Leave alone

Paxton 2022-01-22 08:03:15

If I saw this film when I was 20 years old, I would not cry like I am now. Every age has its own weakness. At this time of mine, love is like a child's house, and personal freedom is like a dream of nothingness. Only for growth and death, because of the possibility of being close to me, it becomes exceptional sensitive.
Ever since, I cried when I saw the collapse of the family, I also cried when I saw the child’s pain, and when I saw a man who was about to die quietly, he called my sister an ugly ugly one, and then viciously got rid of his beloved lover, let I have nothing to do with this world, and even more tears.
That kind of story, a person knows that he has only three months to live, and he decides to die without telling anyone (except his grandmother), and this movie actually shows how such a person can give up and die but die. If you die, you will die. In a sense, it doesn't make much sense.
It didn't create any atmosphere and style. As far as Ou Rong's characteristics are concerned, he is already quite closed, not verbose, not nonsense, and music can also add to the mainstream.
After accepting to be a "seed tool" for an infertile couple, the movie seems to be more positive. He even called him after a pregnant woman had a fetal movement.
A person is only 31 years old, but he has come to the end of his life. Can a new life give him, or in other words, a comfort to the audience? Just like on the poster, he hugs the baby under the delicate light. hope? No, the light is a dark tone, not for sensationalism or inspiration.
So, next, he walked into the beach and his phone rang-the last contact with the world, but he was finally thrown into the trash can. It was dark and people were gone. He lay there by himself, closing his eyes, already like a corpse, crying.
Everyone's death is lonely, because everyone is lonely. He loves them, relatives, lovers, and strangers, but his death is still his own.
This kind of death is even very selfish. But as grandma said, understandably selfish. In fact, the protagonist just treated his death rationally, he didn't want to be weak, be cared for by others, and pityed by others. The director is full of emotions for him, let him meticulously recall his childhood in all familiar places: beautiful him, elegant sister, two gay people without guessing, the colors are so beautiful, whether it is the real world or the memories, it is so beautiful, such a beautiful world, Since then, it has nothing to do with the protagonist.
That's how people died.
Only the ending without any gimmicks is more "Ou Rong", and the rest is mostly incompatible with the Ou Rong in my impression. Ou Rong should be vicious, covered with thorns, screaming, like twisting and weird feelings. , But he went to shoot the story of love and understanding between life and death. The selection of materials is very special (for Ou Rong).
If you find his shadow again, maybe if the male protagonist is very handsome, he will be arranged to be gay, and he must hold a hurtful attitude towards his lover.
The part of reconciliation with a lover is a bit like the "Brother Reluctant" that I once watched. The "brother" who learned that he was terminally ill soon passed away, went to the lover in the past, the lover who didn't know the truth, but he didn't want to be hurt again and questioned His looking back.
Then the man walked away alone, and the audience thought, the former lover may never know in the future, this gentle looking back man, just to say goodbye, reluctant to give up the last side.
Death is to make a person leave alone with all kinds of regrets.

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Extended Reading
  • Viviane 2022-04-23 07:04:16

    If it were me, I would also yearn for this way of dying alone, and I don’t want the person I love to see my ugliest and vulnerable appearance as the dignity I give myself~

  • Dorris 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Sad but romantic, to reminisce, to think, about childhood, about love, about death, a little bit of farewell, and quietly leave.

Time to Leave quotes

  • Laura: So, who have you told?

    Romain: No one. Just you.

    Laura: Friends? Colleagues?

    Romain: Nobody at all. I told them I needed a vacation.

    Laura: What about your sister?

    Romain: You're crazy. No way.

  • [Romain has told no one else of his terminal condition]

    Laura: So why did you tell me?

    Romain: Because you're like me. You'll be dying soon.