"Everyone I know, goes away in the end"

Madalyn 2022-04-19 09:03:15

S2E1. A Rickle In Time

Rick said the split in space and time was due to the uncertainty of the two young men because they didn't find a clear place in the universe. In fact, you are all pieces of shit in my heart, I hope you will not be confused anymore hahaha

you are equally mercurial,overly sensitive, clingy,hysterical, bird-brained homunculi

Rick's uncertainty caused their space-time to continue to split into two other universes. The rapper from the four-dimensional world wanted to send the family of the three-dimensional world to the time prison, merging the four universes, but the three people re-split 64 universes to solve it.

Morty has 64 memories after syncing, did a certain Rick sacrifice for me just now?

Shut up, Morty, no

S2E2. Mortynight Run

Jerry met countless Jerry, saw the fate that he couldn't get rid of, but was too lazy to change.

A few options that Rick ticked for Jerry: brain disability and annoying me hahaha

Morty took Fart and became a friend, only to kill the friend himself after learning of Fart's plan to eradicate humans.

S3E3. Auto Erotic Assimilation

1. The departure of Unity

Committed to the Crime
Chaos Chaos / 2014
The same starry sky appeared in the last episode of Rick surrendering himself

2. Discrimination and Assimilation

Metaphors about racism and human warfare - difference is wrong. Difference is the beginning of the dispute, and the connotation of difference is discrimination—morality, appearance, intelligence—creating categories to facilitate comparison, and the end of comparison is to distinguish between good and bad.

Race wars and unity are two ends of the scale. Unity and Assimilation can resolve racial disputes because each person's qualities and pros and cons are forcibly defined; Summer liberates the assimilated human beings, but it is the beginning of a racial war. It is difficult to take an intermediate state between the two, because extreme dispute control methods will inevitably slide towards autocracy

3. Jerry and Beth

S3E4. Total Rickall

After the memory transplant, it is difficult for the whole family to distinguish who is the real person. Rick reminds everyone to remember that there are only six people in the house.

Luckily Morty remembered who the real Rick was—the real Rick teased him, made fun of him—those were real memories.

S3E5. Get Schwifty

Ice T saves the planet, but when he returns to the alphabet world, he finds that the war between the alphabet world and the digital world continues.

S3E6. The Ricks Must Be Crazy

The ship's battery failed, Rick took Morty to the battery universe, and because the battery universe went out, they found the triple universe contained in it - universe, miniverse, microverse, teenyverse. All triple universes use the same method to exploit the next-level universe - slavery with extra steps - hypocritical and amoral means.

S3E7. Big Trouble In Little Sanchez

Elliott Smith / 1997

Birdman explained Rick's mantra wubba lubba dub dub in the first season: I'm in pain, hurry up and save me. Rick never said it again in season two, but in episode seven Rick hinted at the same with lyrics.

This time only Summer was able to tell the difference. She knew the happy Rick wasn't the real Rick, the real Rick lived in a lucid reality - an aging man, worried about a certain death, pessimistic and indulgent, he had to look like he didn't care about everything Heart - this is the real Rick.

S3E8. Interdimensional Cable2

The only time Jerry made a decision on his own was insisting on cutting off the penis in exchange for the respect of the rest of the universe.

S3E9. Look Who's Purging Now

Some time ago, I read a commentary that raised a question about the democratic system, whether the turmoil in recent years will reveal the failure of the current democratic system.

In episode 9, the society operates on the rule that an annual indiscriminate purge can bring lasting peace to humanity.

In the end, however, they learned that the so-called purge was just a means for the powerful to destroy civilians. After the elites disappear, a new social order needs to be rebuilt - everything is like the earliest city-state society in Western society - then there will be occupations, occupational division of labor, division of labor struggle, and finally there will be a person who will stand up and say that struggle does not solve the social operation. question.

The story comes to an abrupt end here, and the myth of human history will continue to provoke thought-what kind of social system can optimize the division of labor and reduce disputes.

S3E10. The Wedding Squanchers

The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails / 1994

Grandpa's two best friends, Squancher and birdman, both died at the wedding in the final episode. Grandpa gave a happy speech before the wedding massacre,

You see, marriage is no fun because we all die alone. But so far I have taken an important step - let go of defenses, remove the wall.

Federal's pursuit forces the family to embark on a journey to escape from Earth. Perhaps because of this reason, my grandfather thought that he was unforgivable since he searched for Earth-like planets.

That fragile and sensitive grandpa, the coolest grandpa in the entire universe - the multiverse - and the smartest brain, has been working hard to be a family. By the end of the second season, he still prefers to retreat into a fort called Rick - would rather surrender to the Federal than involve his family in it.

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A Rickle in Time quotes

  • Rick: Uncertainty is inherently unsustainable. Eventually, everything either is or isn't.


    Veterinarian: Jesus.