If you really have a belief that you want to follow through to the end, you should hold on to it regardless of face! !

Ernie 2022-07-19 23:55:10

Chuangzhenjun's inspiration for cooking does not depend on innate talent, but on pure thinking and unremitting exploration and experimentation. Although this is something everyone can do, it is actually not the case. .

Chuangzhen lacks what ordinary people should have. Everyone may tend to think that it is impossible to lose to talented people. People will always use such excuses to cover their hearts, because everyone I want to protect my dignity or self-esteem, but I don’t have such a cover in my heart. The power to face my shortcomings calmly is something I don’t have. It’s incomparable. Powerful advantages.

Chuangzhenjun's inspiration for cooking does not depend on innate talent, but on pure thinking and unremitting exploration and experimentation. Although this is something everyone can do, it is actually not the case. .

That's right, Chuangzhen, you are going to meet. Only through encounters can chefs keep moving forward. If you are always facing the plate by yourself, you will only reflect an unchanging self.

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