How difficult the Chinese people

Delia 2022-01-21 08:02:36

Many years later, when I remembered that I had watched the movie "Mr. Butterfly", the scene I thought of would be the old man catching dragonfly larvae, with a bright and friendly smile on his face, facing the confused Frenchman Gorenni Say: I caught the bird feeder and I will give you one. As for the bizarre story, I will probably remember it, but it won’t be a fuss.

At that time, I don't know if Sayyid had written the "Orientalism" that made his name go down in history. The inspiration for the "United Front" of Song Liling, the butterfly lord, was mostly derived from this book, a man from the west and a woman from the east. The West's understanding of the East is so arrogant. And the East is so humble and bowed in front of the West, even today, we believe in the West more than we believe in ourselves. Even if the patriots say more about patriotism, they still yearn for foreigners in their hearts and marry a foreigner with their daughter. (Except for Africa) proud of her sons and daughters being able to settle abroad. In the eyes of Frenchman Gao Renni, Song Liling is an unusual oriental. She speaks English and can communicate with herself-not only at the language level, but even right The views on many issues are more clever than she is-obviously, Song Liling is of great help in his career. From Song, he came to know a "New China" different from the past. His falling in love, and even making mistakes again and again, is not a strange phenomenon by accident.

Cronenberg worked hard to restore Beijing at that time. What is more precious is that he even captured the mental state of the Chinese people at that time-66 years ago, the Chinese were so happy, a new country, and its citizens, full of upward The passion and love for life, this is the reason why I love the lens mentioned earlier. But the troubled Chinese people did not enjoy the good days for a few days, so "Cannonball Command" was released. . . . . .

Song Liling is against this background, one of many people in China who need to atone for their crimes. For this reason, he did not hesitate to sacrifice a special "hue". One of the details is that he read a Western magazine at home and was reported by a servant-this servant is an abominable Cantonese. The old lady was very interested in peeping at the two's sex and expressed shock and perplexity.

We can supplement Song Liling’s story based on our own understanding of history: Before liberation, he was a noble-born son Pian Pian, who was good at Peking Opera and Neng Pian Opera, and then went abroad to study, visit all over the world, and he was in a foreign university. Eye-opened (Bacheng and Said are classmates, or have studied Orientalism), and then he returned to China and liberated, his family was knocked over and stepped on the ground, his family property was confiscated, and his family wanted to accept society Most of his parents have been tortured to death, but he can’t pick up his shoulders, he can’t carry his hands, and he has nowhere to use his knowledge. Thanks to the drama when he was young, he was able to eat in the theater and have to accept the working people. Supervision and transformation. Forced to accept this difficult task. . . . . .

Among the false and the real, it is difficult to distinguish between love and espionage. Just as the eavesdropper in "Eavesdropping Storm" was changed by his own work, no matter the reason, Song is doing this spy work at the same time he also Changes have taken place, at least, the party spirit has become impure.

Is love between two people? Is there any love? If it had been a few years ago, I would have been moved and conquered by this shocking world, standing on the side of Gao Renni, to admire the romance and true love of the French, and to sing the greatness of love. But not anymore. Song Liling's coldness and ruthlessness needless to say, even Gao Renni's actions are suspicious. His suicide is more shameful than a burial for love.

However, there is one thing he was right. He had been in perfect love. The same sex always knows the same sex best. From this point of view, he does get perfect love-including sex. A woman's orgasm is a very complicated thing, and many "scientists" say that it is easier for women to do their own work. Looking at the last words that Gao Renni left to the world, it seems that the same is true for men.

The true story is always not so romantic. Mr. Butterfly died in prison a few years ago, and the still-living Gao Renni does not cherish the "perfect love" he has obtained.

As far as the movie itself is concerned, Cronenberg is attentive and thoughtful, telling the story slowly, changing scenes in a deep and serious manner. It's a good movie. What France and China have in common is probably their blind enthusiasm for revolution. These are two peoples that are easily impulsive and easily agitated. Now they are heading in their own directions.

A good movie can have a different chemical reaction with the audience, leaving each shot in the mind of a different audience for eternity.

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Extended Reading

M. Butterfly quotes

  • Song Liling: Comrade! Why in Beijing opera are woman's roles traditionally played by men?

    Comrade Chin: I don't know. Most probably a remnant of the reactionary and patriarchal social structure.

    Song Liling: No. It's because only a man knows how a woman is supposed to act.

  • Song Liling: The days I spent with you were the only days I ever truly existed.