, that determines your mood. You become more annoyed when you notice that I am not at all unhappy, or the mind

36 You involuntarily surrender to your inner emotions and impulses, which is a big mistake. If you are still the same as me, you will have this virtue all your life. I just can't think of a worse fate than this. You are angry and want to hide. Your anger proves how stubborn your vision is. Why defend a self that you don't even believe in yourself? When will the little fool grow up? ? ?
----What we've been doing all the time, repeated things are like this.
37 Nothing is a must, except for one thing, and that is, you can no longer see the world with an "I want this, I want that" perspective. Take it easy, when you lose your mind, you will wake up, but until then, I want you to keep watching, as much as you can, to observe the fragments of your mind.
----The mind is an attached thought.
38 What happens if you ride a horse you thought was a tamed horse, but it turns out to be a wild horse? It can knock you off a horse or kick your teeth out. Life, in its own way, kicks your teeth out many times. But if you know it's a wild horse, you'll deal with it appropriately.

39 It is good practice to imitate the positive traits of various animals, and we also imitate some of the positive traits of humans. And me? Just appreciate the cat, the cat's action is like a warrior; and you, the object of your imitation is a big stupid donkey. Now is the time for you to start expanding your parody, right?

40 Anger is stronger than fear, stronger than sorrow. Your mind is growing and you are ready to take the sword.
----Alchemy in the body.
----The transformation of energy.
41 You must first understand where your thoughts come from and how they started. For example, you have a cold right now, and your physical symptoms tell you that your body needs to get back into balance, that it needs sunshine and fresh air, and simple food. In the same way, stressful thoughts reflect that you are in conflict with reality, and stress arises when the mind resists reality.
----The mind is resistance, producing duality.
42 The man and woman were resistant to what they seemed to be an odd situation. They were conditioned by their own values ​​and fears, and they had not learned how to adapt to the situation and the moment. When you resist what is happening in front of you, your mind starts a race; the thoughts that attack you are actually your own creation.
----Religions and temples are what we create. The mind is running away and resisting. And thus fall into another religious limitation.
43 My mind is like a pond without ripples, your mind is choppy because when something unplanned and unwelcome happens to you, you feel divided and threatened. Your mind is like being thrown into a pond of big boulders, wave after wave.
----The mind is consuming energy.
44 You are a nervous fish, and you will run away when there are big ripples in the water. Later you get used to the ripples, but you still can't understand the reason for the ripples. You can see one thing in this: a fish in the water If you want to look beyond the water and see the source of the ripples, then the fish's awareness has to make a big leap
- aware mind Motivation behind.
45 Your awareness must also have a similar leap. Once you can clearly understand the source, you will see that the ripples in your mind have nothing to do with you; you will have no emotion and just watch the ripples. You will no longer be overreacting involuntarily. Once you stop taking your thoughts so seriously, you can be undisturbed by the turmoil of the world. When in trouble, put your mind aside and see through your mind.
----It is the mind that lets go and lets go.
----See through the mind, eliminate duality, and accumulate energy.
46 A big leap in awareness doesn't happen all at once, it takes time and practice. One exercise that can give you insight into the source of your ripples is meditation.

47 Silence is the art of the warrior, and sitting still is the sword of the warrior. With this sword, you can cut through your fantasies. However, whether the sword is useful or not depends on the person who uses it. If you don't know how to use the sword properly, it can become a dangerous, deceptive tool. Sitting still can help you relax at first, you can show your "sword" and proudly show it to your friends. This sword will distract many meditators until they finally give up on it and find other occult techniques.

48 The warrior, on the contrary, uses the sword of meditation with great skill and thorough understanding. With this sword, he slashed his mind into pieces, cut it into his thoughts, and exposed the empty nature of his thoughts. Warriors should use the sword of meditation, and you must learn to attack the knots of your mind in this way, until one day you are beyond them and need no more weapons.

