"Survival or Death" movie script

Alexis 2022-01-18 08:02:26

"Survival or Death" movie script

(Also translated: "The Great Escape")

Text/Thomas Meehan, Ronnie Graham (United States)

Translation/Na Jie

This is a comedy with the theme of anti-fascist struggle. It was made into a feature film by Brooks Film Company in 1983. The film is full of jokes, thrills, and lyricism. It vividly describes the deeds of a group of Polish artists who fought with the fascist authorities to support the resistance movement and protect the Jews during the German occupation. Director Mel Brooks is a world-famous comedy master. In 1968, he won the Oscar for Best Screenplay for "The Producer". In the film, he played the famous Polish Bronski. Several other protagonists are also played by Oscar winners or nominations-Anne Bancroft, Jose Feller and Charles Duning. The "Life" film was once rated as one of the top ten best works in the United States in 1987. ——Translator

The music of a lively light song and dance show sounded. One after another performance posters appeared on the screen. One of the most eye-catching middle-aged actor and actress, a beam of light hit their heads.

Into: a map of Europe, it is hidden in the shadows.

Commentary (outside the painting): "This is the Europa continent. In 1936, the Nazi army crossed the Rhine without a single shot... In March 1936, the Nazi army also occupied Austria without a single shot..."

Every time the German Nazi army occupied a country, a swastika appeared on the map of that country.

Commentary (outside the picture): "In March 1939, the Nazi army and tanks entered Finland... Within a few days, they occupied Czechoslovakia, and they also did not miss a shot... In August 1939, the Nazi army Advancing towards the western border of Poland, Europe as a whole is at the point where the Second World War is imminent..."

At the corner of the street, in front of the luxurious Bronsky Theater, there were busy traffic and crowds.

Commentary (outside the picture): "However, in Warsaw, despite the threat of an enemy attack, people are still floating in the joy of the Bronsky troupe's performance, seeming to forget all this."

On the stage, Frederick Bronsky and Anna Bronsky are performing a light musical. The two sang and danced, and their movements were brisk and free. After a while, the "Back Hu Dou" will be played, and each other will take turns carrying each other, one Hu Dou after another Hu Dou. Such ingenious performance won the whole house.

"Wow!" In the audience, Captain Sobinski, a young officer in a pilot uniform, stood up and shouted with excitement.

The audience kept chanting. On the stage, Anna took the red rose from the audience and called the curtain with her husband.

In a moment, the announcer walked to the front of the stage. The Bronskis get down.

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, for obvious reasons, the following shows cannot be performed in Polish."

Quiet field.

The curtain opened, and on the stage was the Gestapo headquarters, and several SS officers were yelling. This is a satire of current affairs.

Theater backstage. Anna, dressed in a white dress, holding a few red roses in her hand, walked beamingly, Bronsky followed. A staff member walked up to Bronsky, the actor, director and dean.

Staff: "Mr. Bronsky, this is a poster drawn by an artist. Is it okay?"

Bronsky squinted his eyes and examined: "Very good."

Anna: "Very good? Look, how small my name is, I don’t mind, but it’s written at the bottom of the poster, this I..."

Bronsky: "I like this."

Anna helplessly: "Whatever you want."

After speaking, she went to the dressing room alone. Bronsky turned into a room by the aisle.

There was a sound in German from the room. The crowd gathered around a radio.

Bronsky: "Who is babbling?"

Jewish actor Lubinski: "Hitler, he is threatening us again."

Bronsky disgusted: "Turn it off!"

Actor Labeki: "German troops have reached our border, we should go to..."

Bronsky: "What does this have to do with us?"

Lubinski: Mr. Bronsky, don't you read the newspaper? There may be war at any time! "

Bronsky: "Listen, that's politics, it's their business. We are in the theater. The show continues."

Anna leaned on the easy chair in the dressing room, next to her makeup artist Sasha, Jew, gay, dressed in women's clothing.

Sasha handed Anna a bunch of flowers and a business card, and said softly, "Today I received a bunch of yellow roses and a business card from that secret place."

Anna read the business card: "'I must see you.—'"

Sasha: "He must see us."

Anna read the business card: "Captain Andrei Sobinski."

Sasha put his hands on his chest: "Oh, it must be the handsome pilot in the third row."

Anna emotionally: "It may also be the second row. How I want to see him! He is sitting in the fourth seat of the aisle."

Sasha: "No, the fifth one."

Anna: "The captain who sends me flowers every night! He may fall in love with me hopelessly."

Sasha: "His father must be a flower dealer!"

The two laughed.

Satires on current affairs continue to be performed. The roles played by several Polish actors are talking about Hitler.

Character A: "Hitler is a monster, Hitler is a madman, Hitler is a war mad."

Character B: "Yes. Oh. He's here."

Enter Hitler played by Bronsky.

Character A: "Haier, Hitler!"

Fake Hitler: "Haier, myself." To everyone: "Have you read the newspaper? They call me a monster and a lunatic."

Character A: "There are also war madness."

Fake Hitler: "What do monsters mean? I am kind by nature, good-hearted, and good-looking. I save the world for Germany every day. I don't want war, I want peace, peace, and peace!"

In the audience, several people left the table angrily.

Theater backstage. Several people rushed in.

Staff: "Please wait, sir, no one can enter during the performance."

Leader: "We are from the Foreign Affairs Office, and we request to see Mr. Bronsky immediately."

Everyone is still walking inwards.

Staff: "Gentlemen, no, he is on stage."

On the stage, Bronsky and others were able to act vigorously. Suddenly, the curtain fell.

Bronsky was surprised: "Why put the curtain down?"

Opponent actor: "Someone must be making trouble."

Staff: "I'm sorry. Mr. Bronsky, I was ordered to do this."

Bronsky: "Order! Whose?"

The leader walked arrogantly to the center of the station.

Leader: "My."

Bronsky: "Who are you?"

Leader: "I'm Bowers, from the Foreign Affairs Office."

Bronsky took off his fake beard and military cap.

Bronsky: "What right do you have to interrupt my performance."

Bowers: "We must stop a war."

Bronsky: "What does this have to do with a comedy?"

Bowles threatened: "Your performance can be considered a direct attack on Prime Minister Hitler..."

Lubinski interrupted angrily: "Think, think, how is this an attack?!"

Bowles: "Mr. Bronsky, we, we will never allow you to laugh at the leaders of the Third Reich. This is too risky."

Bronsky: "The curtain opens and I want to finish the play. I can't give up the show!"

Bowers: "We have to close this theater!"

Bronsky waved helplessly. He threw Hitler's military uniform, which he had taken off, to the ground.

Bowers waited.

Staff: "Mr. Bronsky, the next scene..."

Bronsky: "Let the harlequin play."

Staff: "What's next?"

Lubinski: "I have an idea to play Shakespeare, and I will play Sherlock (the protagonist of The Merchant of Venice)."

Bronsky: "Shakespeare? Great. But don't you play Sherlock, let me play Hamlet."

Lubinski: "Ah, comedians play tragic roles!"

Anna's dressing room. She looked a little disturbed.

Anna: "That current affairs drama has ceased?"

Sasha: "Yes, those guys said it was sarcastic..."

Anna: "Then what program should I replace it with?"

Sasha: "Bronsky is going to play Hamlet."

Anna: "Isn't that ironic anymore?"

Sasha: "Yes." Mysteriously, "Oh! Very convenient."

Anna: "What do you mean?"

Sasha: "While he is reading that famous monologue, I will ask the young pilot to come backstage."

