Does anyone understand this movie? ?

Adella 2022-01-23 08:05:07

Have you watched this movie well? The director finally scolded the United States, China, and the Soviet Union. The last battle. After the first round of bombing by the U.S. aircraft, the Korean army rushed forward. The second bombing occurred without requesting artillery support. It was all bombed by the U.S. military. The director expressed in this way that South Korea and North Korea are cannon fodder under the political interests of others. In the final dialogue, the North Korean military officer said that he had known for a long time and forgotten that this is the war that was originally initiated for national unity. The purpose of the time was very clear, but after a long time this purpose changed and evolved into a war between great powers competing for interests. So he didn't know why this war found that it was no longer their war, so he said that he forgot what the director said. What it means

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