49 Gymnastics is not limited to forward rolls, and the way of the warrior is not limited to the technique of sitting still. If you can't see the trees but not the forest, you may have wrong thoughts. You only practice rolling or sitting in front of you for the rest of your life, and then you can only get a fragment of the benefits from your practice.
---- Meditation without meditators.
----Most people will cultivate for the sake of cultivation.
50 I saw a heart-shaped prism, which makes every galaxy pale in comparison, it diffracts the light of consciousness, and sends out brilliant colors, and the shiny fragments present Every shade of the rainbow, spread throughout the universe.

51 My body turned into a bright prism, projecting patches of multicolored shreds of light everywhere. I realized that the highest purpose of mortal physical existence is to become a clear channel for the transmission of this light, so that its light can dissipate all obstacles, all entanglements, and all resistances into nothingness.

52 The so-called awareness means that humans experience this light of consciousness.

53 Concentration means deliberately guiding awareness.

54 All the processes when entering into true sitting meditation, expanding awareness, directing focus, and ultimately surrendering to the light of consciousness. 55 Socrates, the business executive of

Warriors , specializes in sophistry, humor, and change . 56 There are two simultaneous processes in meditation. One is Vipassana, paying attention to the thoughts that emerge gradually; the other is letting go, letting go of the obstacles to the thoughts that emerge. In this way the mind is freed. 57 Conquer the mind, if you're interested 58 I really want to get rid of my noisy mind. It's just more of an illusion, like someone who refuses to wear glasses, insisting that today's newspapers are not printed clearly. 59 Boy, your stubborn visions are like a sinking ship. I suggest that you let go of these illusions while there is still time. 60 The conventions of language reveal the way we see the world 61 Consciousness is not in the body, but the body is in consciousness. You are the consciousness, not the ghostly mind that troubles you so much. You are the body and everything else, and this is what the hallucinations you just experienced showed you. Only the mind resists change. When you relax and go into the body, without the mind, you just feel happy, content, and free. You don't feel separated. You are immortal, just in a different way than you imagined or wished. You have not been born, you are already immortal, and after the body dissipates and decomposes, you will still be immortal. The body is consciousness, it does not live, it does not die, it only changes. But the mind, which is your ego, personal thoughts, history, and identity, eventually dies, and who needs it? 62 Words are meaningless unless you realize their truth. But once you understand it, you are free.

63 Meditation is a practice for beginners. At the end, you will learn to meditate in every action. Meditation is a ritual where you practice balance, relaxation and divine detachment. You have to master this ritual before you can expand Vipassana and let it go in your daily life.

64 People and things are not always what they appear to be, I am defined by the universe, not by this gas station.

65. Everything dies and changes.

66 There is always a light of peace and joy in his eyes, even when his eyes are full of tears.

67 Everything changes, everything disappears and then reappears. "Let him go." What should come will always come. Everything has a purpose, it's up to you to use it well. There is no so-called accident, everything is a homework. Believe in your life that everything has a purpose, a purpose, a purpose. A car accident is your cultivation, let the pain purify your body and mind, it will burn away a lot of obstacles. Warriors do not seek pain, but if pain comes, warriors use it.

68 Dan: Socrates, there is a shining light around your body, where does the light come from?

Socrates: The quiet life.

Socrates at the gas station was not just filling others with gasoline, but maybe that brilliance, that energy, that emotion. In conclusion, people tend to be happier when they leave the gas station than when they came. But what impresses me the most is not his brilliance, but his innocence, his neat, unfussy demeanor. I didn't really understand and appreciate all of this before, and it seemed that with each new lesson I learned, I got more insight into the man Socrates. As I came to see my complex mind, I realized that Socrates had already surpassed his mind.