Anna's face was flushed: "You mean, while my husband is acting on stage, I have a tryst with that captain in the background?"

Sasha: "Yes."

Anna: "Well, you said it!"

She walked to the dressing table.

on the stage. The announcer stood in front of the curtain.

Announcer: "Ladies. Gentlemen, the program has changed a bit. Tonight you will have the honor to watch a fragment of the world-famous tragedy "Hamlet" performed by Bronsky.

The curtain opened in applause. The prince played by Bronsky walked out slowly.

Hamlet: "Survival..."

A teleprompter squatted at the entrance of the front desk.

Prompter: "It's still death."

Hamlet: "It's still death...or death..."

The pilot Sobinski got up from his seat and walked out between the rows.

Sobinski: "Oh, I'm sorry."

Hamlet: "This is a question, a question, a question..."

Suo's walking and Ha's chanting shots alternately appeared——

Sobinski: "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Hamlet: "It's a poisonous arrow that silently endures the tyranny of fate..."

Sobinski: "I'm sorry."

Hamlet: "Or stand up against the boundless suffering of the world and clear them through struggle..."

Prompter: "What happened to him tonight?"

Anna dressing room. The young and chic Sobinski stepped in.

Sobinski kissed Anna's hand: "I can't believe it. Ms. Anna Bronsky is in front of me."

Anna said sweetly, "It's me, you are the gentleman who keeps sending me flowers. These are too expensive."

Sobinski: "It's nothing, my father sells flowers."

Anna: "Do you like my performance?"

Sobinski: "You are so charming!"

Anna: "There must be many girls chasing you."

Sobinski: "No one pursues me."

Anna tentatively: "Then you pursue them?"

Sobinski: "I am convinced that once you fall in love with someone, you will dedicate everything to him."

Anna affectionately: "Yes, I completely agree. I think that true love will never be interrupted at any time."

Sobinski: "Yes. I like to have fun."

Anna: "Me too. What is your pleasure?"

Sobinski: "Flight, bombing."

Anna: "Oh, that's so funny!"

At this time, Sasha entered the dressing room and listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

Sobinski excitedly said, "Flying is too vigorous. Whenever I step into the cabin and start the engine, it seems to be in another world. I am surrounded by that roar. Sliding forward, first slowly, then faster and faster. Finally, like a bird rising at an alarming speed, as if it was about to leave the earth, it flew higher and higher, almost touching the sun." Sasha was fascinated, "Do you want to see my bomber?"

Sasha timidly: "No."

Anna: "Where is the acting now?"

Sasha: "I have come to Denmark."

Anna: "I'm sorry, Captain Sobinski, you have to go, I should change my outfit too."

Sobinski reluctantly said: "When can I see you again?"

Anna: "Oh, my dear, I don't know..."

Sasha: "You can still have a date tomorrow night."

Anna: "So, how about tomorrow night?"

Sobinski: "Great!"

Anna: "Oh, but... that's all right!"

Sobinski: "Can I kiss you?"

Anna very willingly: "Of course it can."

Sobinski embraced and kissed Anna enthusiastically. The two are hard to separate. Sasha looked aside and felt itchy.

Sasha: "It's too much! Madam, change clothes soon!"

Sobinski left, Anna closed her eyes, still intoxicated by the sweet kiss just now. She slid down slowly and sat on the floor.

Sasha rushed to her: "Ah! What's the matter with you?"

Anna: "I'm fine."

Sasha: "Then why are you sitting on the floor?"

Anna opened her eyes: "On the floor? Am I sitting on the floor? Help me up!"

The next night, the theater was backstage. Bronsky, with his makeup, was talking angrily with his assistant, holding a letter in his hand.

Bronsky surprised: "I can't believe what happened last night!"

Assistant: "Has this happened before?"

Bronsky: "No!" He picked up a sword for props, "I want to see what they do!"

The bell rang, and Bronsky, who was still angry, had to perform on stage.

On the stage, a segment of Shakespeare's famous play "Hamlet" is being performed.

Actor A: "What an embarrassing burden!"

Actor B: "I heard the prince's footsteps, let's go back quickly."

Enter the prince played by Bronsky. He doesn't guard his house, he pays attention to the audience with his eyes.

Bronsky: "Survival or death... Survival or death, this is a question."

In the audience, the Sobbins base station sitting in the front row got up.

Sobinski: "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Bronsky discovered Sobinski: "It is to endure silently-endure-endure!"

Sobinski said as he walked, "Excuse me."

Bronsky's voice increased: "Endure—the fate—the tyrannical poisonous arrow—still stand up—resist the world—the boundless—the boundless—the boundless..."

Prompter: "Suffering."

Bronsky: "Yes! Suffering..."

Anna's dressing room. Sobinski stepped in, seemingly something was going on.

Anna said to Sasha: "You go out." To Sobinski, "Captain, please sit down."

Sobinski: "Anna, I did one thing, I hope you don't think I did it too boldly."

Anna: "Oh, of course not. What's the matter?"

Sobinski: "I wrote a letter to your husband."

Anna was shocked: "What did you do!"

Sobinski: "This is a decent thing, a matter of honor!"

Anna: "No. It's a stupid thing!"

Sobinski: "As a man, you should tell him personally."

Anna approached him: "Andre, we can't do this now. I understand your feelings. If our feelings can continue to develop until we completely love each other, then tell him."

Sobinski: "I'm not a child anymore!"

Anna: "You have to listen to me!"

Just as the two quarreled, the door was opened with a "bang". The actor Yagus rushed in.

Yagus: "Anna, the war has broken out!"

Sobinski suddenly became serious: "The German army entered the Polish border this morning, and I will go back to the army immediately."

Anna's face was pale: "People are going to kill each other again. You will die."

Sobinski: "I won't die, I want to see you and all of you." He hugged and kissed Anna goodbye, next.

Anna flashed tears: "Goodbye!"

Outside the door, human voices are noisy. Bronsky's assistant came in.

Assistant: "Madam, war broke out."

Anna: "Yes. Does the audience know?"

Assistant: "It hasn't been announced yet."

Bronsky in a costume pushed in aggressively.

Bronsky pointed at Anna: "Ah, so fast, I can't believe it!"

Anna: "I know too. This is terrible!"

Bronsky: "Horrible, more than terrible! This is the worst thing that has ever happened!"

Anna: "Yes."

Bronsky: "I hate that person."

Anna comforted her husband: "I hate him too, everyone hates him, and all of Europe hates him."

Bronsky teased her: "He did a good job. He played the same role two nights."

Anna was puzzled: "Playing the same role on two nights?"

Bronsky: "Hmph, how dare he hit my idea!"

At this time, Anna suddenly realized.

Anna: "Oh, Bronsky, have you forgotten that there is a war now?"

Bronsky put his head in his hands, very depressed.

Bronsky: "There is a war, my goodness!"

Assistant: "We have been violated."

Yagus: "The end of Poland is here!"

Suddenly, the outdoor alarm was overwhelmed.

Bronsky: "Air raid! Everyone, go to the basement!"

There was an explosion. People rushed eagerly.

Assistant: "Bombed!"

Bronsky greeted everyone: "Don't panic!"

Anna sadly: "Why do Germans do this?"

Sasha: "Now we can't perform anything."

Bronsky: "In this crazy Europe, everyone will step on us!"

Yagus: "This time it's not a Russian, but a German."

Anna: "What can we do now?"

Everyone: "What can we do?"

