Only disappointed.

Adrien 2022-04-22 07:01:57

Since 2000, I have watched a lot of animation, and now it has been more than ten years, and it can be regarded as an old animation house.

As I get older, there are fewer and fewer animations I can watch, and there are only a few that move me from beginning to end, including Ghibli. "The Little Man Who Borrowed Something" is my favorite. Compared with big scenes and big plots, I prefer Ghibli's delicate and sincere emotional descriptions. So this time I heard that Milin Hongchang's new work will be released in China, and I bought tickets for admission in a time period with few individuals.

As a result, I couldn't like the heroine from the beginning, and whether it was the development of the plot, the action of the characters, the shots and the dialogue, they were all very conventional. And this kind of cliché is still very outdated, and it was chewed up many years ago. Certain camera movements and character movements can give me a musty smell.

The main characters' emotional expressions, facial expressions, and action logic are particularly superficial. Ghibli is suitable for all ages, the young watch the fun, and the old see the adult side of the story. This animation is only suitable for the low level, just watch it lively.

Before, I only thought it was a superficial and young animation. When Uncle Che came out, the whole story was directly downgraded in taste. No matter how stupid other characters are, they are also individuals. This uncle is purely a robot, or the kind with super low intelligence. Probably the director wanted to make the movie lively and lively, but in fact it just felt noisy. Said to promote the plot, but in fact there are other ways to promote without him.

There have been reports before that, in order to avoid Miyazaki's influence, Hiroyoshi Mirin hid them and arranged them to work in other offices without telling Miyazaki. But it was said that the two had differences on the behavior of a certain protagonist, but in the end Milin Hongchang made everyone satisfied by adjusting. Now it seems that the villain who borrows things must be Miyazaki.

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Extended Reading
  • Clement 2022-04-05 09:01:08

    Combining the shortcomings of "The Cat's Repayment" and "Howl's Moving Castle", it does not have the freehand brushwork of "The Witch's Delivery Service" and "The Villain Arrietty." Who would shout "This world doesn't need magic" at the climax of a fairy tale, ah, just crit the children? An overly gloomy anti-technical core doesn't go well with a story like this.

  • Joesph 2022-04-08 09:01:13

    2016: "Little Witch Academia" is so beautiful! 2017: "Little Witch Academia" is boring. After watching this film in 2018: I was wrong, "Little Witch Academia" is really very, very good...