His arsenic, my honey

Laverne 2022-08-18 12:32:59

What makes some people feel horrible may be something other people want to see again.

Some people are gone, and the emotions and sorrows associated with them are slowly fading, really wanting to freeze in the most beautiful moment. You are laughing, I am also laughing. So after I have been silent for so long, I heard your need, and I came here non-stop, hoping that I didn't make you wait too long.

It's a really sad movie, it's not heartbreaking, it's just a faint cry, wanting to squeeze out a smile.

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The Good Neighbor quotes

  • Officer Palmer: Got a noise complaint, you mind if I come in?

    Harold Grainey: Um, yeah, yeah I do.

    [smiles faintly]

  • Harold Grainey: [as barking dog runs to fallen trash can] Get out of here! Get out of here, you half-breed.

    [dog growls]

    Harold Grainey: Shut up!

    [as owner catches up]

    Harold Grainey: Get him out of here!

    Neighbor: Hey, come on - what's the problem here, man?

    Harold Grainey: What's the problem? Well, the problem is that your dog is pissing a mess on my property. Let him piss on your property, okay?

    Neighbor: [to still-barking dog] Come on, easy, easy...

    Harold Grainey: Maybe I should teach him a lesson. Keep that son of a bitch on a leash, okay? Because the next time, if it happens again, I'm going to cut him in four pieces and send him home in this can.

    [tense silence]

    Neighbor: [to dog, while looking at Grainey] Let's go, boy.