Bronsky read his lines sonorously: "Just do what a troupe can do in a war until the end of the war."

News footage: German armored forces march into Warsaw... swastika planes bombarded...

(Voiceover): "Warsaw fell, and the Polish capital was so quickly, completely and hopelessly occupied by the enemy. Poland was forced to surrender. However, the Polish resistance fighters continued to fight tirelessly in Britain..."

London, England. In the exiled Polish officers’ club, people smoke and drink, and a Polish song is playing on the record player. Sobinski talked to a professor-like man, who had a goatee and gold-rimmed glasses, and his name was Ceylonski.

Ceylonski: "Gentlemen, this song brought me back to Warsaw. The only thing I regret is that I am too old to fight for Poland like you brave young people."

Sobinski: "Professor, your speech on Radio Free Poland is worth a million bombs!"

Ceylonski thought for a while: "I'm afraid I can't do this for some time now."

Sobinski: "Why?"

Siransky: "I'm about to leave here, aha, for a little trip."

Sobinski: "Where to go?"

Ceylonsky avoided answering: "Thank you for your wonderful dinner and wonderful singing."

Sobinski: "Is this a secret mission?"

Siransky: "I don't know."

Sobinski: "Go back to Poland?"

Siransky: "I don't know."

At this time, some Polish officers gathered around.

Officer A: "Are you going to Krakow?"

Second officer: "Go to Warsaw?"

Siransky: "Sir, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked about what I was leaving."

Officer C: "Can you bring us a message?"

Officer Ding: "Bring us a letter!"

Siransky: "I understand your feelings of missing your loved ones, but I still can't tell you the destination of my trip."

All the officers: "Please trust us!"

Siylansky: "Well, please write down the name and address of the person who will bring the letter. I will do what I should do."

All the officers: "Thank you, thank you!"

Everyone writes separately. Only Sobinski and Ceylonski are left.

Sobinski: "Professor, everyone in my family has escaped from Poland. One is in Warsaw. I would like to ask you to bring a delicate letter."

Ceylonsky: "Is it about women?"

Sobinski: "Yes. But can't let her husband know."

Siransky: "Oh, what are you talking about?"

Sobinski: "Just say'survival or death' and she understands everything."

Ceylonski pondered the meaning: "It turned out to be a code word. What is her name?"

Sobinski: "Anna Bronsky."

Siransky: "Let me write it down."

Sobinski: "Have you never heard of Anna Bronsky?"

Ceylonski: "What?"

Sobinski: "You must have not been in Warsaw for long."

Siransky: "No, no. I'm familiar with this name."

Sobinski: "Familiar? She is a great actor."

Ceylonsky looked embarrassed. At this time, the officers handed him the written address and name.

Officer A: "Professor, this is my brother's talk. He is from the underground organization."

Ceylonsky: "Ah, the underground organization must be a brave young man."

Officer B: "My cousin is also an underground organization. I want you to get to know him."

Ceylonski: "That's great!" Look at the note handed by Officer B, "I remembered it."

Pieces of paper and letters were handed to Ceylonski. He was overwhelmed. Sobinski showed a look of alertness.

The British Army has an office from M-5. Sobinski told the staff of the counterintelligence department about his suspicion of Ceylansky.

Sobinski: "No one has ever stayed in Warsaw without knowing Anna Bronsky, so I think there is a ghost in Ceylensky's heart."

Anti-intelligence officer first: "Ceylonsky has gone."

Anti-intelligence officer B: "He will arrive in Stockholm tomorrow."

Anti-intelligence officer first: "Captain, how did you know he was leaving."

Sobinski: "He told us."

Major General Jenkins, Director of Division M-5: "What did he tell?"

Sobinski: "Yes. We gave him the address and name."

Anti-intelligence Army Palace A: "Whose name and address?"

Sobinski: "Relatives, friends and people from underground organizations."

Major General Jenkins: "If you don't stop him, the entire Polish underground organization will be destroyed."

Anti-intelligence officer first: "How did he get from Stockholm to Warsaw?"

Anti-intelligence officer B: "By boat. First go to Gdansk, then take the train to Warsaw."

Major General Jenkins: "Captain, how long will it take you to fly to Warsaw?"

Sobinski: "Seven hours."

In the dark night sky, an airplane of unknown nationality was sailing. In the cabin, Anti-intelligence Officer A confessed his mission to Sobinski.

Anti-intelligence officer A: "This list must not fall into the hands of the Gestapo."

Sobinski: "Yes."

Counterintelligence Officer A handed Sobinski a Browning pistol: "Take this, find him and kill him."

Sobinski: "I see."

Anti-intelligence officer first: "You can skydive. Good luck."

Sobinski jumped and disappeared into the vast night fog.

The back entrance of the Bronsky Theatre in Warsaw. Several actors in ragged clothes are doing hard work.

Lukowski: "I heard that a censorship agency in Germany is investigating whether Shakespeare is a Jew."

Actor: "Shakespeare is a Jew, who would believe it."

At this moment, Bronsky came along the sidewalk.

Lukowski: "Sir, I want you for something."

Bronsky: "What's the matter?"

Lukowski: "My cousin Reska is Jewish and there is nowhere to live at the moment. I want to put her in the basement at the bottom of the play."

Bronsky: "Yes. But please keep her silent."

Lukowski whistled to the other side, and a woman with a flustered expression hurried over, followed by a man and a child.

Bronsky was surprised: "Who are the two?"

Lukowski: "Reska's husband and son."

Bronsky: "Well, let's hide."

Everyone: "Thank you, Mr. Bronsky."

Just as Bronsky was about to enter the back door of the theater, his assistant came out from inside.

Assistant: "Sir, your letter is from the Gestapo."

Bronsky's face suddenly sank, and he opened the letter to read it.

Bronsky was furious: "The Gestapo wants to use my house as their headquarters."

Assistant: "Is there such a thing?"

Bronsky angrily said: "They are going to drive me and Anna away. The house has been sealed up. My house will be messed up by them. The paintings in my collection will also be taken away by them. These damn robbers! I must not let them preempt. Never! Never!"

He turned and ran towards home.

Bronsky's mansion. He and Anna brought two boxes and went downstairs to the living room. Several Gestapo in black uniforms are already waiting. Sasha helped Anna carry the box, and Anna sat down in a soft chair to catch her breath.

Second Lieutenant James, the Gestapo officer: "Get up, please. I'm sorry, you sat on Colonel Al Hout's chair."

Anna smiled bitterly: "Ah, please forgive me. In my memory, it was still my chair 10 minutes ago."

Second Lieutenant James yelled: "Go!"

Anna reluctantly: "We have lived in this house for 15 years."

Bronsky: "Let's go, dear. Don't look back."

He walked to the door and looked back at his home. Then he glanced sideways at the portrait of Hitler that had been hung on the wall, and stabbed it with his walking stick when he was unprepared.

The old apartment where Sasha lived. He led Anna and Bronsky upstairs and stepped into a large house that was divided into two halves by a curtain.

Anna: "Sasha, we really don't know how to thank you."

Sasha: "My house is your house."

Bronsky frowned: "This is like a mouse's den."

Anna: "How dare you say that this place is a mouse's den! Sasha has let us share everything about himself, I really like this place."

Bronsky: "Excuse me, Sasha."

The three people opened the luggage.

Under the night, Sobinski in casual clothes sneaked to the back entrance of the Bronsky Theater. He knocked on the door. The door opened and Lukowski poked his head out.