69 Everyone must forge some inner path to the inner door. We must forge this path by our own efforts. Each of us has the ability to find and pass through this door, but only a few are interested in doing so. this is very important. The reason I decided to teach you is not because you have rare and unique talents, but honestly, while you have strengths, you also have obvious weaknesses. But you have the willpower to complete the journey of life. A person can become a good gymnast even if he is too heavy, weak, or stiff and inflexible, but the training period is longer and the process is more difficult. For some people, the process will be very steep and bumpy.
70 Now, you are a tangled mess of twisted circuits and outdated programs, and we reconfigure your old habits that affect the way you act, think, dream, and see the world. Most of the current you is a series of bad habits.
71 You must earn their respect with respectable behavior. The respect of the warriors is not an easy task. The main thing is ----- change your actions
72 There is nothing wrong with being angry or any emotion, it's just that you have to pay attention to your behavior.
73 Anger is a powerful tool for changing old habits. Then replace it with a new habit. Fear and sadness inhibit action, while anger motivates action. Once you learn to use your anger well, you can turn fear and sadness into anger, and then anger into action. This is the secret of the body in inner magic.
74 If you want to eradicate old habits, you can't focus all your energy on breaking old habits, but on building new ones.
75 Emotions, like weather changes, are natural phenomena, sometimes fear, sometimes sadness or anger. Emotions are not the problem, the key is how to turn emotional energy into positive action.
76 When babies are uncomfortable, they express their emotions by crying. It is pure crying. Babies don't think about it, wondering if they should cry. Babies accept their emotions completely, they vent their emotions at will, and then let them go. Babies are excellent teachers in this matter, and by learning from them, you can break old habits.
77 There are two subtleties in the dishes he cooks. First, when he does things, he pays full attention; secondly, no matter what he cooks, "love" is the main ingredient, and the aftertaste is extremely sweet.
78 You need to infuse a very large amount of chi to break through the fog of your mind and find your way to the gate. Therefore, be sure to engage in a practice that has the power to purify and regenerate. We're going to clean you up, take it apart, and put it back together. You need to purify every human function like moving, sleeping, breathing, thinking, feeling, and eating. Of all human activities, eating is one of the most important and should be stabilized first.
79 Your current diet may give you "full" energy, but it also makes you lethargic, affects your mood, and reduces your awareness. You eat food to get calories, and calories represent energy. To a certain extent, this is not wrong, but the warrior has to experience a more subtle influence, our main source of energy is the sun, and according to your current evolutionary process, you have no way but limited ways" eat sunshine". Once humans develop this ability, the digestive organs degenerate. As for the present, eating right will allow you to harness the sun's energy directly as much as possible. And this energy can help you focus and sharpen your focus into a sharp blade.
80 A Japanese said: "What matters is your good habits, not your bad habits", which means that your good habits must become strong in order to eliminate those useless habits.
81 I only eat wholesome foods, and only eat what I need. If you want to discern what you mean by "natural food," you have to sharpen your exercise instinct, and you have to become a natural person.
82 Dan, my diet may seem austere at first glance compared to what you would call "moderate" overeating. But I eat with relish because I have developed an ability to savor and appreciate the simplest of foods.
83 Dan, the fun of eating is not just the taste of the food and the feeling of fullness in the belly, learn to enjoy the whole process-----the previous hunger, careful conditioning, set the table beautifully, chew, take a deep breath, stink The taste, the taste, the swallowing, the light yet energetic feeling after the meal, and even the ease with which you get rid of the food once it's digested. Once you've absorbed every element of the process, start appreciating simple eating. Your current eating habits are a little ironic when you think about it. That is, on the one hand you are afraid of missing that meal, on the other hand you are never fully aware of every meal you eat.
84 You must abstain from refined sugar, refined flour, meat, coffee, alcohol, tobacco and all kinds of drugs, and only eat fresh fruits, vegetables, unrefined whole grains and beans.
Breakfast: Fresh fruit with occasional yogurt
Lunch: Lettuce salad, baked or steamed potatoes, whole grain bread or cooked whole grains
Dinner Lettuce salad, lightly steamed vegetables
Make good use of unsalted vegetables at every meal Raw Seeds and Nuts
