"Moscow 2017"

Eryn 2022-12-06 07:01:11

The straightforward and unremarkable plot in the first half of the film made me mistakenly think it was a commercial war film! Almost gave up! But just like the classic literature always has one or two incomprehensible passages, the second half of the film has a sudden change in the plot. It takes a sacrifice as the starting point, and uses a fantasy perspective to denounce human desires. At the end of the film, the Russian president called on 146 countries to boycott the advertisements for the peace of mankind! This is what the director wants to tell the audience: Only by restraining one's own desires can the human race go further!

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  • Bob: [getting drunk] It's not a real burger, Misha, if I can't have extra ketchup. It's just a fucking... it's a fucking façade. This whole country is just like one Hollywood back lot, fucking, façade. And it's a really shitty made one, at that.

  • Title Card: [Joan of Arc, Alexander the Great, Socrates, and various other historical names appear] All of these unusual people heard a voice. All of them saw things other couldn't see. All of them changed the world.