Powerpuff Titans

Carleton 2022-02-20 08:01:26

Betrayal and alienation in the era of superhero movies In the era of proliferation of superheroes, the deconstruction of superheroes has become a cliché of cliche, and TTGO's evaluation is not new from any angle. The only core point is that this victory is set up with the most common drama: "The protagonist was tricked by the villain and used his own heart demon to betray his ideals." It embeds the work of all these blockbusters and attempts to deconstruct them and finally hit the market. And the unspoken story of being swallowed up under the production system and betraying oneself. For example, it is clearly the death knell of Deadpool copy, why is it repeated several times in this work? Another example is the creation of the anti-genre superhero movie "Kickass". How did the sequel ruin the reputation and praise won by the first film? Following the trend, "Deadpool" created a successful case of 2016 anti-hero R-rated movie on the foundation built by "Kickass" with R-rated scale + more crazy Tucao, and then used dog blood for a sequel this year. Ruined everything.

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  • Gregorio 2022-03-24 09:03:18

    Can this blow up? Continuing the maddening style that has continued for several seasons, playing with memes is more crazy, breaking the dimensional wall in various ways, Stan Lee and Shia LaBeouf appear on the scene, and there is also a scene in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is a movie that children, ttgo fans, American comic fans, and superhero fans can watch very high. If you are one of the above types like me (maybe you should add a musical fan? ), it just exploded. Kristen Bell's voice is so beautiful. The last Easter egg is good. It proves again that DC's way out is to make this kind of film (Lego Batman + this film)!

  • Tamia 2022-02-20 08:01:26

    The zombie Titan plays normally, and it really is the first villain in DC ///Women's slade///Easter egg daily holiday trailer///Cage finally played Superman

Teen Titans GO! To the Movies quotes

  • Stan Lee: Hey! I'm Stan Lee and I'm doing my subtle cameo!

    [strikes a series of poses, then a crew member whispers in his ear]

    Stan Lee: This is a DC movie? Oh, gee, I gotta get outta here!

    [runs away]

  • Stan Lee: I'm back! I don't care if it's a DC movie! I love cameos!

    Robin: Not now, Stan Lee!

    [throws him away]

    Stan Lee: Excelsior!