85 I don't need to give reasons, you have to find something that will shock you in the future in fresh air, fresh food, fresh water, fresh awareness and sunshine.
86 Eat sunshine must do your best.
87 Breathing ---- Deeper and slower breathing ---- Abdominal breathing + Heart breathing
88 Walking posture must be appropriate in order to integrate into gravity; mentality must be appropriate in order to integrate into life.
89 If you are weak + irritable + headache + lack of energy, this is bound to happen during the purification process, your body is being cleaned.
90 What comes out of your mouth is as important as what goes in.
91 Whatever urge you feel, renew your willpower.
92 Neither determination nor understanding will make you strong. The determination is sincere, the logic is clear, but neither has the energy you need. Let anger strengthen your resolve.
93 Breath is the bridge between mind and body, between feeling and action. Breathing evenly and naturally will bring you back to the present moment.
94 Let it go and let it go
. 95 The thing is, any kind of subconscious, involuntary ritualistic behavior can cause problems; however, certain actions, such as smoking, drinking, taking drugs, eating sweets, or asking stupid questions. But there are good and bad. Every action has its costs and its joys, and when you experience both, you become both realistic and accountable for your actions. Only in this way can you freely and consciously make a warrior's choice, that is: to do it, or not to do it,
sit when you sit, stand when you stand, and no matter what you do, you can't be indecisive. Once you make a choice, you have to go all out.
97 It is better to do your best to make mistakes than to look ahead and avoid mistakes carefully. Responsibility means comprehending joy and cost, action and result at the same time, and then making a choice.
98 What is the mean? It's just mediocrity, fear and confusion in disguise. It's the devil's pun, it's not doing or not doing, it's a wobbly compromise that doesn't make anyone happy. The golden mean is only suitable for ordinary people, those who feel guilty, and those who dare not take a stand. The golden mean is for those who are afraid to cry and laugh, to live and to die. The golden mean is lukewarm tea for the devil.
99 Smoking itself is not disgusting, it is the habit of smoking that is disgusting. I could enjoy a cigarette and then smoke it six months later. And once I smoke, I don't deceive myself that mine won't pay; I take appropriate action afterwards to try to counteract the negative effects.
100 I do not act involuntarily, nor do I have any habits, my actions are conscious, spontaneous, deliberate and complete.
101 You've become too rigid because of your pride and self-righteous attitude.
102 I need to relax and look away; for me at least, the booze is not worth it. Besides, the pleasure of drinking was nothing compared to the pleasure I was beginning to enjoy.
103 There is no need to worry about oneself, but death is not harmful at all. Maybe someone else has gone, maybe not. Maybe he was never here. Death is just a change in the body, and when it should happen, it happens naturally. A warrior neither seeks death nor escapes death. Death is not sad. Sadly, most are not really alive at all.
104 I have spent my life battling illusions, digging into every petty personal problem. I was obsessed with improving myself, but I wasn't sure about the problem that drove me to pursue my life in the first place. I want everything in the world to work for me, but I keep withdrawing into my own mind, full of me, me, me. It's my ego, the little ego, I always thought I was a gigantic giant, and I pierced it.
105 There are no ordinary moments in life.
106 It is normal for the muscles to be hard, but you have to go beyond the normal, beyond the ordinary, the ordinary or the reasonable, to reach the realm of the warrior. You've been trying to be good in the ordinary, and now you want to be ordinary in the good.
107 You see how the mind exerts pressure on the body. Anxiety, anxiety, and other mental residues have built up over the years to create chronic tensions, and now it's time for you to release that stress and free your body from the past.
108 Socrates began to put a sweet-smelling oil on his left foot, and I imitated his every move, pinching, pressing, and poking into the bottom, top, sides, and between the toes, while stretching the toes. , press and press, pull and pull. Don't just massage the flesh, massage the bones, massage deeper. We massaged the left foot and followed the same procedure to press the right foot. Do this for hours, massaging every part of your body. I learned about my muscles, ligaments and tendons that I didn't know before. I felt where the muscles were connecting and the shape of the bones, and it was a waste of me being an athlete so unfamiliar with my own body. When I got dressed, I felt like I had a brand new body. Socrates said: "You have cleared a lot of old fears in your body. From next month, take time to repeat this routine once a week."
109 Happiness is a full tank.