Lukowski: "Who are you looking for?"

Sobinski: "I'm Captain Sobinski."

Lukowski: "Oh, it's'survival or death'."

Sobinski: "I have to see Anna, where does she live?"

Lukowski: "She and Bronsky moved to Sasha's house, at 52 Kubel Street."

Sobinski: "Thank you."

At Sasha's house, he was dressed up and ready to go out. Anna looked at him curiously.

Anna: "What is the pink thing on your chest?"

Sasada said angrily: "You haven't heard that women's clothing is popular in Poland. All Jews wear yellow five-pointed stars, while homosexuals wear pink three-pointed stars."

Anna: "Sasha, you are terrible."

Sasha: "I hate it too. It messes up everything."

Anna: "When will you be back?"

Sasha: "It's late, I have a date."

Sasha, dressed in women's style, twisted her waist and went out. Anna put on her pajamas and got ready to go to bed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Anna hesitated for a while, then went to open the door.

"Ah!" Anna lost her voice. Sobinski stood outside the door.

Anna: "Come in!"

The two embraced. Anna brought a plate of cooked potatoes.

Anna: "Potatoes are rationed, you are hungry, eat."

Sobinski gobbled it up.

Anna: "How did you come?"

Sobinski: "Skydiving."

Anna: "Parachute? Jump to Poland to meet me? You are crazy! They find you will kill you, dear."

Sobinski: "But you have to do that. I was sent by the British intelligence service."

Anna: "What did they send you to do?"

Sobinski: "This time I have a special mission to intercept a dangerous person."

Anna: "Who is he?"

Sobinski: "His name is Ceylonski."

Anna: "Oh, it's the person speaking at the Voice of Free Poland."

Sobinski: "He is a traitor, a German spy. He came to Warsaw from England and brought a list of Polish underground organizations. If he contacts the Gestapo, those people on the list will be gone."

Anna: "Where is he?"

Sobinski: "Arrive here at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Anna: "Then how do you stop him?"

Sobinski shrugged: "I can't think of a way now."

Anna: "Then you can take a break."

Sobinski: "Okay. But I have nowhere to go. There are German soldiers everywhere. I'll just sleep on the sofa."

Anna tenderly said, "No, you sleep on the bed."

Sobinski: "What about your husband?"

Anna: "Let him sleep on the sofa."

Sobinski: "What about you?"

Anna: "I'm waiting for Bronsky here. We seem to be playing a part of "Othello". Besides, I have to put on clothes."

With that, she put a coat over her pajamas and sat down.

After a while, "Bang! Bang!" There was a heavy knock on the door. Anna walked in panic to open the door. There are two German soldiers outside the door.

German First Soldier: "Are you Anna Bronsky?"

Anna: "Yes."

German First Soldier: "Follow us."

Anna: "I haven't done anything."

German First Soldier: "Follow us quickly."

Anna was taken away by two German soldiers. Sobinski was still sleeping on the bed.

A hotel dedicated to the German army. The door is heavily guarded. Anna was taken in. The guard spoke to the German soldier.

Doorman: "Room 206."

Anna followed the German soldier and came to the door of a room.

German First Soldier: "Please."

Anna walked in anxiously. Ceylonsky, wearing glasses, greeted him.

Siylansky: "Good evening, Mrs. Bronsky, I am Professor Siylansky."

Anna: "Cylansky?"

Ceylonski: "What's the matter?"

Anna: "It's nothing, why am I brought here?"

Siransky: "I'll explain it to you. Please tell me, what does the phrase'survival or death' mean?"

Anna was relieved: "The lines in the first scene of the third act of'Hamlet', is this a drama test?"

Ceylonski: "It's not all right. This is a message from a person in the UK. Maybe this codeword has a more secret meaning?"

Anna: "A more secret meaning?" She smiled, "Oh, yes, yes. But I hope you don't tell this room. My husband is the great Polish actor Frederick Bronski. He loves this monologue the most. It takes 10 minutes to finish it on stage. I took this opportunity to invite the young pilot to come backstage, oh, just chat, nothing else."

Siylansky: "This is the code word of love between you and the young captain, right?"

Anna: "Ah, yes."

Silansky smiled awkwardly: "It turns out that's the case. I apologize to you and bring you here, please forgive me."

At this time, the phone rang. Ceylonsky picked up the phone.

Ceylonski: "I am. Colonel Al Hout, thank you for sending me a plane to pick me up in Stockholm,...Yes, I bring a list...OK, I will be there at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I look forward to meeting you very much, long live Hitler!"

Anna heard the passage clearly and was anxious to leave.

Anna: "I won't disturb you anymore."

Siylansky was fascinated: "Wait a minute, would you please stay and have dinner with me? I am a representative of the Third Reich and will entertain you like a gentleman. If we have more time to get along Together, I will also advise you to join our business."

Anna: "I would love to have dinner with you. But I want to dress a little... OK?"

Silensky: "Of course. Please come back soon."

He sent her downstairs. He spoke to the doorman.

Ceylonski: "This lady is allowed to go out." To Anna, "^This is a difficult place to get in, and it's even more difficult to get out."

Anna: "Goodbye."

Siransky held up one of her hands: "For a temporary separation, please allow me to kiss your hand."

Sasha's house. Bronsky came back from the outside and walked to the head of the bed.

Bronsky: "My dear, we haven't seen each other for so many hours. To tell you some bad news, they want us to cut off the gypsy song and dance show. It seems that they don't like gypsy people either. Oh, dear, let Let's face it all! But I still want this show, otherwise the theater won't exist..."

Sobinski snored while sleeping on the bed. Bronsky went to bed while undressing.

Bronsky: "That's what I want to say, but I can't do anything. Oh, I'm so tired, so tired, dear." He touched Sobinski's body wrapped in the bedding. "After the war is over, I will draw everything you need. You need a fur coat, a pair of high-heeled leather boots..." He touched Sobinski's stubble face, "You want to shave your face. Hmm, shaved, "To survive or die,..."

He was surprised to find that it was not Anna sleeping in the bed. Sobinski was also awakened at this time and sat up quickly from the bed.

Bronsky: "Who are you?"

Sobinski was dumbfounded. The door opened and Anna hurried in.

Anna: "Andre!"

Bronsky was furious: "Andre, what are you doing in my room and my bed?"

Anna: "Silensky has arrived."

Sobinski: "Why is he here so soon?"

Anna: "He came by plane."

Sobinski: "Are you sure?"

Anna: "I just came from him."

Bronsky: "What?"

Anna: "I have to go back and have dinner with him."

Bronsky: "Who is Ceylonsky?"

Anna: "He is a spy. I heard him talking on the phone with Gestapo chief Al Haut."

Sobinski, Bronsky: "What did you say?"

Anna: "Said he has got the list, and it will be sent to the Gestapo headquarters tomorrow morning. It may also be tonight."

Bronsky: "What list?"

Anna anxiously: "What should I do?"

Sobinski: "Go back there and hold Ceylonski firmly. You can't transfer the list to Al Hout."

Bronsky: "It's so dangerous, why should she go?"

Sobinski; "Someone must stop him."

Anna had an idea: "Well...Silensky and Al Hout have never met. I suggest finding someone to play the role of Colonel Al Hout."

After speaking, his eyes moved to her husband involuntarily.

Sobinski stared at Bronsky: "A good actor."

Anna: "A great actor."

Bronsky began to imitate the actions of the German officer: "A bad actor. Don't look at me, don't look at me like that!"

