The giant wheel of the times will also flatten the beautiful flowers as it advances

Uriah 2022-11-30 11:13:58

Warmth is the biggest feeling this drama gives the audience.

In a closed town, there is still such a strong sense of simplicity and sympathy between the strong class differences and the red tape of the feudal hierarchy.

Like the enchanting wildflowers next to a rough country dirt road.

But country roads are destined to be replaced by railroad ties, and capitalist mass-production is to replace the estates of the small-scale peasant economy. Small favors and small favors with strong class consciousness cannot hinder people's pursuit of equality.

Therefore, the old ladies who stick to the old rules, the stewards who try their best to maintain the feudal manor, the small landowners with the small peasant economy, and those who are sick, old and young and cannot adapt to social development have all withdrawn one by one.

Doctors and carpenters with skills will get the happiness they pursue.

A little boy who has acquired knowledge will go further than his parents.

And the old lady who bravely faces the future, puts down her pretense and goes into business with her feet on the ground can survive and achieve happiness in the changes of the times.

The most important thing is that human rights are respected, which is the greatest triumph of capitalism.

Therefore, we feel sad for the changes in the town, but also feel more joyful.

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