The 110 run isn't a test of your body, it's a test of your mind to see if you can persevere. Not just insist on climbing, but insist on your practice. If you stop and don't crawl, it's all over.
111 Epiphany is a Zen concept. An epiphany occurs when you focus on the present moment, when the body is flexible, sensitive, and relaxed, and the emotions are open and free. Epiphany is what you experience when the knife comes flying. Epiphany is the state of being a warrior.
112 Movement, dance, music, or any other challenging activity can be a pathway to epiphany. When you think you love gymnastics, your gymnastics are just wrapping paper and the gift inside is epiphany. When you do gymnastics, you have to perfuse your every move, and gymnastics leads you to critical moments; your life is in danger, like a duel warrior, epiphany or death.
113 Why gymnastics is an art of warriors. It allows people to learn to concentrate and clear their emotions while training the body, but most athletes fail to extend this state of clarity to their daily lives. This is your homework. When the epiphany becomes your real realization every day. Epiphany is the key to your inner door.
114 Meditate on your action
115 Meditate on an action as distinct from engaging in that action. When it comes to doing things, there must be someone who does it, and there must be someone who is "conscious" to do this action. But when you meditate on an action, you have let go of the outcome, and there is no more "you" in it to do. Once you forget yourself, you become what you do, whereby your actions are free, spontaneous, and free from ambition, inhibition, or fear.
116 You're always complacent about some new physical skill, and sullen if it doesn't go well one day. However, once you go beyond the practice and concentrate on doing your best without obsessing over the outcome, then you will understand the way of the Peaceful Warrior.
117 Don't care too much, you can control your efforts, but you can't control the results. Do what you can and leave the rest to God.
118 My final test finally came, and scenes from the past came to my mind: the painful night when my leg was broken, I vowed to recover, the doctor told me to give up gymnastics, Socrates and my continuous practice, endless in the rain Running straight to the top of the mountain. I felt an increasing force coming in and I was mad at people who said I could never do gymnastics again. My passions turned to icy coolness, and at that moment, my destiny and my future seemed to be in balance. My mind is clear and my emotions are full of power. If you don't do it, you will die.
119 Although I won the championship, on the plane home, looking at the clouds below, I lost my ambition. Over the years, I have supported myself by an illusion. The illusion is to derive joy from victory. Now that the illusion has been burned to ashes, my achievements have not made me any happier and fuller.
120 I finally saw through the clouds and saw that I had never learned how to enjoy life, but only pursued achievements. I've been searching for happiness all my life, but I can't find it.
The 121 plane began to descend, and I leaned back on the pillow with tears in my eyes. I feel like I've reached a dead end and don't know where to turn.
122 You should let go of your mind, wake up again, and regain consciousness. Bask in the light and find joy in the simplest things.
123 Every baby lives in a bright garden, feeling everything directly, not deceived by any thought, without conviction, without interpretation, and without judgment. You "fallen" when you start thinking, you start naming things and knowing things. Know that it was not just Adam and Eve who fell, but all of us. The birth of the mind is the death of sensory perception, not the fact that we become a little sexy because we ate an apple!
124 When you are a child, everything in the world will appear in front of our eyes, nose, ears and sense of touch like never before. But now we know the names of everything and categorize them: "That's good, this is bad, that's the table, this is the chair, the car, the house, the flower, the dog, the cat, the chicken, the man, the woman, the sunrise. , the ocean, the stars, the sun." Things annoy you more and more, because to you they are just names. Dry concepts in the mind cloud your perception. Now you see everything through a veil, that veil is the association of things, projected over direct, simple awareness. You "see everything", it's like watching the same movie 20 times, you only see the memory of things, so you get bored, stuck in the mind and can't move. So you have to "let go of the mind" before you can regain consciousness.
125 You are only vaguely aware of what is going on in your skin. You're like a performer who just learned to stand upside down, not sensitive enough to predict when you're going to lose your balance, and you still have the potential to "fall ill." The gymnastics skills you have have only allowed you to develop a crude awareness that allows you to perform many tricks, but not enough to be proud of. However, once you can feel the flow of energy in your body, that's amazing. So hone your senses a little every day, stretching your senses the way you stretch your muscles in the gym. In the end, your awareness will pierce through, into your body, into the world. Then you will naturally think less and feel more, so that you can take pleasure in the simplest things in life and no longer indulge in achievements or expensive entertainment.