That night, in a large office in the Bronsky Theater. Bronsky, Sobinski and several actors are discussing. There are some props in the corner of the room.

Bronsky: "I can't. Who believes I am Colonel Al Hout, who wants to die like this?!"

Lukowski: "Agus, go get the Nazi flag."

Sobinski: "Don't be nervous, Ceylonski and Colonel Al Hout have never met."

Lukowski: "Each of us plays our role well, and he won't doubt it."

Bronsky: "Well, let's rehearse."

Lukowski stretched his right hand forward: "Long live Hitler!"

Bronsky also saluted: "Long live Hitler!"

Hotel for the German Army. Anna, in a white evening dress, walked up to Ceylonski curlily. He rubbed his hands with joy.

Siransky: "My dear, let's go."

Anna: "Go, where to go?"

Ceylonski: "Rades Hotel. It's getting late, and the Gestapo won't call me again tonight."

Anna deliberately procrastinated: "Oh, Rados, what a joy." A white piano was found in the corner of the house, "Tunakoto, I haven't played it for a long time."

With that, I sat down in front of the piano and stretched out his hands to press the keys.

Siransky: "Let's go, my dear, we want to..."

The sound of the piano is still constant. He stood aside helplessly.

The back entrance of the Bronsky Theater. Lukowski and Xiagus, who had been put on SS uniforms, were busy setting up. A car parked beside.

Lukowski: "Don't forget to hang the flag."

Yagus: "Go away, or it will be late."

The two got into the car. The car drove away with a cigarette.

Ceylonski room. Anna sang while playing the piano.

Siransky: "My baby, it's time to go!"

Anna: "I haven't sung well yet. Damn it, why don't we eat alone in this luxurious room?"

Downstairs, Lukowski and Yagus stepped in.

Yagus: "Where is Silansky's room?"

Doorman: "Room 206."

Lu and Yawei walked upstairs windly. When I walked to Room 206, I went straight in without knocking on the door.

Yagus: "Long live Hitler!"

Ceylon was taken aback: "...Long live Hitler..."

Yagus: "I'm Captain Franz, a subordinate of Colonel Al Hout. The Colonel wants to see you immediately."

Ceylonsky obediently: "Okay, please wait, let me bring the documents."

He took out the key, opened the safe, took out a list from the strider, put it in the briefcase, and walked to Anna.

Ceylonski: "It's a shame."

Anna reproachfully: "Can't you send them away?"

Siylansky: "I know you are upset. The Gestapo is very busy these days, and they will let me come back soon."

Anna coquettishly: "I will count the time to wait for you."

Ceylonsky left with the two "SS".

The back entrance of the Bronsky Theater is different. A sign of "Gestapo Headquarters" is hung on the wall, and a wooden sentry box is placed on each side of the gate. Two actors dressed as sentinels stood separately.

The car drove to the door, Ceylonski got off, and the sentry raised his hand in salute.

When Ceylonsky had just entered the building, the fake sentry quickly took off the sign and moved out of the guard box.

In the office, with a scarlet swastika flag hung on the wall, Bronsky put on the uniform of a SS colonel. But the indoor tables and chairs are still the same.

Assistant: "He's coming."

Sobin Sorky said to Bronsky: "Remember, you have to get that list first, and then ask who he is to contact in the UK? Call me when you are done."

Bronsky enters the "role": "It's nice to meet you."

Sobinski: "What?"

Bronsky: "I'm in the row, it's nice to meet you."

Assistant: "You are acting with your life."

Bronsky: "I'm doing a performance that I have never had before."

Assistant: "Indeed, try to act better."

Bronsky: "No, relax."

knocking. Sobinsky and his assistants quickly walked into the adjacent room, Aghans opened the door, and Ceylonsky stepped in.

Bronsky: "Ah, good evening, professor, it's nice to meet you."

Siylansky: "Hello, Colonel. The air in the Gestapo office is so good."

Bronsky: "Really? I'm used to it."

The two sat down around the desk.

Ceylonski complimented: "Colonel, you are very famous in London. Everyone calls you Al Haut from the concentration camp."

Bronsky: "That's because I brought everyone together and let the Poles run the camp by themselves, understand?"

Siransky smiled: "You asked to see me, probably about the list."

Bronsky: "It's the list, did you bring it?"

Ceylonski: "Bring it. Colonel, the end of the Polish underground organization is coming, let alone the families of those officers."

Bronsky was surprised: "You did a great job!"

Ceylonski took the list from his bag and handed it to the "colon."

Bronsky: "We will study this list immediately."

Siransky: "Of course, I have to send a copy to Berlin tomorrow morning."

Bronsky stunned: "A copy? Haha..."

Ceylonsky treacherously: "I want to give you all, but Berlin also wants it."

Bronsky tentatively: "You probably locked the copy in the hotel safe, right?"

Ceylansky triumphantly: "Of course it's locked in a safe. The whole hotel is a big safe."

Bronsky felt tricky: "Okay." The phone on the desk rang, "I'm sorry." To the phone, "Please don't call while Ceylonski is in my office." To Ceylonski, "Professor, I will take it now for my subordinates to study and come back soon."

Bronsky rushed to the next room.

Bronsky: "I got the list..."

Sobinski: "Okay, now I will deal with him."

Bronsky: "No, he has already copied a copy and locked it in the hotel safe."

Lukowski: "Oh, is he suspicious?"

Bronsky: "We have to get that copy."

Sobinski: "Go back quickly and hold him."

Bronsky: "Okay. I'm an actor. I can't do without my lines. Without a script, I can't deal with it!"

Lukowski: "Make another script!"

Bronsky smiled and said, "I know Luo!"

Immediately back in the office, Ceylonsky has stood up.

Siransky: "Colonel, I have to go back to the hotel, someone is waiting for me."

Bronsky: "Ah, is it Anna Bronsky?"

Siransky: "You know?"

Bronsky: "Please sit down, professor."

Siylansky: "Here, that's the case. When I contacted her on official business, I found her to be a very good companion."

Bronsky: "A good partner? Isn't she married to that famous actor Bronsky? Have you met him?"

Ceylonsky: "No. What does that matter, she not only has a husband, but also a lover."

Bronsky became uneasy: "Really?"

Ceylonski: "It's the captain named Sobinski. There is a secret code between them-whenever her husband says'to live or die' on stage, they will have a tryst in the background... "

Hearing this, Bronsky couldn't hold back anymore, he turned his seat back with excitement--

The words "Bronsky Theater" are striking on the back of the chair.

Siylansky glanced quickly, but kept his expression silent.

Bronsky pretended to be calm: "I know this, and it will never happen again! No, haha, I know too many things, so everyone calls me Al Haut from the concentration camp."

Ceylonsky: "Let's talk about Mrs. Bronsky!"

Bronsky was surprised: "Why talk about her?"

Silansky said hard: "Why not? This is not an ordinary thing!"

Bronsky: "I don't understand what you mean?"

Ceylonsky's face sank, he drew out his pistol and pointed it at Bronsky.

Ceylonski: "Raise your hand. I don't know if you have ever acted in a courtroom scene. If you want to do it, just do as I say. Go tell your friends outside and tell them to get out of here!"

Bronsky: "..."

Ceylonsky pointed his gun at Bronsky: "Stand up to the wall and turn around!"

Bronsky: "Are you Polish too?"

Ceylonsky suddenly opened the door and fired several shots outside the door.

Bronsky: "Long live Poland!"

Ceylonski was gone. Sobinski and others rushed over after hearing the sound.

