Why are people of color not seen the color and light of life

Anne 2022-11-04 17:36:57

Inequality is engraved in human genes. The rise of a race needs to be succeeded by the past, sometimes bleeding and sometimes tearing.

In 1865, under the leadership of then American President Lincoln, the North won the American Civil War. Slavery was completely abolished, and blacks were given full freedom, but unfortunately this was only theoretical freedom, because before most blacks were slaves. They were poor and lack education. In order to survive, they had to be hired by whites, and again. They have to be exploited, controlled, and circled. In fact, they have not changed much from before the Civil War, and because whites still look down on blacks from the bottom of their hearts, although they cannot treat blacks as slaves, they have passed many "apartheid" bills. Social status is not much higher than being a slave. These laws are called: Jim Crow Law.

It’s a male protagonist’s dream to do business like white people, but even if he escaped from Texas, where black discrimination is serious, to Los Angeles, where there are many opportunities and a free atmosphere, when he enters the bank, he still suffers from the "colored people" race. Isolated cold reception. Although he won the first pot of gold with his bold and slanting business thinking, he still benefited from the help of white Bole.

Later, he and his black companions used the white youth as a business face and successfully established a foothold in Los Angeles. When they moved their offices into downtown Los Angeles, the most prosperous and bank-based building, they laughed more happily than anyone else, because this was the first time they offended the so-called white authority and acted as the “building owner”. Walk into the financial arena where white people have monopolized the right to speak. If in the “white gaze”, blacks were inferior and unworthy of having the same education, employment, and life rights as whites, such gazes were often contempt, mocking, and disdain; then those who “intervened” in the white authority circle this time Breakthrough, the gaze that this pair of black business companions got was admiring, unexpected. Even if they rely on the appearance of white partners to get such an opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with most outstanding white people, they are overjoyed. They finally stopped being conscientious and cautious. Just like the first flight of a young eagle, it does not aspire to height, and it is not easy to successfully spread its wings for the first time.

The most touching thing is their awareness of "getting rich first and helping them get rich later". After all, white people did not change their perception of other blacks because of their "intervention" in the prosperous business center of Los Angeles. Most blacks were still living in dire straits. They set their sights on Texas, buying banks, and wanting more blacks to get equal loan opportunities, so as to improve their lives and destiny. In one scene in the play, the male protagonist takes his child and walks confidently on the streets of Texas. The male protagonist and the child are sensitively aware of some strange places: "Why are there separate drinking places for blacks and whites?". By the time they arrived at the door of the Mainland Bank, the host wanted the black child shoe polisher in front of the bank to serve, but received a cold sentence: "I only serve white people." Ironically, even black descendants look down on black people. Originally, black people were tortured by various forms of apartheid and racial discrimination, and they could only do such low-level service jobs, which would be unfair. But once they stop struggling and accept the unfairness, there is no cure. Probably this is what Lu Xun said of "no argument for anger and misfortune".

The federal government accuses black business partners of manipulating white young partners as a front of business in order to seek improper gains in the financial system. In the court, the male protagonist issued a soul torture: "Do you want to know how a black man bought a bank?", and took out a black exclusive service clothes, declaring that he was a lowly black waiter, as a white youth The soldiers behind the scenes loudly complained that the constitution's so-called equality between whites and blacks is a blank check, mocking the political oppression drawn by the entire white race represented behind this group of government officials.

Fight for freedom and human rights is an eternal topic of mankind. It is not only the current feminist disputes in China, but also the issue of discrimination against people of color reflected in this film. These two issues are not new in history, but why we are still running for them until now, because human beings have never achieved absolute equality in the true sense. Even if the rules and guarantees are written in black and white, it still depends on the whole society. How to implement the so-called "equality" in daily life.

We should all think about why people of color, whose skin color is more diverse than that of whites, are blocked by so many things and cannot see the color and light of life? The Bible says that he tells the sun to shine on the good and evil, and rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. But the reality is always that the sun and rain are monopolized by the right party.

"Anyone who wins praise and harmony promotes his advancement, and when he wins opposition, he urges him to struggle. The stranger yells exclusively in the stranger, and the stranger has no response, neither approval nor opposition, such as Being in the boundless wasteland, there is no way to know what to do. What kind of sorrow is this, so I feel lonely by what I feel." If the human heart is not touched by the ups and downs, it is as terrible as bones.

I hope there will be more people running for equality and rights in this world, who refuse to be strangled by the silent big hand and accept "lost voice"; refuse to be blocked by the silent big hand, accept "isolation"; refuse to be covered by the silent big hand , Accept "Never Day".

If you can't see the light, you can try to "emerge through the ground", like a seed that has lived in darkness since childhood.

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The Banker quotes

  • Joe Morris: No matter what, there's always something extra going on in the relationship. It's just the way shit is. And when you accept that, you can't get caught off guard when it rears its ugly head.

  • Matt Steiner: We're casting a wide net. The more loans we make, the higher our profit. Goes for your stake too.

    Robert Florance, Jr.: As long as they don't default.

    Matt Steiner: That's what collateral's for.

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