126 People must be rich to be happy. Pleasure = Satisfaction/Desire. As long as you have enough money to satisfy all your desires, you are rich. So, there are 2 ways to make you rich: one is to earn, inherit, borrow, beg, or even steal enough money to satisfy all your desires; the other is to have few desires and live a simple life, That way, you'll always have enough money.
127 Peaceful warriors have insight and discipline, so they can choose a simple life and understand the difference between needs and wants. We have few basic needs and inexhaustible desires. Focusing on every moment is our joy. You don't need to spend money to concentrate fully, your only investment is cultivation. Much cheaper. The secret of happiness is not in seeking more of what you want, but in developing the ability to desire less. Awareness is a treasure.
128 From now on, as long as your attention starts to drift to other time and space, you have to give me back immediately. Remember, the time is this moment, and the place is here. Nothing you do can change the past, and the future will never be exactly what you want. There has never been a warrior of the past, and there will never be a warrior of the future. Warriors live in the present, here. Your sadness, your fears and anger, your regrets and guilt, your envy, your plans and your desires, exist only in the past or the future.
129 Dan: Socrates, wait a moment. I distinctly remember being angry in the present moment.
Socrates: No, you are angry in the present moment. Action always occurs in this moment, because action is the expression of the body and can only exist in the present, here. But the mind is like a ghost, living only in the past or the future, and its only power is to divert your attention from the present moment. Just focus on the present moment, and it will free you from pain, from fear, from mental bondage. When the mind touches the present moment, it dissipates.
130 Looking for a job means doing whatever you want. Do whatever you want and trust your instincts. It doesn't matter what you do, it matters how well you do it.
131 Every strength has a corresponding weakness, and every weakness has a corresponding strength. You have not fully opened your heart to life, to every minute and every second. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior does not mean that a person is completely vulnerable and vulnerable to the world, life, and the "spirit" you feel as if they are invulnerable to swords and bullets. I keep giving examples just to make you understand that the life of a warrior is not about imaginary perfection or victory, but about love. Love is the sword of the warrior, and wherever the sword is swung, it takes life, not death.
132 Love is not something that needs to be understood, it can only be experienced.
133 Words are not enough, teachers must lead by example. Parents must also lead by example in educating their children.
134 Give people what they want until they want exactly what you want to teach them. Teach someone how to flip until someone asks for more.
135 Predicting the future is based on knowing the reality of the present. Unless you can see the present clearly, don't be interested in predicting the future.
136 First, you'd better learn to see through your own mind. It's easy to see through your mind, and your emotions are written all over your face.
137 Special forces do exist. But to the warrior, these are irrelevant things. Don't be fooled by the flashy things. The warrior can only rely on the power of love, kindness, service, and joy. You cannot get happiness, but happiness gets you. But happiness will come to you only after you give up everything else.
138 I have visited many countries and regions, and have been in contact with extraordinary teachers. I have gained a lot of experience and found great wisdom, but I have not been able to find eternal peace and harmony.
139 Think about the life you have passed without knowing it, and one day you will find that death is different from what you imagined, and life is also different from what you imagined. Both death and life can be wonderful and full of change; but both can be disappointing if you don't wake up.
140 This person saw someone drinking milk and said, "That's like pouring God into God, if you know what I mean".
141 Danny looked around for the path to enlightenment, but couldn't find the answer. One day, Danny saw an old man slowly walking down a mountain path with a heavy bag on his back. Danny immediately realized the old man's hard work. Might know the secret he's been looking for for years.
Danny: Sir, please tell me what I know. What is enlightenment?
The old man smiled at Danny for a moment, lifted the heavy burden from his shoulders, and stood up straight. Danny: "Yes, I understand. Thank you very much. But please allow me to ask one more question, what happens after enlightenment