Everyone: "What's the matter?"

Bronsky: "He slipped away."

Sobinski: "Where?"

Everyone rushed out.

In the dim theater, a figure flickered.

Bronsky yelled, "Here he is! Yagus, turn on the light. Look carefully!"

All the lights are on, and the whole theater is like daylight.

Sobinski: "Look for it separately. Lukowski, you go to the box. I'll find it over there."

The crowd searched along the rows of seats.

Ceylonski was crawling in the aisle between the two rows of seats.

Suddenly, he ran up the stage from the aisle.

Bronsky: "He is there!"

Sobinski followed closely. After a while, several shots sounded from behind the vertebral curtain of the stage. The curtain was pulled up, and Ceylonsky knelt on the ground; Sobbins stood still, fired several more shots at Ceylensky, and he fell into a pool of blood.

In Ceylonsky's room, Anna paced anxiously.

The door opened and a SS officer came in.

SS officer: "Long live Hitler! I am Captain Schultz, a subordinate of Colonel Al Hout."

Anna: "Professor Ceylansky is not here."

Captain Schultz: "I'll wait for him right here."

Anna: "He won't come back until midnight."

Captain Schultz: "Then I have to wait."

Downstairs, Ceylonski dressed as Bronsky walked in.

Doorman: "Professor, your key."

Bronsky: "Thank you."

He swaggered into "his" room.

Captain Schultz: "Mr. Ceylansky."

Bronsky: "I am."

Captain Schultz: "Long live Hitler! I'm Captain Schultz, Colonel Al Hout..."

Bronsky ignored him and walked up to Anna who was puzzled.

Bronsky: "Ah, Mrs. Bronsky, I thought you were gone."

There is a voice in Anna's words: "Professor, how is it?"

Bronsky whispered: "Dead." Turning to raise his voice, "Of course I am exhausted. I have done so many things in a day."

Captain Schultz: "Professor, Colonel..."

Bronsky: "Meet him at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Captain Schultz: "No. He will see you now."

Bronsky: "Now?"

Captain Schultz: "This is the command of the colonel."

Bronsky: "Okay. But before I go with you, please go out first and let me have a few words with this lady in private."

Captain Schultz went out. Anna walked to her husband.

Anna concerned: "He died?"

Bronsky: "No doubt."

He walked to a coffee table in the corner of the room and looked at it.

Anna: "This is his safe. What are you doing?"

Bronsky: "Look for a copy."

The two pulled the safe around and finally opened it. Bronsky found the copy from the locker and lit it with a lighter. After it burned out, some more water was sprinkled.

Anna: "Everything is fine with you, I'm very happy!"

Browns grimaced: "Don't be happy for me, be happy for your Sobinski!"

Anna changed the subject embarrassedly: "What are you going to do with Ceylonski's body?"

Bronsky sternly: "Leave his corpse alone, have you had a physical relationship with Sobinski?"

Anna: "Ah, how can you ask such a question now? You forgot that Schultz is going to take you to the Gestapo headquarters."

Bronsky: "Oh my God, Gestapo! I can't go there, I can't get out if I go."

Anna: "Oh, you can do it. You are a great actor and you were born very capable. You are very similar to Ceylonski, with big nose and big eyes. You are more like Ceylonski than Ceylonski. "

Bronsky: "I hope so, but he is dead."

Anna: "Oh, sorry."

The inspiration for Bronsky's acting came. Willing to take another risk.

Anna: "Goodbye, and good luck."

Bronsky: "If I can't come back alive, I will forgive you and Sobinski; if I come back, I will ask you to settle accounts."

He opened the door and walked out with an aura. Captain Schultz followed. When he got downstairs, Bronsky said to the guard.

Bronsky: "Please let Mrs. Bronsky go back."

Doorman: "Yes, Mr. Professor."

Gestapo headquarters. In Colonel Al Hout's adjutant's office, Captain Schultz brought Bronsky in.

Captain Schultz: "Please wait a moment, I'll report."

Bronsky sat down and looked around. Captain James sitting behind the desk was answering the phone. Bronsky listened carefully.

Captain James: "This is the colonel's office. What? You shot the members of the underground organization. Their names are Stephen Yodgansky and Jan Vtorowski. Okay."

Colonel's office. Al Haut was fat and fat, with pale yellow hair and yellow eyebrows, just like a butcher. He is on the phone.

Colonel Al Hout: "You mean that there is no evidence. This should not be a reason. Arrest them right away... From now on, no matter what they do, arrest them and shoot them, you know? Shoot them. !"

Bronsky was brought in.

Colonel: "Hello, Professor."

Bronsky: "Colonel, it's great to be able to breathe the Gestapo air here."

Colonel: "Oh? Yes. Please sit down, Professor. Do you smoke?"

The colonel passed a cigar.

Bronsky: "No, thank you."

The colonel handed a candy: "Chocolate nougat?"

Bronsky: "I don't eat."

The colonel put the nugget back and licked the candy hand with his tongue.

Colonel: "Professor, I have good news for you."

Bronsky: "What good news?"

Colonel: "An old friend of yours is coming to Warsaw."

Bronsky was surprised: "Who is it?"

Colonel: "The Führer. You must be happy to advise him."

Bronsky: "People who know him have this desire."

Colonel: "You have known him for a long time?"

Bronsky: "I have known each other for a long time, a long time."

Colonel: "That's great. Professor, if you want, I want to talk to you about the underground organization."

Bronsky: "Okay, let me talk about it first."

Colonel: "Please speak."

Bronsky deliberately sold off: "But I didn't elaborate..."

Colonel: "Why. Isn't there a list?"

Bronsky: "I have something more important than this-the list of the leaders of the entire underground organization!"

The colonel said with joy: "Congratulations." shouted to the neighbor, "James! James!"

Captain James stepped in quickly and sat down by the typewriter.

Colonel: "Professor, please name me."

Bronsky: "Stephen Yodgansky."

Captain James typed: "Stephen Yodgansky." Recalling, "He is dead. He was shot this morning."

Bronsky pretended to be furious: "What?! Who told you to shoot him?"

The colonel also reprimanded his subordinates: "Who told you to do this?"

Captain James wanted to argue but did not dare to speak.

Bronsky: "I wanted to find all the leaders through him, but you shot him to death!"

Captain James: "I, I, I..."

Bronsky: "Wait, there is another leader."

Colonel: "Okay, what's your name?"

Bronsky: "Vtorowski."

Captain James: "Is that very young Jan Vtorowski?"

Bronsky: "Yes, it is him."

Captain James: "Shooted."

Bronsky: "He was also shot. Why not interrogate him before the shooting?"

Colonel: "Why don't you interrogate well before shooting?"

Captain James timidly said, "Colonel, this is your order."

The colonel turned purple: "James, get out!"

Captain James: "Yes." Go down.

Colonel: "Someone will make trouble at important moments."

Bronsky: "At the moment when Hitler is about to come."

Colonel: "Yes, no—"

Bronsky: "I have to leave."

Colonel: "Professor, if you meet the head of state, please don't mention these little things to him."

Bronsky: "I won't slander you. Now I'm really gone, and there is a lady waiting for me."

Colonel: "Is it Mrs. Bronsky?"

Bronsky: "How did you know?"

The colonel slyly said: "The Gestapo knows everything."

Bronsky: "Then you must know her husband Luo."

Colonel: "Of course. I saw him perform in Warsaw before the war."

Bronsky: "Really?"

