Kade 2022-04-20 09:02:51

I recorded these words in the ending song.

I know that this film is after watching this year's EMMY ceremony. At first, I thought that the content should be about how heroically grabbed my compatriots from the battlefield, but after watching the tone of the film, I knew that I It's just a simple story. It's just a simple story to bring home a fellow countryman who died in the battle that I don't know. There's

no intense scene, no heart-piercing sadness, and no main melody that floats over everyone, but it's this soothing rhythm that's light. The details show that we felt an extremely powerful emotional attack in our hearts. Running through the film is everyone's solemnity and grief from the bottom of their hearts. These expressions that are not provoked are very gratifying

. Several fragments hovering in our minds:

sorting out the bodies of the dead. The details are all about caring. There is no longer any difference between male and female, black and white. It's just the last thing that should be done for the dead. The

escort code is human. Needless to say, the countless military salutes we've seen have already left me

in awe Although the caravan of bright lights on the way to the final destination seems to be contrived, but I like this plot very much. This is a kind of consolation in the heart. It turns out that there are still many

final military salutes for good people. After walking the last few steps with CHANCE The final military salute and his last remarks, maybe his mentality of wanting to go to war is normal, and it is the easiest emotion to express, but in the end, when he gets home, he still picks up the car to reunite with his family. Maybe this is what he should do. Value does not have to go to the battlefield to be realized.

About the Iraq war, I was very disgusted from the beginning. When I think of this war, the word oil is in my mind. Although there are still many things that can be analyzed from the military level, I like this film. The content and expression method of watching the warm, no noise, no anger

, looking at the real photos and video records at the end, it is still a little uncomfortable. May the deceased rest in peace

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Extended Reading
  • Preston 2022-04-02 09:01:14

    I admit that I have always been terrified of tears of this kind of film.

  • Clement 2022-03-28 09:01:14

    Damn old beauty, she knows it's the main theme, but she still can't help but be moved to tears

Taking Chance quotes

  • LtCol Mike Strobl: [Noticing Annie had typed "HOT soldier" into her phone] Actually, it's Marine.

  • LtCol Mike Strobl: I stayed home. I was trained to fight. If I'm not over there, what am I? Those guys, guys like Chance... they're Marines.

    Charlie Fitts: And you think you're not? Want to be with your family every night - you think you have to justify that? You'd better stop right there, sir. You've brought Chance home. You're his witness now. Without a witness, they just disappear.