location, continue on the road.
142 Enlightenment is not an achievement, but an experience. When you wake up, everything has changed, and at the same time nothing has changed.
143 Seeing a mountain is a mountain, and seeing a water is water;
seeing that a mountain is not a mountain, seeing that the water is not water;
seeing a mountain is a mountain, and seeing a water is water.
144 Better never start. Once started, best done
145 Once the craving is satisfied, the fool is "happy"; the warrior is somehow happy for no reason. So happiness is the ultimate commandment, more than any other commandment I have taught you. Happiness is not something you feel, happiness is you, you are happiness, happiness is you.
146 There is no reason in this world to be happy and to feel happy. Then you can love and do what you want. Feelings can change, sometimes sad, sometimes happy. Remember, however, that beneath all the sensations, the life unfolding before your eyes is by its very nature complete. This is the mystery of inexplicable joy.
147 Plato preached an old story: Once upon a time there was a people who lived all their lives in the cave of illusions. After several generations, they gradually thought that the shadow they cast on the cave wall was the real entity. Only myths and religious stories have a brighter side. This nation is obsessed with the flickering changes of shadows, becoming more and more accustomed to and subject to darkness. Danny, all human beings are trapped in the cave of their own minds, unable to extricate themselves. Only a few warriors see the light, break free, give up everything, and walk into eternity with a smile.
The me before 148 has disappeared forever, and life is just a fleeting moment. But I have remained the same through all ages. Now, I am myself, the consciousness that observes all things, and I am all things. Every part of me lasts forever, ever changing, ever fresh. I realized that death, even though I used to fear it, was just a big fantasy of mine. So my life was nothing but an illusion, a puzzle, at best a funny incident when consciousness got carried away.
149 All these years of my adulthood, I have struggled to "be important." This is simply going back to life. I have always been alone, with a heart of fear and a body that will rot.
150 All achievements, all goals, are equally pleasing and equally redundant.
151 does not need to be pursued, achievement is empty after all, it will not make any difference at all, so be happy now. Love is the only truth in the world, you know, because love is the only one. The only laws are sophistry, humor, and change. There is no problem that is not a problem. Problems have never existed, and they will not exist in the future. Let go of your struggles, let go of your mind, let go of your worries, and relax into the world. You don't need to resist life, just do your best. Open your eyes and see yourself far beyond your imagination. You are the world, you are the universe, and you are yourself and all people. It's all a wonderful show from God, wake up, regain your humor, don't worry, you're free.
152 Live in the moment, feel the moment, not be bound by stereotypes, experience the moment. But living in the present is not a state of still water, but a phenomenon of wind.
153 The universe is full of wind and water, and the wind direction is always changing. Only those who can smell the wind and dance know how to dance gracefully.
154 Young people go to war with the wind, middle-aged people stand with the wind, and old people die with the wind. In different life situations, people have different moods and understandings. The answer is in the wind.
155 All we live is this passing second. Please cherish it with all your heart.
156 Sophistication + this moment = know the moment, understand the moment =
humor at all times + here = experience the moment, fall in love with the moment =
change anytime and anywhere + now = act in the moment, live in the moment = completely

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Peaceful Warrior quotes

  • Socrates: I think you should continue your training as a gymnast. A warrior does not give up what he loves, Dan. He finds the love in what he does.

    Dan Millman: Look at me! I have a metal rod in my leg.

    Socrates: A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability. He's about absolute vulnerability. That's the only true courage.

    Dan Millman: What kind of training you think I could do? I just had an accident!

    Socrates: The accident is your training. Life is choice. You can choose to be a victim or anything else you'd like to be.

    Dan Millman: Just ignore what happened to me?

    Socrates: A warrior acts, only a fool reacts.

    Dan Millman: What if I can't do it?

    Socrates: That's the future. Throw it out.

    Dan Millman: Well, how would we start?

    Socrates: There is no starting or stopping, only doing.

  • Socrates: The habit is the problem. All you need to do is be conscious about your choices and responsible for your actions.