Colonel: "Really. Let me tell you, he played Hamlet just after the Germans captured Warsaw."

Bronsky almost laughed out loud.

He came to the street, dancing and laughing.

Bronsky was extremely happy: "Awesome, my dear, I succeeded, I was a great success. I did and did the most successful performance of my life, but there was no audience!"

A few days later, Bronsky staged a song and dance show at the end of the play.

Backstage, Anna's dressing room. The Jewish makeup artist Sasha rushed in in a frantic manner.

Anna: "Sasha, why are you in such a hurry?"

Sasha panted, "Hide me quickly, they are going to send me to a concentration camp."

Anna helped Sasha wear a female wig and a female dancing skirt. In an instant, he became a showgirl.

Anna sent Sasha to the door. Sasha saw the same everywhere, and ran towards the stage along a path.

He just left. Gestapo Bauersky led a group of German soldiers into the backstage. Anna wanted to stop them.

Anna: "There is no one inside."

Paulsky: "Get out of the way!" ordered the German soldiers, "Go inside!"

Anna angrily: "You have invaded Poland, you have invaded Warsaw. Now you are taking over my dressing room again!"

In the concierge on the side of the stage, Sasha, evading the pursuit, meets Bronsky. Bronsky was surprised: "What are you doing?"

Sasha: "The German soldiers are catching me."

Finished drilling to the stage. Bronsky followed closely.

On the stage, six half-naked dancers were performing light songs and dances. The central door opened and a tall "dance girl" came out to dance with the male dancer Bronski. At this time, Bronskito Lifting "her" waist, "her" head tilted back. Suddenly, the golden curly hair fell off.

The Gestapo and the German soldiers ambushing on both sides of the stage swarmed up and grabbed Sasha tightly.

Bronsky: "We are performing!"

Balsky: "This man has been arrested."

There was noise from the audience. Anna came to the stage to hold Sasha.

Anna: "You made a mistake, he is an actor."

Balsky: "Don't go near him."

Anna: "He is my friend."

Balsky: "Take it away!"

The tearful Sasha was forcibly pulled away.

Bauersky roared: "Close the curtain! This theater is closed! Everyone is leaving immediately!"

At the end of the play, the German soldiers nailed a "closed" sign at the gate.

Sasha's house. Anna thought sadly alone. A few very loud knocks on the door. Anna reluctantly stood up to open the door. Outside the door were Captain Schultz and a German soldier.

Captain Schultz: "Are you Anna Bronsky? Please come with me."

Anna: "Captain, why?"

Schultz said coldly: "My duty is to take you to Colonel Al Hout."

On a street in the suburbs of Warsaw, there is a large wooden box horizontally. The German patrol car drove forward and had to stop. Several German soldiers got out of the car.

The headed German sergeant: "Fuck, open the box. See what's inside?"

The German soldier opened it and saw that there was a corpse-the dead True Ceylonsky.

Sasha's house. Bronsky came back from outside in the dust. Sobinski put the pistol in his pocket and was about to go out.

Bronsky: "What are you going to do?"

Sobinski: "They arrested Anna."

Bronsky: "What?! My goodness!"

Sobinski: "I want to rescue her."

He opened the door and was about to leave.

Bronsky: "Where are you going? You are crazy with a pistol! They will kill you. Besides, she is my wife. Let me save her. This is my role."

Sobinski: "How do you save her?"

Bronsky: "I don't know, let me think about it, oh, Ceylonski! I can play Ceylonski again."

Sobinski agreed: "Okay."

Bronsky: "Where is my beard?"

He rummaged through the drawer and found a pinch of goatee.

Colonel Al Haut's office. Anna was brought in.

Colonel: "Ah, Mrs. Bronsky. You are welcome. I asked you to come for one thing..."

Anna angrily: "Why arrest me?"

Colonel: "Arrest? No, no, no, I asked you to come here to tell you that, according to Shangfeng's order, your theater must perform in order to welcome Hitler's arrival. He is about to visit Warsaw."

Anna sarcastically: "What an honor! We really dare not be it, and we can't act anymore."

Colonel: "Can't act?"

Anna: "The Bronsky Theater has been closed down."

Colonel: "Who seized it?"

Anna: "Gestapo."

The colonel told Captain Schultz: "Which idiot gave you the order to seize the Bronsky Theater?"

Captain Schultz: "Captain, it's you!"

The colonel did not blush: "Unblock it now!"

Get off Captain Schultz.

The colonel smiled: "Mrs. Bronsky, I have the honor to watch your performance. You are so beautiful on stage. After the performance, can I have dinner with you?"

Anna coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't want to go to the banquet."

The colonel begged himself to be boring: "Oh!"

Anna: "The Gestapo took away my makeup artist. Since you want me to perform, can you release him?"

Colonel: "What's his name?"

Anna: "Sasha Kinsky."

Colonel: "Sasha Kinsky? Yes, he is locked in the basement and will leave tomorrow morning."

Anna: "What do you mean by this?"

Colonel: "You have to find another makeup artist."

Anna: "What?!"

At this moment, the phone rang.

The colonel answered the phone: "...what, he is dead! I saw the body and found his ID card. It's terrible." Hung up the phone and said to Anna, "Madam, your friend is also my friend, Tin Professor Lansky was killed. His body was found in a wooden box. I allow you not to have dinner with me."

Captain James came in.

Captain James: "Colonel, Siransky call."

The colonel instinctively: "Okay. What? You say Silansky, isn't he dead?"

Captain James: "Not dead."

The colonel picked up the telephone receiver on his desk: "Hello, Professor Siylansky, I'm so happy to hear you."

Anna whispered: "Is he still alive?"

The colonel covered the telephone receiver: "No, he is dead, this is a counterfeit," to the telephone receiver, "See you in 20 minutes, I'll wait for you."

Anna anxiously: "I have something to do, I have to go back quickly."

Colonel: "I'm sorry. After the show is over, we will have dinner again, eh?"

Anna responded: "Okay."

She left quickly.

The colonel called the people under his hands together.

Colonel: "For Ceylansky's visit, we should prepare for him and let him have a little surprise."

Sasha's house. Bronsky has put on makeup.

Bronsky: "How is it?"

Sobinski: "Yes." Touching the fake beard that Bronsky stuck on, "Don't let it fall."

Bronsky: "Yes, bring another fake beard just in case. Sobinsky, if I have a problem, I won't blame you for falling in love..."

Sobinski was moved: "Good luck."

Colonel Al Haut's office. He ordered his subordinates to lie in wait.

"Professor Ceylansky" dressed as Bronsky comes in.

The colonel acted like, "Professor, how is it?"

Bronsky didn't notice anything unusual: "Very good."

Colonel: "What a pity, you missed the meeting with Mrs. Bronsky."

Bronsky: "She's gone?"

Colonel: "Yes, she will give a show for your friend Hitler tonight."

Bronsky was pleasantly surprised: "Oh, then I have to go, too." Some Gestapo had stopped him.

Colonel: "Wait a minute, would you like to sit in my office for a while? I have something to trouble you."

He pronounced the word "trouble" very hard. He opened a door next to him, letting Bronsky in alone.

Bronsky didn't know there was a fraud, so he walked to an easy chair and sat down.

Bronsky said to himself: "No, no trouble, no trouble. Ah! Trouble!"

He looked around.

See Ceylonsky's body leaning on another easy chair.

Suddenly, Bronsky was at a loss. He had an idea.

Bronsky: "Oh, I'll be back soon."

Talking and walking into the bathroom, picking up the shaver and soap...

Outside the door, Captain Schultz was eavesdropping.

Captain Schultz: "Why, there is no sound."

The colonel triumphed: "Captain, it is wise to give him more time to consider."

Captain Schultz: "But he is not a wise man."

Colonel: "But he can't remove the body."

At this time, footsteps came from the room. The door opened and Bronsky leaned out.

Bronsky: "Colonel, I want to talk frankly with you. He seems a bit dead."

The colonel pretended: "Really? Let's go and see."

The murderous Gestapo swarmed in.

There is a thorn in the colonel's words: "You observed very carefully. He is dead. But don't you think he looks a bit like you?"

Bronsky: "He puts makeup just like me."

Colonel: "It may be the opposite."

Bronsky: "There must be a counterfeit between the two of us."

Colonel: "Obviously."

Bronsky: "But I'm a little different from him."

Captain Schultz: "How long have you known each other?"

Bronsky: "I have never seen this person."

Captain Schultz: "A lie. I must have known each other a few months ago. It takes time to grow a beard."

The colonel approvingly: "Schultz, your words make sense."

Bronsky: "Yes, with one exception, he wears a fake beard."

The colonel laughed: "Haha, it's so funny, why don't you confirm it and pull off his beard?"

Bronsky deliberately pushed back: "What, let me pull it, no, I can't do that."

Colonel: "You can kill people and make people bleed, but you don't want to pull off such a beard..."

He stretched out his hand and pinched the beard led by Ceylansky, and with a slight pull, the goatee was pulled off.

The colonel was shocked: "Oh!"

All his men were dumbfounded.

There was a triumphant smile on Bronsky's face.

Bronsky: "Good job, I must tell the head of state about this tonight. Haha..."

The colonel turned his face crooked with anger: "Schultz, who told you to do this?"

Captain Schultz: "It's your order!"

The colonel was speechless.

Captain Schultz: "But..."

The colonel was furious: "Get out of here, go out!"

Instead, he forced a smile and said to Bronsky: "Professor, I apologize to you, what can I do for you now?"

Bronsky: "I do have some trouble."

Colonel: "Anything is fine."

Bronsky: "Since Mrs. Bronsky is going to perform tonight, you better be able to release his makeup artist."

The colonel embarrassed: "But I will send him to other places early tomorrow morning."

Bronsky said sternly: "Remember, I am going to see Hitler tonight, who knows what he will say?"

Colonel: "I see, I see." Picking up the phone, "Schultz, let Sasha go."

Captain Schultz (on the phone): "Which Sasha?"

Colonel: "From the Bronsky Theater. Bring him here."

Putting down the phone, he approached Bronsky.

Colonel: "Professor, because there is still time, so I...I just want to satisfy my curiosity..."

Bronsky: "Colonel, you can pull my beard if you want."

He deliberately put his hand on his beard.

Colonel: "Professor, please don't, don't joke."

A group of SS came outside the office, headed by the uniform of an admiral. He was originally played by Yagus, and the rest were from the Bronsky Theater.

Yagus: "Where is Colonel Al Hout?"

Captain James: "He's inside."

Yagus led the crowd in.

Yagus drew his pistol: "Raise your hand!"

Colonel: "What's the matter?"

Yagus: "I am General Fahuz, responsible for the security of the head of state. When I arrived here this morning, I found someone opposed to us. Where has this person gone?"

Colonel: "What did you say? Who is that person?"

Yagus pointed to Bronsky: "This is the man, he is a counterfeit!"

The colonel was dumb.

Yagus: "You are all blind! Anyone can see that he is wearing a fake beard, you can't even see it!"

The colonel dumbfounded: "I, I, I."

At this moment, Sasha was taken into the office by Captain Schultz.

Yagus: "Who is he?"

Colonel: "He is a prisoner, I am going to let him go."

Yagus: "Huh! I want to investigate this myself." Pointing to the colonel's nose, "You wait here, be careful of your head!"

Colonel: "Yes, General."

"Admiral" took Bronsky and Sasha away.

Colonel Al Hout shouted desperately: "Ah!"

Bronsky Theater, Sobinski is setting up tasks.

Sobinski: "Everyone remember that Hitler's box is there, and there must be his guards around him. They fired first and then questioned. Our clothing room is here. It is full of Nazi uniforms. Who will guard it? ?"

Lukowski: "I'm coming."

Bronsky: "You want to play Sherlock (the protagonist of "The Merchant of Venice") all your life, and you will do well this time."

Lukowski: "Don't worry."

Bronsky: "You can come to England tomorrow night."

Everyone happily: "Yes, yes."

Lukowski: "What about them?"

Bronsky: "Who are they?"

Lukowski lifted a curtain in the corner of the room. Hey, there is a small secret room in the back, where many Jews are hidden.

Lukowski: "Here. Here ^"

Bronsky: "What happened? I only hid three people. Now there are so many? How can I take them all away?"

Lukowski: "How can we keep them all?"

Bronsky thought for a while: "Well, let's go together."

Assistant: "Mr. Bronsky. It's only half an hour. Put on makeup!"

The actors were busy putting on makeup-some dressed up as soldiers, some dressed up as officers. Bronsky put a moustache on his lips, and in a blink of an eye he became Hitler.

Sasha wore a long skirt and a wig: "I'll be a girl again this time."

The refugee Jews painted their faces and, like the other actors on stage, all dressed up as clowns.

The whole backstage was heated up, and everyone was preparing for a great escape.

Outside the theater, the Germans were heavily guarded. A long train line came, and the Germans raised their hands in salute. The convoy stopped and Hitler got out of the middle car. He swaggered into the theater.

The auditorium was full of senior German generals. Hitler stepped into the box, the generals stood up and raised their hands together: "Long live Hitler!"

On the stage, the curtain was raised, and a few clowns gag...

Suddenly, Hitler appeared in the aisle of the box—he was played by Bronsky, surrounded by a group of entourage including General Franz.

General Franz: "Stand up!"

All guards: "Long live Hitler!"

"Hitler" walked towards the door, unexpectedly several "German soldiers" escorted Lukowski to meet him.

"Admiral Franz" (played by Yagus): "Jew, do you want to assassinate Yuanmu?" To the subordinates, "Take him to my headquarters, and I will interrogate him personally."

His men escorted Lukowski to go with him.

Captain of the guard: "I will report to my boss immediately."

Yagusi stopped him: "You stay here and search the theater to prevent this kind of incident from happening again." To "Hitler", "Führer, please go to the airport."

All guards: "Long live Hitler!"

Yagus: "Long live Hitler!"

Bronsky: "Long live, myself!"

The stage was very lively, and the audience laughed endlessly.

At this time, a float came out from the right side of the stage, stopped in the middle of the stage, the door opened, and several people dressed as clowns came out from inside, both old and young, and they stumbled down the stage. Those Germans laughed loudly. These old and young "clowns" were not actors, but Jews who were about to escape.

Suddenly, as soon as an old Jewish lady stepped down, she shuddered.

The old lady tremblingly: "Afraid, I am afraid when I see them."

In the auditorium, a SS officer became suspicious.

The SS officer pointed at the old lady:

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To Be or Not to Be quotes

  • Frederick Bronski: [disguised as Prof. Siletski] Remember, Erhardt, I'm going to see the Fuhrer tonight. Who knows *what* we'll talk about!

  • [Anne has revealed another group of refugees to Frederick]

    Frederick Bronski: More! What are they, Jews or rabbits?